Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Night had fallen by the time Nisa arrived back in town, and she wasted no time in getting to her favorite hole-in-the-wall, the bar where she did most of her socializing. As she walked in the door she recognized some of the usual crowd, along with a few others who came in from time to time. She knew almost everyone there, and anyone she didn't know she would learn of soon enough. She walked up to the bar and sat in her normal spot in the corner of the room, where she could see everything in the bar.

Removing her mask she revealed her face to the bartender, but kept her hood up so that she was still covered in shadow. The bartender smiled at her and handed her a drink. "Welcome back. Haven't seen you here in a while." He said to her before moving on to speak with some of the other customers. He glanced at her from time to time, sometimes with a worried look on his face. She wasn't going to speak tonight, there were too many others to hear that she would prefer to stay silent unless she was needed.

The night was passing slowly, enough that Nisa was thinking about breaking her 'One drink in an hour' rule, until another woman in her organization walked in. They didn't know each other's names, but the large katana she carried was as easily recognizable as her face. The woman walked up to the bar and sat beside one of the others there, a strange looking man of a race that Nisa didn't know the name of. Hmm, not often two of us are in the same place, especially when I'm off duty. Better start watching out for anyone she might be after, wouldn't want to get in her way after all.
Lexi and Loki Sato

The twins were shellshocked, Lexi held her brother's hand as they both backed away from Monokuma, neither able to say anything from the fear and confusion in their minds. No police, we're trapped here, and if anyone wants to get out, they have to murder someone? No, this can't be true. There has to be some other way out. He's... he's just messing with us. No way are the police too busy to come look for a bunch of missing kids...

The two had backed almost to the edge of the room, still holding hands, before Loki spoke up. "Hah! You're joking! I don't believe you." "Y-yeah. Neither do I." Lexi looked around at the group nervously. They could all probably get along well enough to wait for the police or someone to get them out before anyone got crazed enough to actually try and kill anyone, or so she hoped.
Not really. I'd suppose we'd start out in a city somewhere, and then see where it goes from there?
@Halcyon do you want to start or should I?
Vitoria sighed but smiled all the same at Gabriela's comment. "True, washing with soap every once in a while does greatly decrease your chances for illness every so often, but sadly it won't help much if you have an arrow lodged in your chest. A clinic is not just for the ill, but the wounded as well." Vitoria smiled a bit more genuinely as she quoted her father, although the pang of sadness she felt at remembering made it short-lived. The question of her name's origins took her by surprise, and Vitoria couldn't really say anything about it before Gabriela moved on.

Even though she told her not to worry about the boy, Vitoria still felt her gaze pulled toward the wagon he was in at the mention of him. "That could be the case, yes. However I have never been able to keep myself from worrying." Vitoria forced herself to look at Gabriela, to at least attempt not worrying. "It would probably be a good idea to check up on him when we make camp." They walked in silence for a moment, and then Gabriela spoke again.

"Well, I didn't really run it. I helped my parents run it, lord knows my brothers weren't any help to them." Vitoria laughed a little before continuing. "I suppose that I would start my own clinic, if we ever get there. I have always been interested in healing and helping people, why should that stop just because I'm in a different place?" Vitoria smiled sadly at her memories of helping her parents when she was younger, still learning what to do. "As for these balms and potions and such, I'm sure you have some good stuff, but honestly right now I have no interest in them. Maybe we could talk more about it later though? Magical healing remedies do work much faster than any herbal remedy I could make, and are very useful in an emergency."

"What about you? Do you have any specific plans for your future?"
"It wouldn't hurt to ask around would it? You could probably use a forge in Tel Nof if you ask nicely." Onyx started. "But then I don't really know. You make it seem like your race doesn't get along with each other very well sometimes depending on status and city. As for Amman, it was just a thought. Even if it is closed off to travelers, it could be easy for you to sneak in if you were careful enough."
"Perhaps you could get some armor in Tel Nof?" Onyx asked as she put the materials away. "You say it is military-based, so they must have some you could use. Or," Onyx cut out for a second, wondering if she should say her idea. "Or we could go to Amman to get your stuff for you." She was sure they could do it, if they were careful enough.
Yea, but no one's made a post in 4 days, and that worries me.
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