Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Annalee Diaz

Annalee smiled at Leo as she spoke. "Alright, I'll go get your room ready upstairs and I'll lay out the clothing too." She got a little distracted by the cat, so she almost didn't notice Masami following Leo to the bathroom. "Oh, wait! You can't use the same bathroom, that's improper. I'll draw your bath upstairs." Annalee motioned for Masami to follow her as she disappeared up the stairs.

MiRRor (Ashling)

"The copy will get the others to a point where they can't fight anymore, but not to where they're passed out or dead, and then you could go and confront the leader if you wanted, you'd be safe enough at that point and of course I'd be with you if you chose to." MiRRor explained to Ryan as the copy continued fighting the bullies. The one that had gotten his hand cut had stopped fighting and was being supported by one of the others, so now it was just one more and the leader still fighting.
"There's no reason for me to be afraid right now." Onyx said, more to herself than to Tarentek. While they had been talking, Onyx had calmed down enough that she didn't have to force her breathing to be normal anymore, and as she repeated the reasoning in her mind a few times she curiously placed her own free hand in the water, surprised at how easily she could still move it under the murky liquid. "How is it so easy to move through? I remember it always being harder to move in water."
Onyx looked at Tarentek, stunned by his words. "Anyone who would do that to a child would probably be exiled, that's horrible." Onyx watched as he played with the water, repeating what he had said in her mind a few times before responding. "So, you're saying I shouldn't be afraid of the water, because it was a person who almost killed me with it? Like the water can just be treated as any other weapon?"
"Ok..." Onyx sat down in the water next to Tarentek, still holding his hand and opening her wings so they wouldn't get wet yet. It was a lot harder for her not to look at the water now, and she had stopped looking at Tarentek when she sat down, so she started trying to keep her focus on the sky. "I remember why I was scared of heights before I could fly. My brothers, Topaz and Opal, told me that if I were to high up on my own that I'd be taken by invisible monsters in the wind. Now the wind is my domain, and the only monsters there could ever be there are those in our imagination." She laughed a little, the sound holding more nerves than humor.

"Yes, some Elissics swim simply because they can, but I doubt any of them ever had an experience like mine." Onyx spoke more haltingly now, trying to keep her breathing steady as she kept her gaze on the sky. "I'm really not doing very well at trying not to think about that, I can feel the water around me and I keep remembering how it felt to be trapped under it."
Onyx took a few deep breaths and tried to talk like Tarentek had suggested. "Freedom, and opportunity. Have you never thought how much easier your life would be if you could simply..." She drifted off and focused on her breathing for a little bit. "I'm sorry, I don't think that's going to work. Thinking about what I like about flying keeps bringing me back to how much I don't want to be here, or anywhere near water. The rocks in my stomach just keep getting heavier." Onyx had managed to open her eyes as she spoke, so she looked at Tarentek while she tried not to focus on the water.
"I still want to run away. How can you just stand there?" Onyx hadn't opened her eyes yet, she didn't want to see the water around her, she didn't want to think about it. "I feel like there are rocks in my stomach, weighing me down, while I'm trying to keep from thinking about those memories." Onyx was breathing harder now, and she kept her eyes shut tight.
Onyx forced herself to look at Tarentek and not at the water as she took his hand. "I don't believe that anything simply exists. The wind is the breath of the spirits, a gentle embrace. The ground is the bodies, for everything does eventually return to the ground, they support us when we cannot. I would say that water is like the vengeful thoughts we all have, free-flowing and everywhere, inescapable as it weighs us down in a way that takes the most freedom from us." Onyx sighed and closed her eyes, her voice now shaking a little. "You promise you won't make me go any farther than I can force myself to?
Onyx watched as Tarentek got ready and stepped into the water. She walked over to where he had put his belongings and took off her shawl, wrapping it around her med-pack and placing it carefully on the sand so that no sand would get into the pack. "I don't touch the water when I fish. I fly over it with a net and scoop up anything I can." Onyx paused and looked at Tarentek, trying to will herself closer to the water, and failing.

"The only water I touch it the water I drink, because that can't hurt me. I don't trust this realm of nature." Onyx managed to focus enough on her words that she walked all the way to the edge of the shore before noticing where she was and freezing in place, staring at the dark water.
After Onyx had put Tarentek down by the water, she flew back a ways and landed there, not making any move to go closer to the water. "I think you forget that I won't be able to fly for a while if my wings are wet, so you don't have to worry too much about the way back. That flight will be considerably shorter than the way here had been."

She looked around at the horizon for a little bit, judging the time of day by the sun's height in the sky. "I want to stay as far from the water as possible, maybe even just fly away now and leave you here to swim on your own, but I made a promise. Even if it's a reckless promise, I'll keep it as I try to keep all my promises." As she spoke, she forced herself to walk closer to Tarentek, her heartbeat getting more rapid with every step. "The sooner we start, the sooner it's over, right?"
I can't really do anything until @JSwiftTehPwnlordXD posts again...
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