Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Raldel unfroze as he began to go back to his cooking, speaking calmly while Onyx went back to helping. "I suppose we have to wait for more news from either the scouting party that left today, or from our sister tribe in the east then. I'll wait until we have more proof before I talk to them about it." He finished what he was doing with the cooking and started helping onyx with the dough she was working with. "So, let's set this topic aside for now. Is there anything else you'd like to speak about?"
There was a large serving window on the wall shared between the kitchen and cafeteria, so it was easy to look in and see all the cooking supplies and appliances in the kitchen, all shining like new. Lexi smiled when she saw it all, getting excited about whatever she would make as she answered Drake's question. "Not really, unless you don't mind taking a poll of what everyone would like me to make? I'm sure I'll be able to find everything ok, and with all these appliances I could even make a really complex meal in not too much time!" Lexi smiled again and put Mr. Rabbit on a table by the door to the kitchen before going in.
How many days should I wait before I start getting worried? Where is everyone?
Lexi was a little surprised to see Drake walking down the hallway towards their group while he seemed to be completely engrossed in whatever he was doing with the notebook he was holding. He kept walking closer until he very nearly ran into the group, after which he apologized and handed Lexi a beautiful picture that looked exactly like her, holding Mr. Rabbit and sitting in a room filled with many more stuffed animals.

"Wow! This is really pretty!" Lexi couldn't stop herself from smiling as she looked from the painting to Drake. "So, we're already friends? I'm glad! Thank you." She did a little spin on her toes and held Mr. Rabbit at arm's length as she did, giggling and singing, "I have a new friend~!"

When she came to a stop she faced Drake and tried to look determined but still happy. "I want to make something for you too~! Although I'm no good at art... I could cook something though!" She looked around at the group, smiling. "I could make us all something really yummy for dinner~!"
@Mokley hey, I added the extra info to my cs, please disregard the extra post in the characters section, I made a mistake.
Opps... disregard this please
Annalee Diaz

Annalee smiled as the boy, Leo, introduced himself and his doll. "It's very nice to meet you Leo, and you as well Masami. It's no trouble to me to have you stay here tonight, in fact I find it's a responsibility of mine to help all those who need it, so it's more of a pleasure to have you here than a hassle." Annalee glanced around the room as she said this, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to see Megumi.

"Someone else here probably thinks that I'm going to get myself into a lot of trouble because of that feeling of responsibility, one day. But i'll just leave that topic with this: 'You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar'." Annalee smiled again at the two as she continued. "Speaking of honey, are either of you hungry? I'm not a fantastic cook, but I'm sure I could make something edible, like soup or oatmeal. I could get some cream for your cat too if you wish."

MiRRor (Ashling)

Ashling took the small mirror from Ryan, finding the reflection of his own eye quickly and creating a copy of himself, which materialized from the mirror in a small ball of light. The copy looked at Ryan and began to mimic him, creating the illusion of Ryan's appearance over the surface of the copy's body.

The copy stood while the real MiRRor spoke. "I will stay here with you unless it is necessary for me to go help my copy. Can I trust you to stay out of trouble if that happens?"

After MiRRor finished talking, the copy spoke too, in Ryan's voice. "I'm going to confront them now. They will think I am you, and I will be able to lull them into a false sense of security because they will think they know my strengths."

Next they spoke at the same time. "Do you have any changes you would like to make to this plan?"
Onyx kept quiet as she waited for her father's response, focusing on the cooking for now. Raldel didn't look up from what he was doing while he spoke, but his tone held all the worry he didn't show. "So you've both been worrying about that too. I'm not exactly sure what I will say yet, but I'm sure of one thing." Now he did look up, catching Onyx's gaze. "You should probably leave before then. You and Opal and maybe even Topaz, I don't want you here just in case I don't say the right thing."

Now there was no way Onyx could focus on cooking at all. She carefully put the bowl down and just stood, looking at her father and thinking what she should say. After a minute or an hour, Onyx couldn't tell how long, her body moved without her consent and she hugged him. "That's not a good idea. You need to show that you yourself are confident in your decision and if you push your children away, for any reason, they will see you as weak. The only thing you have to worry about is that you may be waiting to long to tell them." Onyx had no control over the words she spoke, but after she said them she knew why.

The white mark on her palm felt warm as she lifted it to show her father. Now speaking in her own words, she told her father everything that she had experienced during her ritual the night before, while he seemed frozen by surprise for most of the story. "So, that's another reason that I don't think that's a good idea. You're going to need me here, to interact with the people and help guide the tribe." She concluded her story a little breathlessly. Just the memory of the ritual brought her joy and wonder.
"I appreciate your support, but I hope that nothing like that will happen." Onyx spoke before she walked into her father's den. When she did not see him in his planning room, she called through the den. "Raldel? Father, it's Onyx and Tarentek. Where are you?" Onyx listened for a few moments and was about to call again when she heard her father's voice from his kitchen.

"Onyx? Come back here, both of you, I'm a little busy right now." Onyx made sure Tarentek was following her and went to the kitchen. Her father was there, cooking. He smiled as they entered the room. "Good evening. I thought you were going to be here a little sooner than this, although I suppose you've been busy as well. How are you both?"

Onyx smiled back at him and walked over to stand next to him. "I am well. Would you like me to help with anything?" Raldel started to say no, but then seemed to think better of it and passed a large bowl to Onyx, which she started adding ingredients to and stirring. "Well, I have something interesting to talk about, but if Tarentek has anything he'd like to talk about first I think I'd best save my topic for last." Onyx said to her father while she worked with the dough in the bowl she had.
"That may be possible, very hard to do, but possible. I Think we'd have to wait until we hear from our sister tribe to the east to know for sure. That might be something to talk with him about." Onyx looked around for a moment, and seeing how close they were to her father's den decided to try and end the topic. "Or not. He might not appreciate if anyone brings up the worse possibility."
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