Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Boom! post is done. g'night people.
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hitomi Sora ~ First things first...

God he hated snow. It's such a perfect trap, capturing every movement, every footstep his prey took to try and escape, but also leading his enemies straight to him as well. He didn't have the time nor patience to lay a false trail now, all it takes is one mistake, one lapse in judgement before it's all over.

The moon was full, reflecting off the snow that lay silent around him and making the forest glow, bright as day. He climbed one of the closer trees and began to walk across the branches now as he drew ever closer to his targets. The estate came into view in minutes, not a guard in sight. He'd been informed that these people knew their time was up, but he'd never encountered a group that hadn't known that in some way or another. Some chose to try and fight, bolster their ranks with hired help that would run away at the first flash of steel, others seemed to give up, even speak to him before he ended them. Some would try to appeal to whatever humanity he had left in him.

It was an easy leap between the last tree and the roof of the main building, and he landed silently thanks to the thick white blanket that covered all that could be seen. Getting in was never really the hard part though when it came to snow. He dropped down next to the servant's entrance and unsheathed his short-sword from it's place on his back, scaring a young maid away as she was about to enter the building. She wasn't worth chasing down and would only serve as unnecessarily spilled blood, he had his honor too.

The lord and lady of the house were easily dispatched, they didn't even wake up, but in tracking down their two children he encountered more than a handful of guards each. So they had thought to fight after all. The guards were fair enough foes, a couple of them had managed to land a hit, but they all either fell or ran in the end, and the elder child died trying to help them. The younger child had tried as well, managing to scratch him with a knife they'd had during the fight. That little success didn't last long once their head hit the floor.

He got away clean, or so he'd thought. less than an hour later though, he lost consciousness and never woke again.

Who thought to give a child a poisoned blade?

The light was sudden and blinding, gone as soon as it had appeared. Next came the noise, loud at first but then dying to a low rumble as his senses adjusted to the room around him, distinguishing voices from machinery. The room was brightly lit, though not as difficult to deal with as the light the 'doctor' had just exposed him to.

Sora looked around quietly as he took in the situation, and then himself. He was naked, which didn't bother him nearly as much as what else was missing. His scars, his tattoo... his skin was flawless as a newborn's, but he felt anything but reborn. His hands reached up to probe his face, the familiar shape re-cementing itself in his mind as he noted that this too was free of scars or markings of any kind, even the piercing-holes in his ears were gone. His eyes darted around the room as he pushed himself out of his pod and stood just a couple steps away from it. He tested his own mobility as he stood there, shifting his weight from one foot to the other and carefully moving each of his extremities in his analysis, and watched the others in the room as well. Where he himself, and a couple others as well, seemed to be in almost perfect physical condition, the room was a sharp contrast of rusted machinery and strange liquids carried in tubing along the floor.

The first emotion he could identify to himself was anger, red-hot and persistent. This was wrong. Him, and the others in the room like him, should not be here. "What kind of dark sorcery or science is this? How- how dare you..." He had to trail off as he searched for the right words, though only one question could voice itself at a time. "Why? Why am I here?"
mind if I bump this?
I'm bumping this again, hope we can start soon!
Granted, the genie doesn't quite understand why you want leaves to have chins but it is done anyway. now every type of leaf ever has a human-like face complete with eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. 'cause, a chin would just look weird on its own right?

I wish for the opposite of my wish.
>Ug: Ask the horse if they've seen any folks that look kinda like you around lately.
>No matter what the horse says, head east while screaming and/or making other loud noises (to maybe wake up anybody/thing that may be there?)
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hokay, here we go!

Your characters are lying in a metal pod with the cover open, and they're completely naked. All they've got are their skin and bones; nothing of their previous lives was brought with them, even their scars and earring-holes are now gone.

If you'd like to use the exchange from the top of the first OOC post you're welcome to do so, but please don't control the doctor beyond what was written there.

Otherwise, the spotlight is yours! ;D

are any tattoos gone as well? Like, idk if they count as scars or not
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm kinda waiting for @Vesuvius00 to post, but I can keep the train going if you need me to?

sorry, working on it! I'll probably have my post up within a few hours.
Omg, poor Nadia's getting left behind? Well that certainly makes my plot a little harder, but it would be interesting to see how it happens. Heh, maybe because she's not supposed to talk she gets separated from him in the crowd, and just decides not to call out for him?

If this all plays out the way it seems it's going to then Zane might not be getting killed off after all. Onyx is with Sia, Nadia's up for grabs, and Zane is gonna be.. interesting to play once everyone actually leaves Shadow worth.
Granted, every computer or device you touch now suddenly explodes whenever you try to play them though.

I wish for the genie to wish for the same wish as me.
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