Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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I'm honestly unsure what to do with Zane at this point. Other than him maybe having a part in Nadia's plot he doesn't have an agenda. Perhaps he could go to the meeting between the cultists and Lady Sia? otherwise I'm gonna end up writing silly, non-important side plots for him...
Nadia Parnel
Bride of Exon (@Ellion) and sister-bride to Saisri (@RomanAria)

Nadia woke up rather quickly considering how much she didn't want to. While her sleep had been dreamless, it had at least also been peaceful. She stood up slowly, holding her blanket closely to herself as her bare feet landed on the chilly stone floor. The room had gotten cold quickly after the fire in the hearth had died at some point after she'd fallen asleep, leaving the thick blanket she'd cocooned herself into as the only barrier between her naked body and the chilled morning air.

She nodded her acknowledgment to Exon as he told her and Sisi to prepare for the day ahead, and sighed inwardly as he also reminded her of her punishment from the night before. She did realize that he could have reacted much worse to her withholding information from him, but she hoped that he could understand why she did it. That man, while he'd been horrible in the few moments of contact they'd had, was still a person, right? She was pretty sure Exon had broken the other drakken's hand beyond any perfect healing, but she didn't feel that anyone deserved to be treated any worse than they would bring onto themselves. Only murderers deserve death.

She dressed quickly, picking up and neatly putting her dress from the night before in her travel chest, before putting on a simple two-piece dress that was much better suited to travel than the showy one she'd just put away. She also tied her travel cloak around her neck. They may not have been leaving immediately, but she saw no harm in putting it on preemptively rather than carrying it around until it was time to go.

Once she was dressed she stood by the door, waiting for Exon to say it was time to go, but before that could happen she heard something like the beginnings of a fight out in the hall. Exon soon led them out of the room, being careful to keep her in front of him, she supposed it was to keep her in his line of sight during this. She glanced at Saisri for a second as Exon said he wanted them to see, whatever was going on. She hoped that whatever happened next, no one would get into any serious trouble or harm.

<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

*Glomped* Ummm... Skype chat Rtron was acting power hungry. So I'm worried.

That's probably just him venting his excitement for the mission, I hope. On the other hand, we could all be doomed....
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>


what? runnin' low on hope Angel? *glomps*
E'nasha and El'kan (if I ever finish his CS) are going to Yarosmere.

Not sure how high my hopes are now as it seems Rtron's the GM for that mission... (jk, i'm sure they'll be fine. )
@Luna Your turn!
When the light flashed, 3 things happened at once.

Sans tried to grab Gaster again, this time succeeding in pulling the old scientist into reality, but not before Chara had grabbed onto Gaster- forcing themselves into reality along with him.

The third thing, the DT Extractor exploded at the same instant that Gaster and Chara were brought into reality.

Sans was far enough away to be safe from the main blast, though the outward force still knocked him down. The others, weren't as lucky.

He rushed over to check on them, starting with Frisk. As if it wasn't bad enough that Frisk had been weakened by using the DT Extractor, they had also been the closest to the blast and were pretty badly injured, as well as unconscious now. Gaster didn't seem injured at all, but Sans was unable to wake him up no matter what he tried. The same seemed to be true for Chara and Flowey as well, no visible injuries but unconscious to the point that he woulda thought they were dead if it weren't for the fact that he could tell Chara was breathing.

He moved all of them to the infirmary in Alphys' lab before leaving to get Alphys herself, explaining what had happened to her on the way back.

A few days later, Alphys had healed all of Frisk's injuries, but despite not being hurt anymore they were still unconscious along with the other 3. Finally, Alphys checked all of their DT levels, and found out that they were all extremely low on Determination but had not fallen down. She decided to try injecting them all once a day with the smallest amount of DT possible, hoping that by raising their levels slowly they would all wake up without any adverse side effects.

In a week, her plan showed successful. Frisk and the others all woke up within minutes of each other, although something seemed... off about them all.

Chara was the first to try to speak or move, but at Sans' suggestion Alphys had restrained them in case they were to try something.. dangerous. "Um, where... why can't I move? Where am I?"

Gaster was awake before Chara, but had not said or done anything other than stare at the ceiling until he heard the child speak. "This place feels like it should be familiar..."
banned for there not being a point to this topic other than being the last person to post
well this is a first, there's actually more than one reason I don't recognize you. 1: I was probably really drunk last night, and 2: did you ever take off that hood?
Tiny dog, meet REALLY BIG DOG

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