Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

wha? where is everybody?
Are we still alive here?
ok, thanks!
@Kirah about what time is it IC right now? like, is it noon, or closer to dinnertime?
I kinda forgot it was my turn for a while, sorry.

I'm not gonna leave unless there's only like, one other person left. Just so everyone knows.

Again, sorry about me being a scatterbrain.
Annalee Diaz

"Insecure? You don't have to worry about him so much... even if he is your master. My doll, Megumi, won't attack either of you unless you give her a reason to, which I know neither of you will." Annalee spoke seriously as she walked up the stairs, hopefully with Leo's doll still following her. She went into the guest room and started making sure everything was ready for the two for the night.

"The bathroom's right there, and I'll lay out your clothes on the bed for you." She said while she motioned to the door to the bathroom and then went over to her brother's room to get a change of clothes for Leo. She went back downstairs to give them to him, and when she had finished all that, she decided to read a book in the living room until everyone else was ready for bed.

MiRRor (Ashling)

"Yea, sure. We could approach them now if you wanted to, the copy has pretty much beaten everyone except the leader now." MiRRor stood and motioned for Ryan to follow, approaching the copy and the tired bullies.
Agh, it's sooo late for me right now... I'll get a post up tomorrow, k?
We love your application so far. We like that, though her guises are seemingly endless, she does not 'gain' anything from them. I.e. she can turn into a huge bodybuilder, but the amount of weight she is able to lift does not change. That is a good balance of the power and you have thought it through well. We have a few questions about the nature of the power:

• How long does it take for her to transform between appearances?
• Is she limited to human-only transformations, or can she turn into animals etc.?
• Can she only turn into people she sees (i.e. uses them as a 'reference'), or does she have free control to change her body at will? (I.e. she could remain her 'regular self' but taller, for instance.)

Your personal statement is a good start, but we expect the most detail in this field of the application. It is your character's chance to really tell his story to the academy and convince them he needs a place. You can look at the character sheets Shard and I have posted for an example of the content we would like.

So, questions first I guess.

She can transform within just a few seconds, and if you're watching her as she transforms you may just notice her like blur out of focus or something like that. Also it doesn't make any sound when she changes, so she could change and no-one would notice if they weren't paying attention. She could change into anything that she can imagine, so long as it's humanoid. She can't actually change into an animal because she can't change her weight or physical strength to accommodate that form. She'd probably end up hurting herself if she tried.

Oh, is it ok if she can accurately copy someone's voice just as well as their appearance?

as for the personal statement, I'll get that done tomorrow hopefully.
"Well, I told you about the name part already, and I suppose that's one part that I really am looking forward to a lot. Once the ritual is complete, I will be a Prophet, and everyone will call me Bri'nx instead of Onyx in respect to my new role in the tribe. That's a big change in itself, as that is the everyday proof of my acceptance by the tribe." Onyx paused to eat some of her meal before continuing. "As for my responsibilities, I will no longer have any daily tasks to complete unless I want to, and I won't have to attend the Elder's teachings and stories anymore. I will have new responsibilities though, such as looking after those who are still to come of age and going on daily patrols around the nest to help anyone who may need it. Any duties related to my role as a Prophet would also become new responsibilities for me, such as going on diplomatic missions or helping to ease the worries of the tribe."
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