Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Mahz added a Friendship system. So you can add someone as a friends if you go to their profile

oh cool!
E'nasha Williams

E'nasha was pretty quiet as she went with the group back to the college, not really knowing what she could say anyway. When they got back, E'nasha wanted to go looking for El'kan right away, but decided it would probably be better to find whoever's in charge and tell them why she and El'kan were even there.

She was a little surprised when the dwarf offered a reward to her along with the rest of the group. Sure she had helped them, but not that much right? She took a yellow ring, because it seemed the simplest of the choices, but also the most useful to her. She wondered if it would work on finding people as well as items, and decided to test it later with El'kan.

She laughed a little at the scene between the two elves, and was about to ask one of the remaining group members for help, when one of them beat her to it. She introduced herself as Annabeth before running off, and the next girl that spoke to her was called Colette. "I'm E'nasha, nice to meet you too. I suppose going to Lucilia first would be best, if she's busy I'll take you up on that tour though."

friends? What do you mean?
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

And when I thought this rp couldn't be any kinkier...hehee

That's not kinky, at least that's not how I meant it anyway.
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

But alas, no sewing materials to silence Nazca!

Oh C'mon, there has to be sutures or something among the medical stuff.
Oh look, there are posts on the bunks that Shiri can tie Xid to. @Fallenreaper
~| Day 1, 18:56 - 19:02 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

As Xid pointed it out, Shiri did notice that he looked a little better than when she had left. She was about to say that he still needed to rest, even though Lea had sped his healing, when she noticed him blush slightly. What...? Maybe he's embarrassed that I'm treating him like this... With that thought she shook her head and spoke softly. "I know you can take care of yourself, I just worry too much I guess."

When Shiri heard Nazca's voice she turned to see her friend looking like she had just went through hell and back. At the same time, Nazca seemed to realize how she looked, because she started explaining exactly how it was all her fault and tried to tell Shiri to stay calm. Shiri stood there for a moment, stunned as her friend just smiled at her. She took a deep breath and walked over to her, not saying anything until she stood right in front of Nazca.

"You idiot. You stupid... Stupid idiot!" She quickly and carefully gathered Nazca into a hug, holding her friend tightly as she tried hard not to start crying. She pulled away as she heard Xid telling Nazca off, saying the same thing she herself had been telling him just before. He started supporting Nazca and motioned to her to help as well. Shiri started supporting her other side, and then listened carefully as Xid spoke.

"Seems you were busy... I'm pretty good at slicing, so I could help with the playback loop later, and I'll help get focus crystals from blasters too. Although it could just be easier to steal a couple of lightsabers from the sith." Shiri smiled a little. "Between Nazca and I we could probably get them all."
~| Day 1, 18:51 - 18:55 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Shiri went over what had just happened in her head a few times, smiling as she remembered the promise she made. She was both slightly surprised and disappointed as Xid approached her. "I'm more ok than you are. Why aren't you resting?" Shiri sighed and continued. "I swear, I'm going to tie you to the bunk with your own robes and make you stay there until you get some sleep." She smiled as she finished, but she meant it.

"I just had an interesting conversation with a sith while we played a game of Pazaak, nothing too bad. I don't think I've played Pazaak since I became a padawan actually." Shiri stepped a little closer to Xid, ready to support him if he needed. "So why are you up and about? Did something bad happen? Is Nazca back yet?"
As the Nature magic teacher left the stage, a woman with long white hair and a simple white dress skipped to the center. Before she even said anything, all the students and people gathered to watch saw the Earth fall away from them until they were standing in a black nothingness. "I am Vivian Stark, and do not fear for this is a simple Illusion." She finished speaking and smiled at the audience while the scene began to lighten and come more into focus, revealing a fairytale glen bathed in moonlight. "This is one of the first techniques you will learn as an Illusionist, how to make the real world fall away and replace it with whatever you wish! Although you won't be able to do it on so grand a scale yet. Illusion is a very useful magic, especially if you are someone with a great imagination." She waved her hand, and around them the Illusion seemed to crack and shatter like a mirror, bringing them back to the real world around them. She took a quick bow and bounced off the stage as the next woman stepped up.

This woman also had long white hair, however it wasn't as long as Vivian's and that was the only similarity between the two. She wore a deep blue armored dress and a coat to match, with a sword in a beautiful scabbard at her side. Two cats walked up onto the stage with her, and sat at each of her sides, just a few paces away. "I am Janus Seraph, and no you may not call me Jane." With the introduction out of the way, the teacher promptly transformed into a cat identical to the two on stage with her. They shuffled around for a little bit until no one could tell which cat was her. She spoke, but still no one could tell which cat was her. "As you can see, Transformation magic is very useful for hiding in plain sight, but it can also be used to enhance your abilities and strength." At this the cat on the left Transformed into a dragon and flew high above the crowd, then in midair she Transformed back to her normal self but kept the wings until she floated back to land on the stage. She said nothing else as she walked back off the stage, her cats trailing after her.
@vietmyke I'm here
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