Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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ok, I'm not going to bother changing the post, ignoring it's easier. I'm glad that Erica has a roomie!
Onyx was almost out the door when she heard Tarentek speak. Still a little shaken by the strange quality of her dream, she jumped a little at his voice. "Oh, good morning. I was hoping I wouldn't wake you up with any noise before I left, but I suppose that thought was doomed from the start." She laughed a little, quietly, uncertain. "I've already eaten, I must go now. I will see you later today, as Br'inx." Now her smile was more comfortable, she was glad he had remembered her new name. "Agrin, litho krebar Tarentek, until we meet again."
Sorry, It took me forever to get the format right for the skills and stuff.

Hey everyone. I swear I'm not dead, just overloaded with school and stuff. I'll try and get a post up tomorrow, and if not... idk I just need time. I'm definitely still here though! I just thought I should say something.
"Sounds like a plan." Onyx smiled as she spoke. "I'm going to sleep now, I'll see you sometime later tomorrow. Goodnight." After saying goodnight, she disappeared into her room, falling asleep almost immediately.

She had dreams of flight and of water, flight through a place with no land where the calm waters below perfectly reflected the sky above and the moon was 20 times its normal size, a great white orb that glowed with a knowing light. She was alone in the air, but she could see ripples in the water below that set the reflection wavering, and could hear the laughter of many people, although she could not see them.

She drifted down until she could sense the water right below her, and the reflection on it's surface stopped altogether from the ripples caused by the unseen sources of the laughter. She landed and stood on top of the water, while the second her feet touched the surface it became mirror-still once again and the laughter stopped. She walked a few paces towards the moon, and heard a scream. Attempting to take flight again, she was unable to, the water reaching up to pull her down and the scream coming ever closer.

She was pulled under the surface, and the scream ceased. It was dark for a few moments, but then she could see again. This time she was in the same place, flying again with the laughter and the ripples in the water, only now she could see the creatures that made the sound. As large as the moon had been in the moments before, the sun was nowhere in sight, and the sky that had been so clear was now overcast and lightning flashed around at the edge of her vision.

The laughing creatures that caused the ripples in the water were pure black, Onyx could not even see their eyes in their upturned, mocking faces. Just as she had before, she drifted down until she was just above the rolling surface of the water, unable to control herself as she landed and saw the water mirror the stormy sky above. The creatures slid closer to her, no longer disturbing the water with their movements, but unlike the time before they kept laughing as they got closer and she heard the scream as coming from herself.

This time when she was pulled under the water, the scene changed to white. She opened her eyes to find that she was safe in her room, looking into the rising sun as it slid over the horizon between two mountains. Jumping out of bed, and keeping quiet as she could so as not to wake Tarentek if he was asleep, she prepared for the ritual in just a few minutes and left as the sun finished clearing the horizon.
"You've lost me. Slaves and, servants? I understand the concept of slavery but, your people actually do that?" Onyx shook her head, confused but resigned. "Nevermind, we can talk more about this later. The ritual tomorrow starts a little after dawn, and the sun set a while ago. Will you be ok tomorrow? I will be busy for most of the day, so you'll be alone for that time."

(This is a bump btw) =D
Onyx finished her meal as she listened to Tarentek, and began to clean up everything while she thought how to respond. "How likely do you think it is that we will actually meet with this queen? I'm not certain that our entire group would actually go into the city, some would stay outside either to show less intimidation or simply to avoid the possibility of making any mistakes." Onyx had finished cleaning up now, so she sat back at the table and started sorting through her med-pack. "Speaking of mistakes, it would be extremely bad if we were to come to a misunderstanding while there. Are there specific, rules of court, or anything like that we would have to follow? I suppose you'd tell everyone on the mission at some point along the way, so you don't have to tell them all right now."
Erica Lankford

Oh, so he is English. German roots though, he doesn't seem too happy thinking about that right now... Erica thought as the rest of the scene played out before the bus pulled up. The bus was amazing, to say the least, such a regal design made Erica feel like one of those fancy-pants actors in hollywood on their way to opening night of their latest blockbuster, or maybe one of those super-spies in the movie who get to travel in extreme style while getting briefed on their mission. Taking a seat near the front of the bus, she spent about the first ten or 20 minutes trying to make small talk with those around her, but as time went on she started to feel, strange.

Erica couldn't really think how to describe the sensation, but mostly it made her want to move closer to the back of the bus, to get away from something. It wasn't a very strong feeling, so she didn't follow it, although after a little longer she found herself humming songs from her choir back at her old school. Checking her volume to make sure she wouldn't bother anyone much, she continued humming and distracted herself from everything else during the ride by looking out the window.

The stops along the way surprised her a little, but she did everything they told her to and answered any questions they asked without hesitation. It's most likely that these checks are to make sure that only the people who are supposed to be here are here. Why fuss about a security check? After the third check, the bus finally pulled to a stop and they were all let off. Following the group to the assembly hall, Erica took a seat near the back of the room and listened intently to the professor's speech. It was all the standard stuff, if you ignored the 'mutant' parts. It seemed like a great school, and Erica was getting very excited about the coming years.

As she followed the crowd again to get her room number and any other information that she'd need, She wondered about those she had met at the 'bus stop' and if she'd get many chances to speak with them again. She definitely hoped to meet them all again, and maybe make friends if they'd allow it, and joked half-heartedly in her mind if she'd meet her old friend here as well. I'll have to call her later, and this time actually tell her everything that's happened to me since she left...

Erica's thoughts were interrupted as she got to the front of the line and heard her name called, in a tone of voice that said that she'd been called a few times already. "Yikes, sorry. I was, lost in thought. I wasn't ignoring you on purpose, I promise." She said quickly as she walked up to the blonde woman who had called her.

As she apologized, the woman smiled slightly. "That's alright dear. I know things can be a bit overwhelming at times, especially at a new beginning." She laughed a little, the sound making her seem less intimidating and more ditzy as she soon continued. "Now then, you are in room number two-two-three, and you get the room all to yourself! Here's your key, and your luggage should already be in the room for you." She smiled again at Erica before moving on to the next student, and Erica started wandering towards the edge of the room, a slight damper put on her happy thoughts from before.

No roommate huh. Maybe that'll change later? Erica had found her room relatively easily once she figured out that there were signs pointing towards anywhere one might need to go in the school, and the dorm halls had small plaques along the walls once in a while telling where certain numbers were. The key fit easily into the lock, and when she entered the room she locked the door behind her again and tossed the key onto a nearby desk. Next, she explored the room itself, ignoring her camping-pack that had been placed just inside the doorway for now.

The room was obviously meant for two, as there were two beds, desks, and dressers. There wasn't much else in the room, a couple chairs by the window and a good-sized bookcase by the bathroom door, but otherwise empty. The room had the same elegant/royal touch to it as the rest of the school, but it seemed more subdued in here, this room could be personalized. Satisfied with her explorations for now, Erica went over to her camping-pack and started to unpack everything, organizing it all on the floor for now. She laughed a little when she noticed the bulging quality the pack had to it, showing the trouble that whoever had searched it had with re-packing it afterwards.

Not much was missing, and what was missing was of no surprise to her. They had taken all her knives, her matches, and the tent itself, leaving mostly just her more personal items left. The fact that they took the matches, but left her three lighters with her confused her greatly. Was there some significant difference between the two that she didn't know about? Whatever the reason, they were gone, oh well. Once she finished her sorting-spree, she put all her clothes away in the dresser on the side of the room closer to the windows, and further from the door. Piling the rest of the stuff on her bed, she pondered what to do next.

Catching her reflection in the small mirror she had put on her bed with the rest of her non-clothing items, she realized that she was still changed. Finally dropping her concentration, she watched her reflection blur from her bright, almost too-pretty face to how she really was right now, tired and dirty and definitely not little-miss perfect as she had been making herself look for the past few hours. Seeing her true reflection now made her feel what she saw. She wanted to curl up on her bed, or maybe even the floor so she wouldn't get the bed dirty, and sleep for a couple days straight.

She really wanted to do that, but she rationalized her thoughts and decided to occupy herself instead with cleaning herself up, and then going to get some lunch or something afterwards. In about 30 minutes she had scrubbed herself from head to toe, and managed to find an outfit that was clean/not torn up enough that it was still wearable. As she grabbed her key and left the room to start heading towards the cafeteria she thought about what the school's policies were on going out to shop for necessities like clothing, personal hygiene products, and the like. It's not like it's a campus-lockdown for the students, right?
here he is... I hope the twin thing is ok? I was thinking of cool ways to add suspense between characters, and the idea of siblings sort of fascinates me in this situation.

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