Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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• Name:
Allen Walker
• Age:
• Gender:

Speech/thought color

• Method of Travel:

Noah's Ark, an artifact created and used by the Noah Family. It takes the form of a large, airborne cube that contains a city inside of it, as well as countless doors that those who control the Ark can use to go to any location they wish, either by driving the Ark there itself or by creating a gate to go there.
All Gates in the outside world are numbered, and walking through them leads one to the Mediterranean-style city within the Ark. From there, walking through another door that connects to an established Gate teleports the person walking through to wherever the Gate was opened at, no matter how far away it is from the previous Gate's location.
Access to the Gates from the outside world can be controlled by anyone using the corresponding doors within the Ark, with established Ark Gates capable of being activated and deactivated by opening and closing the corresponding door. Even when the Gates are deactivated (The door is closed), their location is marked by a series of concentric circles with a number in the center that marks it with the corresponding door within the Ark.

• Powers:
*Some powers can't be used at the same time. Set 1 is Mode 1, and Set 2 is Mode 2. Depending on the World, the Mode will be different.
White = Never Changes
Orange = Set 1
Purple = Set 2

- Noah's Ark - The ability to control the original Noah's Ark, as well as creating gates in and out of the Ark from will. In addition to making Gates, Allen can also destroy Gates using the magic command "Arda."
- Parasitic type Innocence - A rare form of Innocence or Anti-Akuma Weapon (A weapon that Exorcists use to defeat and purify Akuma). Anti-Akuma Weapons invoked from this type are made from part of the Accommodator's body, such as a limb, as the Innocence is actually infused with the body of the Accommodator. Parastic type Innocence has the advantage of being able to heal the Accommodator's body, through, healing excessive injuries and such depends on the bond between the Innocence and the Accommodator. Parasitic type Exorcists require a large amount of food for each meal, as the Innocence drains their energy stores rapidly.
- Physical Prowess - Due to his Innocence being largely used for close combat, Allen is noted to be above normal human standards in terms of physical fitness, making him able to perform in seemingly physically impossible workouts and hold back attacks that are known to take out walls. His physical abilities are increased even more when his Innocence is activated.
- Cross A parasitic type Anti-Akuma Weapon that is centralized in the cross-shaped, stone-like Innocence embedded in the back of Allen's left hand.
- Cross α (alpha) - The first and most basic form of Allen's Innocence. It transforms his left arm into a monstrous adamantine claw with a supernatural glow at his shoulder. It is capable of manipulating its size and shape to extreme ends.
- Cross Grave - At the first level of invocation, the Innocence's power can be channeled into one powerful stream, capable of destroying multiple Level 1 Akuma simultaneously, and leaves a cruciform of energy behind on each of its targets (hence the name)
- Cross β (beta) - This evolution takes a more offensive approach, in the form of a massive arm-cannon with his fingers becoming energy spikes. This form is capable of both ranged and melee combat, but tends to use up more energy initially.
- Cross Paling - At its second phase of invocation, Allen's Innocence is capable of firing volleys of energy rods (Palings); these laser stakes are made of hard-light Innocence energy, which enables them to picket the ground and fence in the adversary, or to hit them like bullets.
- Cross Spear - At its second phase of invocation, Allen is capable of focusing the barrel of his Innocence-cannon to generate a spear-like energy paling, which can then be used like a lazer sword.

- Crown Clown - After Cross was nearly destroyed, it evolved. When invoked, Crown Clown acts as a body-armored Innocence, forming a white-hooded cowl and sleeve of Innocence energy which covers his shoulders and right arm, while his left arm and hand become slender and black, clad in armor and razor sharp claws. A masquerade-style mask is always affixed to the cowl, which takes on various configurations and appearances. This transformation also changes Allen's usual hairstyle from flat to a spiky rear. As before, his Innocence possesses a certain degree of sentience, such as when Crown Clown is able to manipulate Allen's entire body like a marionette when he is knocked out, or simply assisting in evasive tactics. When not activated, his arm is black and meets with his shoulder in a spiraling pattern that ends with tattoo-like emblem.
- Cross Grave - Much more powerful than its previous incarnation, Allen can crucify targets simply by etching a cross upon them with his left hand, effectively annihilating even Level 3 Akuma with a single talon. It can now also be used defensively, generating a shield by drawing a cross on the air.
- Clown Belt - The cape of Allen's cowl is released as a webbing of Innocence-energy that can be used to grasp objects, immobilize opponents, or form hardened spikes to impale enemies. It can also be released from the sleeve and glove on Allen's right arm. (The ribbons of energy were once used by Crown Clown itself to wrap around Allen's limbs and control him like a puppet when Allen was too injured to move by himself.)
- Crown Edge - A projectile attack which unleashes a barrage of crown-shaped rings from the clawed fingers on Allen's left hand.
- Edge End - A swipe of raw destructive power dealt with Allen's fully-invoked claw.
- Sword of Exorcism - When Allen's synchronization rate (His bond with the Innocence) exceeds 100%, he is able to transmute his entire left arm into a large broadsword with a cross emblazoned on the faces of the blade. In doing so, his left shoulder is capped with a cross-shaped emblem, and his cowl usually forms a cloak to cover the missing arm. Once invoked, the blade can exorcise evil from any vessel it strikes, though it does not harm humans. If used against Level 1 to Level 3 Akuma, it vanquishes them in the same effect as the Cross Grave attack, leaving a residual glowing cross crest in the wake of the defeated Akuma. However, in the case of a Level 4 Akuma the sword carries a diminished effect. Allen has the ability to telepathically recall the Sword to himself, should it be separated from his body.
- Death Orbs - When using the Sword of Exorcism, Allen can create a series of large explosions.
- Amateur Swordsmanship - After Allen received his Sword of Exorcism, he began training to develop his swordsmanship skills.

- The Cursed Eye Level 2 - In addition to his Innocence, the reverse pentacle that scars his left eye curses Allen with the power to see the souls trapped inside Akuma. Resembling a sort of cogwheel monocle, this new version of the cursed eye enables Allen to pinpoint an Akuma's position even when they are not visible to the naked eye, regardless of obstacles, from a distance of up to 350 meters away. The most astounding change from the previous version is that others close to Allen are able to see the lost souls trapped within Akuma as well. The eye activates when Akuma are nearby, but will also activate when Allen is near Dark matter.

• Personality:
Allen is a kind, generous, and very polite young man. He tends to be very self-sacrificing, often willing to let his body and emotions take devastating blows for the sake of others. Allen also has unassuming and borderline naive traits, despite the troubling life he's been forced to live. Over time, Allen's personality has seen a shift; several times his "dark side", something he developed to survive the gamblers and con-artists his master sacrificed him to, has shown itself, frequently shocking and scaring those around him.
• Starting World:
D. Gray Man version of Earth. (Around the end of the 1800s)
• Backstory:

As the wars raged on and more worlds were pulled into the conflict of the multiverse, so too was Allen's world, D. Gray Earth. Those that stood with the Incubators and Prime Directive were welcomed by the Millennium Earl and the Clan of Noah, the Earl helping them become more efficient by showing them his tactics for making Akuma, and them returning the favor by allowing him to make Akuma throughout the Multiverse.

One day as Allen was out on a mission with his fellow exorcists Kanda, Lavi, and Krory, a human appeared out of a portal into the middle of a fight between them and a great deal of Akuma. Allen managed to protect him until the end of the battle, where they soon found out that something very strange was going on. The man wore strange clothes, and he kept pointing out everyday things and saying, "You guys still have those?"

Eventually they figured out that he was from some form of the future, by the way he reacted when they told him it was 1887, and after even more confusion finally figured out that he was from a different version of Earth altogether. One that, somehow, had not been in a multiverse war yet. This was extremely good news for the Exorcists, because they had not known that normal humans could travel to different worlds yet.

Now that they had somewhere to start, the Scientists of the Black Order were able to come up with a way of thinking about the universe that Allen could understand, and therefore use Noah's Ark to travel to other worlds. Returning the man back to his home as he requested, Allan and the Black order moved their base into the Ark and soon they were back to doing what needed to be done, exorcising Akuma and trying to take down the Millenium Earl.

As the Earl had been able to start making Akuma in worlds with no Exorcists to stand in his way, the Order soon found that there were extreme numbers of Akuma in every world they went to, and almost every world had at least one level 4 Akuma, meaning that billions have died. Though the numbers of the Exorcists were few, they soon found a way to stop the Earl's influence on a world. The Earl and the Clan of Noah were travelling the Multiverse using their Black Ark, which worked in the same exact way as the Ark in the possession of the Order, meaning that Allen can close their gates to a world.

By closing their gates and Exorcising all the Akuma in a World, the Black Order could cut off that world from at least one horrible part of the war, guaranteeing them a much greater chance of survival. Allen, as one of the strongest Exorcists, jumps from World to World with his Ark to help defeat the strongest Akuma they know of yet, the Level 4.

Allen is the main character of the anime/manga called D. Gray Man.
Basically depending on what the first event is that makes him have to use his Innocence on a new World, the abilities he has will stick with that Set until he leaves that World. If he's returning to a World he's been to before and he had Set 1 when he was there last, there is a chance depending on the first event upon returning that he will unlock Set 2 as it is the evolution of Set 1, however once he has Set 2 on a World, that will never change.

The reason for this is that there are a few powers Allen actually loses when he gains Set 2, for instance the ability for his left arm to transform in size and shape as a claw, as well as losing the ability to shoot Palings and have a laser-sword. Also, he'd be a little OP if he used Set 2 all the time, as the difference in the power of the skills in each set is exponential.

If the first event he uses his Innocence for involves an Akuma or other enemy that is a Level 3 or above, he will start with Set 2 in that World automatically, otherwise it depends on the individual situation. If the event is something like saving someone from falling off a cliff, he could use his left arm and start with Set 1, or he could save them with Clown Belt and start with Set 2.
Eve followed the others onto the ship, only glancing at the two guards as she passed them. Her eyes scanned the deck, her gaze just as cool as the metal soldiers' were, as she chose to stand near the railing as far from the propellers as possible. Better safe than sorry, yeah? As she looked over the rail at the scene below them, she heard the others ask a few questions.

"I have one question, Why us? Not just us individuals, but this Academy. There are other Academies that are closer to you or to where you're going are there not?" Eve turned away from the railing and focused her gaze on the Commander. "There must be some reason. Otherwise, why go through the trouble?"
I'm interested.
This is a pretty cool idea! Hope I can still join...

Allen is the main character of the anime/manga called D. Gray Man.
@soren @demon shinobi @oblivion666
Aurora listened as her teammates spoke about what they were going to do, and followed Soren and Merlina as they went to the hotel. Shortly after they got there Aurora decided to turn in for the night. She wasn't really tired, but she decided it would be best to get as much rest as possible before tomorrow.
She woke up a good hour and a half before the alarm, and spent a while reading a book she found in the hotel lobby as she wondered whether or not to wake up her teammates. She decided to go around and make sure they were up by 30 minutes before the alarm, waking them up by pulling them out of the bed if she had to. "Good morning~!"
E’nasha and Joseph (Vesuvius00 and Lucius Cypher)

E’nasha took a deep breath as she left the room, holding the folders tightly so she wouldn’t drop any of the papers inside. After looking down the hallway in each direction, she chose a path and started walking, silently cursing herself for not at least asking the directions to the other teacher’s office.

There was some chatting in one of the office. Inside the partially open door was a small snow elf, talking to El’kan. He was helping him do his paperwork knowing how Lucilia loves to bog people down with piles upon piles of documents. Joseph heard some footsteps coming through the hall and barely missed E’nasha walking on by. “Ah! E’nasha!”

When she heard someone say her name, E’nasha stopped walking and looked around to see the Snow Elf from before and El’kan in one of the offices. “Oh there you are!” She said, smiling at them. She took one of the folders and handed it to El’kan. “Lucilia gave me this one for you.”

El’kan took the folder, looked at it a moment, and then hugged E’nasha with no warning. “I was so worried about you! Even after Sir got back with your necklace I still worried.” He let go of her and smiled.

Joseph was happy to see E’nasha alive and well, jumping over his tall desk to get to them. As a snow elf, he was barely up to E’nasha’s waist. “I’m sorry I was too late. I hope the roc didn’t hurt you too much?” Joseph looked concerned despite E’nasha’s obvious safety.

“It’s ok, I’m fine. I blacked out on the way to its nest and then it pretty much ignored me because of the group that was there.” E’nasha smiled at the teacher. “It doesn’t matter if you were too late, the point is that you tried.”

Joseph looked down and rubbed his head. “Thank you. As a teacher of hydromancy, I had thought I could have done more for you. Well, regardless I’m glad you’re safe. But not from Lucilia’s paperwork I see! That woman, I swear she likes to bury us all in bureaucracy. Would you like me to help you look through that? I helped El’kan with most of his, and I’m sure I can help you right quick.”

“Thanks! I appreciate it.” She laughed a little and looked to El’kan. “If you’ve got most of it done already then it can’t be too bad.”

He made a face at her and held up the folder she had handed him. “Yea, but you just gave me even more to do!” E’nasha just barely stifled a laugh.

The laughter spread to Joseph, and he chuckled as he crawled up into his chair behind his desk. “Well, pull up a chair. I’ll help you figure out what you need to sign and what’s a trap that Lucilia likes to lay down to get you caught in a tricky deal. A lot of her rules and clauses will refer back to things a few pages back, and that always catches people off guard.” Joseph put on his thinking cap and inked his pen. From the blade stains on the side of his hand, he’s been doing this recently as well.

When it became clear that the lullaby wasn't working as well as I had hoped it would, I began to add a prayer to the lyrics. He may not notice at first, but the angelic words most likely would make the lullaby less effective as he realized what was happening. The prayer was meant to bind his movement and consciousness, dulling his power over the barrier.

As I saw him draw the dagger I was surprised. "Actually I have seen one like that before." I said between two lines of my prayer. "And I had hoped I wouldn't see one again." As I finished speaking I heard another melody join mine, and looked up to see two Angels above me on the outside of the barrier.

"Emiko! Ha, I knew you were still alive!" The familiar voice called out to me and in my joy I couldn't help but call back.

"Fisk? Praise! Who is that with you? Can you break this barrier?"

"It's Brother Arc. We'll have this barrier broken in a minute." After he finished speaking both Angels took their swords and readied to pierce the barrier.
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