Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Erica Lankford




January 17th


Hair Color:
Dark Brown, normally

Eye Color:
Blue normally

Caucasian/White normally

5'9" normally

128 lbs (I can't really change this.)

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:

Power Description:
I can change my entire physical appearance at will, even my clothes. Also, I heal pretty quickly too.

I can change within just a few seconds, and if you're watching me closely as I change you may just notice me blur out of focus for a second or two. Also it doesn't make any sound when I change, so I could change and no-one would notice if they weren't paying attention. I can change into anything I can imagine, so long as it's humanoid, and if I'm copying someone I can mimic their voice as well.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Well, I can't change how much I weigh, and an X-ray of me while I look like a guy shows that on the inside I am still female. If I am a 'guy' I am not actually a guy. I have none of that, ability, it just looks like one. Also, the appearance of warm clothes does not actually make me warm. I can look like i'm ready for an arctic expedition, but really I shouldn't even be outside in a light wind. I can't actually change into an animal because I can't change my weight or physical strength to accommodate that form. I'd probably end up hurting myself if I tried.

About You

Mother- Anastasia Lankford
Father- Draco (Dragon) Lankford

Personal Statement:
I suppose this is where you want me to put my 'story' or whatever, right? Fine, but it really isn't so interesting.

I like to read and sing, I consider myself to be quiet most of the time (Though I've been told that i'm not), and I like to observe what's going on around me more than I'd like to be a part of it. I've always tried my best to live up to my parent's expectations, seeing as the other option would get me very close to the edge of their patience. I've always had good grades, and attended church every Sunday with my family, and I never did drugs or anything else like that. I got a lot of praise, and I almost believed that I was one of the few people in my town that had any chance of leaving without any dumb ties to force me back. My family runs a camping shop with basically everything you could possibly need to live anywhere for a few years, let alone the 4 or 5 weekends the people who bought this stuff were actually going to use it for before they completely lost all their interest in the sport.

So, anyway. Yea, I was a good kid. At least, I believe I was. One day though, culture shock. My best friend turned out to be a mutant, and being that basically our entire town was a part of HAM, she had to hide. She was still herself, I could tell that, but she looked like something my dad probably would've tried to banish to hell, or wherever. She couldn't stay in the town anymore, maybe not any other town either, so I helped her to sneak out with some stuff from the store so she could camp out for a while. I even gave her one of those disposable phones so we could stay in touch too.

I'm glad to say that she still answers my calls, although she won't tell me where she is anymore, and that worries me a little. Anyway, after the whole episode where her parents freaked that she ran away, Life kinda died down for a couple of years. Until I became a mutant too. I don't really remember how it started, I just know that one day I was at school, skipping class, and the principal literally just walked by me on his way to the teacher's lounge, like he couldn't see me or something.

I tried to call out to him, to ask what his deal was. He was probably one of the strictest guys you'd ever meet, and he definitely didn't just walk by people who were breaking the rules. I thought he had something going on, something bad enough to make that guy forget to scold a kid was definitely something to worry about. So, I had started to ask what was up, but I stopped when I heard my voice.

Somehow, as I would figure out later, I had changed into the form of my English teacher, the teacher of the class I was skipping, and by changing to look like him I could copy his voice too. At the time I was really confused, I did end up having a conversation with the principal, and got the rest of the day "off" because he noticed that I was acting strange and jumpy. He thought that I, my English teacher, had too much stress or something because of a group of students who had been going around and causing trouble all through the school recently.

Needless to say, I got out of there quick. I went home first, where I locked myself in my room and tried to figure out what was going on. That's when I figured out that I could change into anyone, on the outside at least. I ran tests on myself for the next few days, I even snuck into the clinic in town and had someone help me take an x-ray of myself, drugging them during the entire thing of course. Every time I answered a question I had about myself, two more seemed to take its place. After about a week though, I realized that I would have to leave town too, just like my friend had.

The reason? I couldn't really control it yet. I kept changing in public, and while luckily no-one really noticed other than me, eventually someone would have. I took a bunch of stuff from my family's store, packing it all into one of those heavy-duty packs you see people use when they climb Mt.Everest or wherever, and I left a suicide note on the windshield of my dad's truck. Then I left, hiking through the forest and eventually crossing the border into Canada.

Nothing really has happened since then that's interesting enough to mention here, up until when I got your letter that is. Which I guess brings me to my worries; I like to blend in, and my power helps with that, but somehow you found me, and I'm not sure how because I- This letter and application just, appeared in my bag one day, and I have no idea how. I just got to the nearest town, but when I got this I was literally in the middle of nowhere.

So, I have some questions to ask, but I guess those can all wait for until I meet you. I'll be hanging out in this town for a while, so if you wanna sent me another letter you can just do it normally, rather than being a ninja and sneaking it into my pack again. Goodbye for now I guess.

"So the major difference between their city and yours is that they follow your goddess in a different way than you do?" Onyx asked before changing her mind. "Actually, nevermind. That makes sense, they have different values, so they follow their own set of rules. The different tribes of my people are somewhat similar, those who are more focused on survival don't actually have a specific ritual for things like coming of age or a funeral, while a tribe like mine that is focused on exploration has a very strong belief in keeping the traditions of our ancestors going strong." Onyx paused a moment as she searched for the thread of thought she had started with. "So, the way their leadership works is very different from yours, but social custom is still similar. Is there anything I should know about what to, or what not to do?"
Finally finished messing with this:

I'm back!

@Kirah hope you're better soon!

Goodnight everybody.
@Tyler Sorry, I fell asleep before I could finish it last night. I'll have it up soon-ish hopefully
"I'm a little excited, but also very nervous. I told you I've never been in another city under very peaceful circumstances before. I hope for the success of this mission, but I worry about what would happen if we fail." Onyx fell silent for a little while, thinking. "They are your people, but how different are they from your city? Like how our tribes are different from each other, or are there less differences between your city and theirs than I am thinking?"
@Mokley Finally got my post up~! Sorry I took so long, I was a bit busy with school for a while there.

Also, where's everyone else?
The day had started with a beautiful sunrise and a calm sea, it didn't take long for the villagers to rejoice and begin to plan a feast. As Nisa went about her daily tasks she could feel the energy of her people, flowing around her like the crystal-blue waters of the bay, and the light turquoise beyond. It was now an hour or so after the noon meal, and Nisa had been meditating on the beach as usual when suddenly one of the villagers that watched the forest each day came up to her, muttering incomprehensibly and attempting to drag her somewhere, breaking her meditation.

"Calm friend. What's the matter?" Nisa spoke softly, following after the man as he led her all the way to the gate of the lost, which was standing open now and had a strange girl standing on the outside, being blocked from entering the village by two hunters. When the girl saw her, she seemed to explode, repeating something over and over.

"Brother Sanjo sent me. Rosario must leave."

It took Nisa a while to understand, but that didn't stop her from being stunned. "Let her in please. She needs to walk with me." She said the words lightly, but her tone made it seem more clipped, causing the three men to simply nod as they let the girl pass. Nisa motioned for her to follow and led her to the shoreline closest to the docks.

"Now, can you tell me just who you mean by 'brother Sanjo' please? And also, why must the Rosario leave?"
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