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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Onyx took off the second she heard Tarentek say he was ready. He was a little heavier than he had been the first time she had carried him, and she took that as a sign of his health. She wouldn't tell him that though, it would probably just scare him more. He was not any harder to carry because of it, although his tenseness and nervousness might prove to be a problem. He was scared stiff, as he'd said he probably would be, and that was making Onyx nervous.

"Hey, loosen up. I'm supposed to be helping you get over this, but I cant do that if you're made of stone. Focus on the horizon, see how far we are from the mountains already?" Onyx turned in midair so that Tarentek would be able to see the hazy blobs in the distance that were the mountains her Tribe lived in. Going back to her course, Onyx sped up as she flew. "It's easier to fly the faster I go sometimes, I promise I'm not trying to scare you even more than you already are. Calm. Down." Onyx kept up her little babble of 'calm down's and 'relax's all the way to the sea, too busy trying to keep Tarentek calm to even think about her own fear that she was about to face.
He seemed nervous already, although she had just been a bit blunt with him. "Well, yes. At first when our wings aren't strong enough to carry ourselves we do get scared at the thought of falling off of a bridge or a mountain, but our parents are always with us and watching us so that if that happens they are there to protect us. After a while our parents will purposely let us fall, or push us even, still ready to save us if need be, but that's how we learn to fly." Onyx paused for a moment and tried to reign in her thoughts back to the point of what she was saying.

"My mother told me to relax, and when I did I didn't fall, I soared. If I get too tense while flying sometimes I'll begin to fall, because flight is smooth most of the time, and it's instinct for me now." Onyx smiled and hooked her arms under Tarentek's, getting ready to pick him up. "So here's my advice: Just relax. Think about things that keep you calm, and focus on happy things. I like the way the wind feels on my face as I fly, It's calming to me. Perhaps you'll be able to find an aspect of flight that you enjoy and can use to keep yourself calm and relaxed."
Onyx finished with her task just as quickly as she had thought she would. Returning to her den, she found Tarentek in his room. "Um, I'm not too sure about your people, but taking a nap isn't exactly preparing to leave in my opinion." She spoke jokingly, waiting for him at the door. "Are you ready to go? You don't need a moment to gather your thoughts before we fly? Or is that what you were doing?" Still joking, she didn't really wait for him to respond, she just kept talking as she led him outside.

Once they were outside she asked again, serious this time. "Are you ready? I was serious earlier about what I said about me dropping you if you move too much. If you panic then I might not be able to keep us both in the sky, and I won't apologize either."
"Flotation device? Never-mind, I won't bring one if you say I don't need to." Onyx gulped down the rest of her breakfast and started cleaning up after herself. "Alright, I'm leaving now. I won't be gone long." When she was done speaking, she grabbed her med-pack and went out the door, taking off immediately.
Onyx laughed as she served the meal. "Well, I could tie a rope between the two of us if it makes you feel better, although it wouldn't do anything to make it any safer for you. It would probably just help to drag me down with you if you fell, although I can assure you I'll only drop you if you can't manage to stay still." Onyx sat and started eating. "I'm going to eat quickly and go get my duties out of the way before we leave. I'll be done in no time since I can fly if you're not with me. You just stay here and Prepare yourself to leave. If you have anything you might drop I'd recommend tying it to yourself if you absolutely have to bring it."
With nothing else to talk about really, Onyx and Tarentek said goodbye to Raldel for then and went back to Onyx's den, where Onyx made dinner and they went to bed with nothing else really interesting happening. The next morning, Onyx got up a little after dawn and started making breakfast so that it would be ready to eat when Tarentek got up. She decided not to wake him up today, to start getting him used to doing things for himself rather than her bossing him around like she had been doing.
Onyx looked at Tarentek, thankful for his calm statement helping her to find a thread to follow in her confusion. He's right, along with the potential of an uprising not too long from now, and the approach of the empire, Onyx also wouldn't be in the nest for a while after Tarentek gets better, because as soon as he is well enough they would be leaving for the Tel Nof mission. Anytime past that point, when she and Tarentek would have to leave, might as well be considered too late.

"I think sooner would be better too. Would the day after tomorrow bee soon enough, but not too soon?" Onyx asked her father. Raldel didn't seem surprised by her answer, and he responded quickly, saying that then would be the perfect time. These rituals rarely are announced much sooner than a day or two before anyway.
@Scarifar Do you want to post something with Megumi before I post again? I kinda feel like you're getting left out because you haven't posted something yet...
As Tarentek finished speaking, Onyx had finished everything she was doing with the food and handed it to her father so he could start cooking it. "Ok, my turn now!" Onyx spoke a little excitedly, and took a deep breath to calm herself before she said anything else. "I already explained what happened at my ritual last night, so you must already know what I'm about to ask father."

Raldel smiled without looking at Onyx, and nodded as he spoke. "Yes, I know. You have my permission to be included in the next coming of age ritual. You are the seventh one to find their path, so you also get to choose when the ritual will be." Onyx was confused, and it showed in her next question.

"I get to choose the day? I thought you were the one who chose the time of the rituals." Onyx shook her head as she thought, trying to remember what she had learned of the strange traditions tied to the coming of age rituals. "What time should I pick? There is no knowing anything beyond the next few days..."
Raldel smiled a little at Tarentek as he and Onyx finished with the dough. Onyx started to line a shallow metal bowl with it while Raldel spoke. "That is not too hard to understand. You don't have wings, you are not meant to be in the sky as we are, although I think there's an easier way." Raldel's eyes glinted with laughter and his voice took on a light joking tone. "Onyx could just knock you out for the entire trip, either with medicines or her fists. I think it would be best if you two continued to work together, so I believe that Onyx will be going with you on your mission to Tel Nof, so she could knock you out if needed."

Onyx looked up from what she was doing for a moment, smiled, and mouthed the words 'I told you' at Tarentek before returning to her task. Raldel spoke again, with less humor in his voice now, but still light with kindness and wisdom. "Don't torture yourself trying to overcome a fear, you'll never heal that way. I'm not referring to your physical wounds, I mean those in your heart and soul as that's what a fear is, a wound to the soul."
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