Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Happy returns I guess, sorry I disappeared for so long. RL just got busy and I wasn't able to do much online, but I've also been steadily losing the will to go onto my computer at all. Social Media, and internet in general (A lot less here than other places), have kinda become too much for me. I'm not getting bullied or anything, but I just sorta feel... invisible and ignored. and really lonely.

Sure I can interact with people online, but it isn't the same as talking face to face with someone. Everything I say or do, everything I see or experience goes through a mental filter I have. I'm always trying to be so careful of what I say, so skeptical of what I see. I've lost trust in myself and others both in RL and Online, It's been driving me crazy that I couldn't vent to anyone.

I'm mostly in my right mind at the moment. I've been offline for about three weeks by my count, maybe longer.

I feel horrible disappearing like that. I'm back now though. hopefully for good.

I figured here would be the best place to put this, so that everyone knows, and so I don't dissapear again. I'm posting this here as a promise to everyone and myself that I'm not gonna run and hide from problems anymore, that I'm not going to abandon something I love because everything else goes south.

In my crazy life, this site is the rock in the middle of the river, a sanctuary where I can have fun and relax. Which I am very thankful for.

once again, I'm so sorry for disappearing for so long. It might take me a bit to catch up on everything.
Why're you taking these tests now? My school doesn't let us take the ACT until February, and the SAT is optional now
Shiri: A Padawan Twi'lik whom under other circumstances I would either have not noticed entirely or found her unoffensive enough. Now, it is nothing about her personality or her place in the Order, but she's a problem that suffers from her species' teenage hormonal drive to mate with whatever looks dashing enough and says enough nice things, not unlike humans. Her infatuation with Xid has compromised his judgement, and as he just proved, he isn't above reciprocating nauseating infatuation and doing stupid things to protect a girl he barely knows. So now, he lays battered and out of commission with considerable injury and he may not be able to perform if an escape attempt is necessary - or, if by chance I find a way to get him into Darth Nyiss' systems. Maybe instead of trying to find genetic markers for the Dark Side, I should have dedicated my life to defeating adolescent sex drives, then maybe Xid wouldn't be being brutalized on a daily basis at real risk to his life, and this Shiri girl could have amounted to something more than a tempest who might have doomed every captive on the ship.

If I were capable of a stronger emotional response, I might have done something rash, like insinuate her mother was conceived in Bantha Fodder and offer Xid the kindest of gestures; a full palmed slap across the face. But unlike these two, I will not indulge in immediate, fleeting gratification.

Note to self; If I escape from this predicament, petition the Jedi Order to make sterilization mandatory for membership. It is clear self-discipline and sense of duty has failed in a catastrophic way amongst the Order.

whaaa! Why's everyone judging her so much? It was just a kiss! She's a stupid teenager!

Also, sterilizing the entire Order just because of a stupid teen seems a bit much, and plus it would give the Sith yet another thing to use to try and turn the Jedi. "Hey! you ever thought of quitting being a jedi and settling down? maybe starting a family? TOO BAD!"

I'm really not sure what I was going to say about anybody for this part of the challenge. How close can two characters be and still count as not knowing each other?
odi ad videndum orbis terrarum cadent ad ignem
Asked a friend how to say this, hope it's right.

Love the new PCs btw. @WilsonTurner @my Lalia I kinda really want to make a gem that's a part of this cult now, if that's ok with you both. I was thinking that since Nadia's parents live away from a town in a forest somewhere they could know about or be part of the cult, and I could just make a CS for her dad or something like that. Plus, if her parents had an idea of it then Nadia could too, whether she tells anyone or acts on that knowledge however depends on if she could gather enough courage to do so.

Also, working on a post for Nadia, although as it's getting late I may not be able to post until tomorrow.
Step one: I'm here. *superglues self to computer* and I don't plan on disappearing for a while. I have to do a collab next right? @Ellri,@Sundered Echo, I need to know when you're both usually online by so I can actually work on that with you.

Step two: I dont think I understand the prompt. We have to have met them, and tell how we will feel about them in the future? Is that based off of the one experience they've had with each other, or are we looking at all sources of the other's behavior to better tell how we will feel about them? I think everyone's example so far has been the first way, but the impression I got from the prompt was the second.
~| Day 2, 8:40-8:51 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Prison Complex Medical Bay |~

Everything's going wrong today, I'm making too many mistakes... Today didn't start right... I'm such an idiot... I shouldn't have... That damn Lea, those damn Sith. Every single damned mistake is because of them... Today... I kept letting it get to me, and now I've lost it. Fucked up everything. Shiri slowly managed to piece a few thoughts together during the fight, realizing what she's been doing wrong and barely able to suppress her anger at herself. She shouldn't have gotten up today. If she hadn't she could have missed eavesdropping on them in the shower. She wouldn't have failed to keep calm with the Sith earlier. Wouldn't have gotten into a fight with a monster.

But which monster? The Trandoshan may have picked a fight either way, but Jealousy could be avoided or contained. Shiri did neither. She would have to find a way to get closure with both Xid and Lea later, but right now she had to focus and calm down. She'd started this when she kissed Xid, which she really shouldn't have done and would probably be berated for by every other Jedi on the ship. Xid would probably start avoiding her after this, although that might be for the best, considering.

As she collected her thoughts the Sith was responding to the other one, the voice. Shiri barely heard his words from the slow-growing bubble of thoughts taking her focus, although she snapped back to the now as Sish turned his attention to Alat and threatened him. In the next moment she felt herself being pulled towards the Sith as he choked her again, although Alat caught her before she got close enough for Sish to grab her. She got her breath back as Alat put her down again, a whispered thank you escaping her lips before he asked her to apologize to Xid for him.

Before she could question why, the answer came as Alat suddenly let off an aura of hatred. The air seemed to grow darker as he attacked Sish, flipping over to the other side of the monstrous Trandoshan. She understood, Xid was going to flip out, and Alat probably wouldn't be able to approach him later to apologize or explain. Not that she'd be in much better a situation at that time. She didn't approve of his use of the dark side, but the way the Sith acted directly after Alat's attack made Shiri think that there may have been more to it than simple fighting.

The Sith went into a rage, his aura exponentially stronger than Alat's just seconds before. Before Shiri could do anything to react, Sish screamed, knocking her down and almost knocking her out as her head hit the wall. She barely knew what was going on anymore, just that the Sith's focus seemed to have shifted away from her for now.

A few seconds passed, and felt like a lifetime as she watched the rest of the fight, ending when some alarms came on and gass filled the room. Shiri held her breath, closed her eyes, and put her hands over her ears to try and avoid whatever the gas would do, knowing it wouldn't do much good however. She managed to keep awake just long enough to clear her mind and refocus her thoughts into a rudimentary game plan. Whenever she awoke again she'd be calm, a mental restart to the day.

Hopefully she'd be able to fix her mistakes then.
<Snipped quote by Archangel89>

Have you seen the fan art?

Scary and cool at the same time. But what's the problem with having one?

Besides, you only have Darkside examples there. These are way cool:

Also, Hi! Nice to meet ya! @Archangel89
Ok, RL kicked me in the face and so I've been missing for a couple of days. Sorry.

I've caught up on the OOC, reading the IC now, and hoping to make a post once I finish reading to catch Shiri up with everyone else.
Well, assuming we could control what the final posted product would be...

It'd certainly be easier.
*Trumpets sound* I'm Back! Keyboards are so annoying, why can't we just type with our minds?

Gonna post for Shiri soon I guess. Just gotta catch up on the IC.
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