Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

"They went to the moon?! But that's... How did they make a, machine, fly? Nothing can fly without wings, so they made themselves wings? Wouldn't they have had the same problem as you are now?" Onyx was now very curious, almost enough to make her forget to pay attention to how she was flying. She noticed herself slowing down greatly, so she did a dive to pick back up on speed, weaving through the last few standing ruins to the sea. They were close enough now that she could put Tarentek down if he asked, so now Onyx slowed down on purpose and decided to tell him.

"Hey, I can put you down now if you want, we're pretty much there already."
He was still really nervous, just his voice told Onyx that, but he was also alot more relaxed than he had been so far. "I've never tested just how far up I could go before, I've never thought to try. But what you say about the Earth being like a ball makes sense. I suppose that's why a mountain seems shorter from further away, because the ground curves away from you and covers the bottom." Onyx realized that Tarentek might be using the conversation to keep his mind from his fears, if only just a little, and tried to expand the topic.

"So, what else do you know because of these translations? Actually, before I ask that, what are Humans? Are they the ones who left behind the ruins and relics we find scattered around everywhere?"
Should we do some kind of timeskip? Until we're all going off to find our rooms or something?

Where is everybody!?
lol, her nickname is Nisa, her name is Nina
Yes! Finally, I feel like I've been waiting on this forever!

@Mokley I hate to have to point this out though, but you accidentally wrote Nisa instead of Nina throughout the section. It's not a big deal, but you might want to fix that.

I can't wait to get my first post up! This is gonna be fun~!
Hey, why's it sooo quiet? What's everyone up to?
@Mokley He's 8 years older than Nisa, but only looks about five or so older than her. He'd be 28 at the beginning of the story. As for his name, Nisa just calls him 'brother' in Chus-Cande, but his full name is Sanjo Sari.
Annalee Diaz

"Are you sure? Ok..." Annalee trailed off as she gave up on trying to feed them before bedtime. "Yes, you can bathe in the bathroom down here, and there are two available upstairs as well. I'll get a change of clothes for you if you need. You would probably fit my little brother's spare pajamas." She smiled at Leo as she said the last part, when another thought crossed her mind.

"Um, would you two prefer to share a room? I don't mind if you do, I just need to know where to set you up. If you don't want to share with each other, you could share with me or my brother, or there are two empty rooms upstairs right now, my older brother's and a guest room." Annalee spoke with concern and kindness, hoping to become more like a friend to them and less like a stranger.

MiRRor (Ashling)

"Alright then. I'm going now." The copy spoke before walking into the nearest pool of light to the bullies, while MiRRor watched intently for any signs of danger around his master and to see if he would need to jump into the soon-to-be fight and help his copy. The copy stopped walking when one of the bullies saw him and called Ryan's name. The copy walked over to them as they told him to, and they proceeded to harass and make fun of Ryan while the copy discreetly reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife, a very real copy of the one that MiRRor himself carried.

He waited for a lull in the bullies chatter, showing no emotion as he did, before he made a comment that would force one of the bullies to throw a punch at him. The copy deflected the hit neatly with the knife, slicing the back of the kid's hand from the knuckles down to the wrist, a thin but deep cut that had him backing off and nursing his wound while the others stared at the copy in shock and anger, two of them starting to gang up on him.

The copy said something else that had one of them hesitating while the other rushed the clone and swung a punch. The copy ducked out of the way, causing the bully to hit the one who had hesitated in the face and breaking his nose. The copy took the kid with the broken nose and pushed him into the one bully who hadn't done anything yet, but was obviously the leader.
Onyx sighed. "Don't be made of stone, and don't force yourself to move. Relax enough that you feel almost detached from your body, almost as if you were asleep. That would make it the easiest for me to carry you. Honestly, I find your reaction to this quite hilarious, it seems as if you can't even think straight." Onyx slowed down as she saw the sea ahead of them. "I'd say you're doing well, we're almost there now. I think calming down is the key, you may not have noticed but I have. A few minutes ago you couldn't form sentences, then you calmed down enough to talk to me."
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