Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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>Ug, catch one of those rabbits
>Woman, set exactly one bush on fire as you go south
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
~Hitomi Sora~
"Sometimes your imagination plays tricks on you. Sometimes it doesn't. Knowing the difference can save your life."

(First) Sora
(Last) Hitomi
Age: 18 Pre-mortem
Gender: male

Appearance: Doesn't matter. If you see me, it's too late.
He is 5'4" and weighs approximately 115 pounds. With pale blue eyes and Raven black hair, he will often wear a mask covering the rest of his face and neck. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder of a golden cross, and wears an earring of the same design in his right ear. In his left ear he wears a stud earring with a ruby gem on it. He has (now had) multiple scars, however the most interesting or important of which were burn scars that he had all across his back and torso, and a scar from a puncture wound on the back of his right thigh, close enough to the knee to be seen if he wears shorts. These scars are no longer on his body, but they were before his death, and they used to be a large part of himself and so he may act like he is still scarred.

Hobbies: Wandering about, observing others or spending time alone. If I am certain there is no one around I'll sing quietly to myself. I enjoy music, and nature. I also somewhat enjoy spending time with "friends". People tend to become predictable over time, I like to observe how their nature changes in any given situation.
Dislikes: Excessive questions or interest in myself by others, noisy animals (or loud noises in general), Snow in general, and crowds or crowded places.

Other Info: What else is there to say?
He doesn't speak much about himself, however to anyone who tries to ask it is obvious why. Sora values privacy, and identity. He finds it easier to go through life a mystery to others, so that others cannot define him in terms that they would a "normal person". Doing this, he's able to act in inhuman ways, justifying his actions to himself with this and showing little emotion in situations that would cause most others fear or remorse. Sora believes this detachment will help him to grow stronger, and it did for a time.

But then he died.

P.S.: He was an assassin before death, I'm not sure if I'll write in a bio for him later or not. just consider this the full CS and I'll re-post it in the OOC and just edit it here if I do choose to add one.
granted. you die of an excess of metals and waste in your system because you never felt you had to poop, but you still needed to.

I wish for absolute silence for once.
@Ellionthe list of rules looks fine to me, and obvs. I'm here soo... I'm working on a post I guess?

idk if Onyx is stuck with Sia just yet. she's kinda like a hot potato.
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mokley and, here it is!

~Hitomi Sora~
"Sometimes your imagination plays tricks on you. Sometimes it doesn't. Knowing the difference can save your life."

(First) Sora
(Last) Hitomi
Age: 18 Pre-mortem
Gender: male

Appearance: Doesn't matter. If you see me, it's too late.
He is 5'4" and weighs approximately 115 pounds. With pale blue eyes and Raven black hair, he will often wear a mask covering the rest of his face and neck. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder of a golden cross, and wears an earring of the same design in his right ear. In his left ear he wears a stud earring with a ruby gem on it. He has (now had) multiple scars, however the most interesting or important of which were burn scars that he had all across his back and torso, and a scar from a puncture wound on the back of his right thigh, close enough to the knee to be seen if he wears shorts. These scars are no longer on his body, but they were before his death, and they used to be a large part of himself and so he may act like he is still scarred.

Hobbies: Wandering about, observing others or spending time alone. If I am certain there is no one around I'll sing quietly to myself. I enjoy music, and nature. I also somewhat enjoy spending time with "friends". People tend to become predictable over time, I like to observe how their nature changes in any given situation.
Dislikes: Excessive questions or interest in myself by others, noisy animals (or loud noises in general), Snow in general, and crowds or crowded places.

Other Info: What else is there to say?
He doesn't speak much about himself, however to anyone who tries to ask it is obvious why. Sora values privacy, and identity. He finds it easier to go through life a mystery to others, so that others cannot define him in terms that they would a "normal person". Doing this, he's able to act in inhuman ways, justifying his actions to himself with this and showing little emotion in situations that would cause most others fear or remorse. Sora believes this detachment will help him to grow stronger, and it did for a time.

But then he died.

P.S.: He was an assassin before death, I'm not sure if I'll write in a bio for him later or not. just consider this the full CS and I'll re-post it if I do choose to add one.

Granted, but only you regain the ability to speak and so now you have no one to talk to.

I wish for humans to have the ability to communicate telepathically with their friends.
Granted. Even though it's clearly a wolf however, everyone just says you have a "cool dog" and keep comparing it to a chihuahua or a pomeranian or something.

I wish for the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" to become an unbreakable law of reality so everyone on earth could only ever say nice things.
A Pretty Bump.
@Belle@Ellion@karamonnom@agentmanatee I think we went with the "second night" plan, right?
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