Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Granted, they were perfectly happy for the rest of their lives together, which only lasted about 2.5 seconds after they ran away together because the cow that jumped over the moon had to land somewhere.

I wish for the cat to play a violin rather than a fiddle.
>Ug the Fabulous: build the homes as fabulously as possible so that you can become even more fabulous and can finally become the "Fabulous Baron of Fabulousness" and take your rightful role as chief of The Awesome Ones.
Name: Kallan Alistair (Kal for short)
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135
Hair and Eye color: white hair, blue eyes
Wing span and Wing color: exactly 12 feet from tip to tip and pure black.
Personality: She's fiercely protective of any friends she has, and isn't afraid to start trouble if absolutely necessary. She doesn't care much what people think of her, but if you treat someone she cares about in the wrong way you're gonna get hell from her. She's very patient, and kind, and has a habit of saying all the right things when needed. She likes thunderstorms and rain, and clear skies at night so she can see the stars, she adores animals and people who like them too. She respects those who stand up for themselves and aren't afraid to speak their mind, even if they don't share her opinion. She has no respect for those who believe that they have some kind of authority just because of a circumstance- like them being older than her or in a supposed position of power like a policeman or a bully. She has Claustrophobia and an extreme fear of being underground- like everything will collapse around or on top of her. She dislikes most bright/neon colors, preferring more natural hues for clothing and such. She also doesn't like crowds of people or public places much, for obvious reasons as well as being in a crowd could also trigger her claustrophobia if it's a really dense crowd.
Specialization/Skills: She's smart- tactful and plans ahead, trying to find the best outcome for a situation as quickly as possible. She's good at talking to people (Charisma), and has some skill in hand-to-hand combat as well. She learns easily.
Abilities: Flight, Telepathy (for communication and things like Charisma (convincing people to do or believe something)), and Loyalty (because she is loyal and that might inspire loyalty and trust in others).
Strengths: Learning and planning, teamwork, hand-to-hand.
Weaknesses: Extremely claustrophobic and afraid of being underground, and if she loses her patience she's not thinking properly anymore- she's a bit of a nut when pissed off.
Relationships/Family: Kal tries to get along with everybody, but as her opinions of people are formed so are her alliances, and it can take a lot to change her mind. She knows she has a little brother that was also a subject, but has no idea what happened to him or if he's even still alive. (play with that however you like GM)
Other: "You want to be my friend, because I'm a bad person to make into your enemy. Exhibit A: these asshole scientists." (I like to think she tried to hurt as many of the scientists and such other people as she could during the escape, to try and make a point that they shouldn't have messed with them like this.)
I'm just gonna wait until things are sorted out IC before posting for Nadia or Onyx. I'm not exactly sure what's going on with either of them at the moment, other than Nadia's getting left behind and Onyx is just kinda going with Sia now.
@SaikaAnge Well, here you go: (kinda a WIP, I'm happy with it but will change things if you think I should.)

Also I was really excited when I saw this was up so I did this all in like, half an hour.
Granted. You now have boundless amounts of creativity but no motivation or time to use it.

I wish to be known as the queen of turtles (because of my ability to change the color of my shell )
[Double Post Because Tags]@agentmanatee

My idea: I already took Sisi and Exon out of play. Nadia should get caught up in the shuffle and wind up bumping into Rya/Scoot and they should all get...swept up by a blood lusty Lug (who has...killed(?) his other two wives). Chaos ensues and Nadia gets herself a new husband and then it is night. (I haven't been following the other parts as well so I don't really have much to add on that side)



I am totally ok with wherever Nadia ends up, just so she's still in play. Being with Lugft might be a good thing for her(?), plot-wise at least. How would he react to the fact that she's already got a tattoo/mark from Exon, I wonder?
>Jenny: look around a little bit to see if you can find something cool to give to Ug as a present (and as proof of your love)
um, granted? The genie cannot seem to recall if you even wished for anything, thus resetting the cycle of wishes and granting of wishes.

I wish for the ability to alter my appearance at will. (hair/eye color, height, etc.)
>Goku: Help the plants grow by sending them good thoughts
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