Will get to my sheet tomorrow after work!
@Vertigo As for you, that’s a perfect spread for someone like me lmao.
Now that we have all the slots filled, we can move onto an OOC topic. I don't see any in the tabletop roleplay topic. Does Forum Roleplay typically use a OOC page, or should we keep it here?
@Vertigo Looks like you are the tiebreaker vote. What do you prefer? Discord or forum?
<Snipped quote by Vertigo>
Juuust a warning about the demon spawn. Cheliax is a city that primarily has an allegiance with Hell, and heavily promotes it. There are lesser devils like imps all over the place. Demons and devils are not really on good terms.
You're probably not going to get murdered, as law is an absolute. But the interactions would be interesting. Bright side is... Cat sized house drakes are common too, and have turf wars with the imps
Gonna bring back the Kenku Tengu rogue?