Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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"They want your soul? That must mean..." Allen trailed off, finishing the thought in his mind as he watched the fight. These people are sided with the Earl. Allen smiled at the girl one last time, telling her that she'd be ok before running back to join the fight. When he was halfway there his eye activated and he transformed his arm into Beta Cross, aiming the cannon at the evil bunny-cat, as it seemed Gojira-san had the blonde woman taken care of.

Waiting for the right moment to fire, someone shot at it first, entangling it in some sort of red ribbon. Allen couldn't hear from where he was, but it seemed that the man who had fired was talking to the creature, making Allen unsure of whether or not to shoot it as well. He lowered his cannon and stayed where he was. He'd watch from there and protect the girl if either of them tried to come after her, still ready to shoot at any moment.
Allen was one step ahead of Gojira-san as she told him to get the little girl out of there. Rushing over, he scooped the girl off of the ground and carried her away from the soon-to-be confrontation, putting her down on the front porch of her house. He watched a moment as more people arrived and started targeting either the floating woman or the cute little cat-bunny beside her.

Sure, it's cute. But the amount of hatred Allen could tell that people had towards it was extreme, and probably for good reason too. He watched, slightly confused, as one person actually went up and kicked the thing, yelling her head off as she did. With how many people were there already, He decided that he could take a moment longer with the girl before he needed to go over.

"Hey, are you ok? Do you know what or who those two are?" He smiled at the girl and spoke kindly, both to help her calm down and to not scare her any further. "What did they do?"
~| 19:02-20:35 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Shiri shook her head a little at Nazca's question. "If you weren't stupid I wouldn't have as much to do in a day, at least." She fell silent as Nazca teased Xid, wondering for a second why what she said bothered her, but soon being distracted by Nazca's prod about a 'lightsaber stealing contest'. "You've already managed to pinch one?! Although, you don't have it anymore do you... Is that why you're so beat up?" She wanted to add a 'you idiot' or something to the end, but settled for just shaking her head again.

She smiled as Lea came out of the medbay and started chewing out Xid and Nazca for not resting, laughing a little as she used the Force to put Nazca on a bunk, and laughing even more at Nazca's reaction. She decided to climb up to the bunk above Nazca's, poking her head over the side and smiling at her friend before sitting cross-legged on the bunk. Her smile faded as a group of troopers came in with a Red Sith who, looked really familiar. Shiri spent the short time the woman was there in a little bit of a shock after realizing that she was the Sith who had captured her, snapping out of it as the others calmed down after the woman left.

Nazca had somehow jumped off of her bunk, but was going back to it now, and it seemed that Xid was going to get some medical attention from Tolun Fi while Lea decided to go off to the other bunk room to meditate. Not having anything else to do, Shiri started thinking about the plans that had already been made in the few hours since everyone's been awake and what has happened so far. All of them were good ideas, the one that she liked the most was the one Xid came up with, although she and Nazca were definitely going to be able to steal lightsabers easier than it would be for him to try and make one from scratch.

She sat there for a while, she didn't know how long it really was, but what stopped her thoughts was the large presence of the dark side that announced the Darth's arrival. The Sith almost immediately pointed out Nazca, and then asked in a much nicer tone of voice for Tolun to go with her too. Before Nazca could get up, or be forced to get up, Shiri jumped down from her bunk and stood protectively in front of her, the same way Nazca had stood in front of herself and Xid earlier. She spoke calmly as she stared at the Sith. "No. Way. In. Hell."

She heard Tolun Fi say something to Xid as he approached the Sith, in the back of her mind mostly. What she got from it was that he was warning Xid not to try anything stupid, to stand down, which made her want to protect Nazca even more. "You've already been through enough. Today, and forever." She said softly to Nazca before glaring even more at the Sith, paying no mind to the fact that she had no idea just what she was going to do other than keep Nazca from being taken.
I hate this thing

Allen wasn't able to say anything else to Gojira-san before hearing the old man calling for help, and seeing others spring into action to save him. He was about to do the same when Gojira's words stopped him. "You're right. The others should be able to catch him, let's go figure out who or what did this." He followed after her as he spoke, reactivating his claw arm as he did.
Just as the situation ended and everyone started to calm down, Allen came back into the bar, almost bumping into Gojira-san as he deactivated his Innocence. His arm changed from the giant white claw back to a normal-ish state, and he held out his hand to her to shake. "Hey, sorry. I almost ran right into you there. I'm Allen, what's your name?" He smiled as he introduced himself, although it was more of a polite smile than a happy one.
I think I'm gonna wait a bit to have Allen come back to the bar. At least until everything calms down a bit.


Actually, @Lmpkio would you mind if Gojira met him as she left the bar?
@my Lalia It does, thank you.
@my Lalia
What are the capabilities of our characters to use their elements? Nadia can't be strong enough to make an entire room go up in flames instantly can she?

Is there, levels of power or something?
@Tip Not at all! Go ahead ^.^
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