Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Made my first post! ^.^

Who wants to run into Mizuki?
Mizuki was up long before the rising of the sun, not actually having gone to sleep the night before. She stalked slowly through the brush and trees, following the strong scent of Rabbit. As she got to a clearing she spotted it, the critter rummaging around the roots of a bush for its own meal. Steadying herself against the trunk of a tree, and concealing herself from the Rabbit's sight at the same time, she glanced at her side to make sure her wound was still closed.

Scenting the air and checking the direction of the light breeze that ruffled her pelt, she carefully moved downwind of the critter and began to creep towards it, readying to pounce. She saw its nose twitch and jumped on it, crushing its neck in her jaws at the same time as she felt her wound reopen. Dropping her kill and lying on her unwounded side she began to lick the wound until the bleeding stopped enough for her to eat.

She knew there were other wolves in the area, some in a pack and some alone like herself, and as she ate she hoped that none of them would find her in her current state. She was not in good enough condition to fight off anyone if her wound opened from just hunting.
I'm ready to go on. Just assume that Eve is calmly glaring at everyone throughout the trip.
@AcaciaMalikov they can use words and body language then? Would the words be like speech or thoughts?
This is gonna be really fun. There's so many different characters to interact with. ^.^
Lavi looked at the man in wonder for a moment before calling Allen over. "Hey, forget paying me back. Now you owe him." Then turning to address the man he said, "Thanks, but you didn't have to do that. I'll make sure Allen pays you back."

"Hi I'm Allen, and this is Lavi. Nice to meet you!" He introduced them as he walked over, shaking the man's hand when he got there. "We're Exorcists with the Black Order, although most people we've met recently don't know what that means."

He smiled at the man just before he felt the sudden chill go through the bar, his left eye activating at the same time. After not too long Allen became focused on one of the walls of the bar, a frown forming on his face. "It's not an Akuma, I can't see any trapped souls, but whatever it is it's not good." He looked from Lavi to the man and back to Lavi again before saying 'Excuse me please.' and rushing out of the bar.

Lavi stayed behind, Allen could handle himself. He turned back to the man and spoke. "Hey, don't mind him. He'll probably be back soon. I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name."
Mizuki is in the character tab.
Name: Mizuki
Name Meaning: Beautiful Moon
Age: 3 and a half years
Gender: Female
Breed: Gray Wolf


Personality: Easily Angered and Overly Cautious, as well as Cold and Calculating. She doesn't get along well with most other living things, and prefers quiet anger and solitude to talking things out with anyone. She is her own wolf, and Alpha in her own right, and will not submit to anyone.
History: Born to a pair of loners who abandoned her as soon as she was capable of fending for herself, Mizuki has learned the hard way how to do things, and has survived on her own ever since. She learned quickly to keep moving, never staying in one place for long as she struggled to stay alive. She's never been in a pack, preferring her loner lifestyle to the "chains" that a pack brings. She sees her ability to survive on her own as freedom, and though she will help another wolf if they ask she will not accept any help.

Recently she got caught in the middle of a fight between two packs over a territory border, and has been injured. She cannot stay anywhere long enough to let it heal completely, and cannot hunt with this injury as the scent of her blood scares away any prey before she is close enough to catch it.

Pack Member / Loner: Loner (for now)
Pack Name: N/A
Pack Rank: N/A
Mate: N/A
"Two men walked into a bar. One ordered all the food on the menu while the other sat and watched as he scarfed it all down in minutes." A man with orange hair and an eyepatch over his right eye leaned back in his chair as he spoke, sighing as his white-haired companion didn't answer. "Of course I would say the punchline, if there was one. Slow down Allen, you're gonna burst your stomach."

"You worry too much Lavi." Allen mumbled around a mouthful of hamburger. "You've known me for, two years now? You know that'd never happen, and if it were gonna I'd have died of overeating years ago." He emptied the last plate, a stack of them about 4ft high on the table beside him. He took a look inside his wallet and became visibly depressed, putting his head on the table. After a minute he glanced innocently at Lavi. "Wanna play cards?"

"No. If you need me to pay I will. Just get some money of your own soon and pay me back, will ya?" Lavi stood and approached the bartender. "How much for all the food?"
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