Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

"Well, the most obvious thing is that they wont want to follow your lead at first, but even after they accept that they may still be rude or insubordinate. But it also depends greatly on who 'they' actually are." Onyx quoclky made a list in her mind of all those who would be most likely to accept the mission and follow Tarentek's orders without too much bad behavior. "I can think of quite a few people that would be included in the best case scenario, but there is an even higher number of unknowns and negatives too."
I didnt delete it, just put a place holder to fix it. it's edited now.
Ahh, I messed up on my post. It will be fixxed in a little bit though... sorry
Erica Lankford

Another one. How much longer will we be waiting here? Erica had been waiting at the side of this road for what felt like hours now, and quite a group had formed since she had first gotten here. It was easy to tell that they were all mutants by the way they all glanced around nervously at each other, but that wasn't the most interesting thing that Erica had noticed about the group.

The most interesting thing to her, was that there were people there who were from other countries. Sure, Erica had been out of the states, but only to Canada, which really wasn't that different at all. She had never really met anyone from Europe or anywhere like that before, and she hadn't thought that there'd be anyone from out of the states attending this institute, although looking back on it now it made sense that there would.

The newcomer got out of the car and had a few words with the driver before walking over to join the group, startled once when he saw one of the stranger looking members. Erica stifled a laugh as she watched the emotion on his face. He was obvously foreign, she could tell from how he walked and was dressed, and for a split second Erica thought she should go over and introduce herself, as she had thought for almost every interesting person to arrive since she had got here herself.

As Erica watched the newcomer, she noticed that he seemed agitated by something, realizing what it was when he asked the group of anyone had a light and she noticed the cigarette he held in his lips. Finally having an excuse to start a conversation with someone, and acting out of habit from hanging out with smokers, she pulled her own lighter out of her pocket and slowly approached him.

Before she was able to say anything, or had even gotten very close, the medusa-like girl and another newcomer both seemed to have the same idea. The medusa had pulled out a lighter of her own, but the new newcomer showed her up by pinching the end of the cigarette and lighting it with what must have been her power.

Well, that's an obvious choice. She seems like the type who always wants to pick a fight, and so she shows us that she has literal firepower. After a few seconds Erica decided to just introduce herself quickly, instead of giving up like she now wanted to. "Well, they say great minds think alike... although I was just gonna give him my lighter. My name's Erica, what's yours?"
@Luna and @Lucius Cypher, I posted the two abilities teachers I was supposed to do. How are you doing on the ones you were in charge of?
(some) Teachers:

Hey, does anyone want to do a colab with Diana?
Name: Lexi Sato
Age: 15

Title: Ultimate mascot
Why you wanted to go to this school: To make new friends.
Skill: She's always happy-go-lucky, and very rarely shows sadness. She is able to keep others from feeling sad too. She's not really optimistic as much as she is just plain happy about the little things that go right for everybody. She's good at putting the bad stuff out of her mind and helping the group to push forward.
History: She's always been a little ditsy, but she is smart. She used to have a lot of friends at her old school, but they left her when she started going into a depression because of her parent's divorce. She switched schools because of the divorce, and hopes to never lose another friend because she showed her sadness.
Personality: She's secretive, happy-go-lucky, has childish speech habits, and likes to make people happy.
@joeycbee well, she is sorta the same, I just added some detail and changed the picture.
@Tyler glad to be here! I can't wait 'till this starts!
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