Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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"Well, I don't think there is any way to have a backup plan, but you can be sure that I won't drop you. I remember you telling me that the Humans had found ways to make themselves able to fly, do you know how? If you could do the same as they did then that could work as a backup plan." Onyx tightened her grip and flew higher, speeding up so that they'd be back to the mountains quicker.
"Yea, I got worried that I had gone too far when I couldn't see you for a little bit, but then I stayed where I could see you after that. Flying always helps me clear my mind, at least it does when I'm alone anyway." Onyx took her shawl from Tarentek and tied it back around herself, also making sure her Med-pack was secure before she walked over to pick him up. "I got an idea while I was flying. Think about exactly what you're afraid of in the same way you convinced me to think about the water. It might help."
Onyx nodded in answer and then left. She speed up until she could no longer make out anything on the ground below her and then turned to try and see if she could spot Tarentek from so far away. She got a little worried when she couldn't see him at first, but as she doubled back she eventually could see him as a silhouette against the sand. She didn't go any farther away, and started going in a large circle where she could see him still if she looked for him. After a while, when she had gone about halfway through the circle, she went back to Tarentek, landing lightly on the sand nearby. "Are you ready to go now?"
"I suppose it wouldn't be too bad, to do this again. I'm going to fly around while you dry off then, I feel a little restless right now." Onyx didn't even bother to walk out of the water all the way before taking off, hovering for a moment so she could hear anything Tarentek might say before she left.
"Well, you seem to be having fun. I still don't want my wings wet though." Onyx gave a small smile as she spoke, and shifted her wings restlessly. "Can we leave soon? While I don't particularly mind being here anymore I think we've already been here long enough." She took a few steps back to the more shallow water and waited for Tarentek to answer.

"Going? Well, you are correct. I am leaving, I should not have allowed myself to be around two Demons such as yourselves for even this long." I spoke calmly, keeping the melodic lilt to my voice so he'd be less on guard. "Now I am healed, your barrier won't be able to keep me here anymore, and if you insist on fighting me to make me stay now I sould inform you that you cannot win as I am now."

I took flight and changed into my warrior form as I did so, proving to him that I truly am strong enough to fight him now if that's what it would take. I scented the air and found that any scent of my blood had vanished, possibly purified when I healed myself, and smiled as I realized that if I had truly purified this place that he and his sister would not be able to be in thier warrior forms without being cause some sort of pain.
"Are you sure nothing lives here? I swear I've seen things in the depths a few of the times I've been here before." Onyx looked out at the sea, watching for a moment before answering Tarentek's question. "I suppose it feels sort of calm, although I'm not very comfortable here so it's more of a dead sort of calm than what you probably think."
Onyx felt a lot calmer now as she watched Tarentek. "Ummm, I still don't want to get my wings wet if I don't have to. I may feel calmer, but that would make me unable to fly for a while and I don't want that right now." Onyx let go of Tarentek's hand and stood up, walking slowly to where the water came up to her knees before she stopped again.
alright, I finally found the time to post on here. Sorry I kinda timeskipped a little, only about a half an hour though.
After a while, Lexi had placed the food on plates and put them on the serving window counter so people could pick them up, walking out of the kitchen and picking Mr. Rabbit back up before going to get herself a plate and sitting at a currently empty table. She spoke to the room in general as she did this. "I hope you all like the food, It's kinda simple, but still good."
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