Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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I'll do a second character too!
@Mokley great, more tragedy. I mean...

Great! More tragedy!

haha, I'm looking forward to it.
@Undying Curiosity I remember luna said something about the Co-ed rooms for "adult" vamps, but she didn't define an adult.
@Aisling Would you mind Maple as a roommate? She's not really shy, but she won't be your friend until you prove yourself. Um. pets are fine, just make sure that they're potty-trained and won't like, rip up the curtains or something. :)
@Meiya I think this could still move on with a GM post... maybe make something happen that forces everyone out of the cavern and on our way to a town or something?
Erica Lankford

Erica smiled as the newcomer introduced himself as Mason, trying but unable to place his accent. She knew that anywhere in Europe really, those who spoke english tended to inherit a more British accent because of the greater influence of it there than there was for anywhere else in the world, so he could actually be from the U.K. or any other country there. "It's nice to meet you too Mason. I um, can't seem to place your accent. Where are you from?"

Erica waited for his answer while watching the even newer arrivals. One had some pretty cool hair, something that Erica was thinking about copying later, only with blue instead of pink, and the other wasn't as noticible to her in comparison to the first one, but he was tall and dressed simply, at least to her own standards.

Thinking of standards, she was glad she could remember so well what she looked like in her favorite outfit, a loose light blue sweater paired with a white tank top to cover where the neckline dipped, and a flowy white skirt that went past her knees. She wasn't actually wearing that of course, but that's what everyone could see. Really, right now she was a mess from camping out in the woods so long, her clothes dirty and tatered while her hair was messily tied back in a ponytail. Keeping up an illusion of normality for even just the few hours she'd been around the group was taxing to her, taking almost half her focus from what was going on around her.

The second arival had spoken, and Mason and one of the reading boys, Greg, had both answered in some way. Now Greg seemed flustered or nervous as he hid behind his book, and Erica had to think for a moment to figure out why. As she recalled his words she focused on deciphering exactly what he had said, stifling a groan when she figured it out, and chastising herself immediately after.

So what if he can peek into our minds, I can copy your entire appearance and even your voice. Both are powerful, useful, and possibly very hated abilities, for both us and those we use them on. I know I can't always control my power, so why is he any different? He may not mean to listen in, but he, like all of us, is here to train these abilities. As she finished her mental tirade, she silently hoped that he had heard some of it, so he might know that at least one person here would try to understand.

Another person introduced themself, it was the boy with the cool hair. Casper looked just as nervous as Greg, but it was probably more from being around a bunch of strangers than anything else. Erica smiled at the group in general before deciding to follow the flow that had seemed to have started. "It's nice to meet you both, and everyone else too. Um, I'm Erica, in case you didn't know already."
I'm assuming that scent counts as appearance and therefore will advise that you assume she only smells like this when she is "normal". Thanks.

Character Info

Scent - a campfire currently, although normally she smells like her strawberry shampoo and conditioner, with a hint of coco from her body wash and the lotion she carries around. While she doesn't smoke herself, she does hang out with smokers, so the scent may linger for a while.

Voice - She has a slightly higher voice, but it's more sing-song than shrill, and is obviously feminine. She has a northern Wisconsin/Minnesota accent, and usually has a polite tone, although she'll sound more like she's from the ghetto or something if she's being mean or sarcastic. She speaks slower than most, but not that much, and she has poor enunciation, which is why she speaks slower.

Body - In situations where she is uncomfortable she stands very still, usually holding her arms behind her back and rocking slightly back and forth on her heels if she is standing. When she is more comfortable she will shuffle her feet, maybe tapping out the best to a song she likes, and will hold her hand in front of her, possibly making movements if she is explaining something.
@Incanus welcome back!
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