Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

I ended up flipping a coin on if Kal would go on the rescue attempt or not
She's officially in on this
Kallan Alistair

"...if you don't, I will"

"You still down to help?"
"Let's go get our brother."

She hesitated. The second Em started running again and then took flight Kal was with her, but then as Karu went back she froze, Fear suddenly reaching her through the rush of Adrenaline that'd pushed her to get this far. She heard Ro and Dom talking, saw them rush to the rescue, but only as she lost sight of them was she able to will her body to move again. "shit.. I'M GOING WITH THEM!" She shouted to whoever might still be close enough to hear her before rushing off.

She could tell where they had gone at least, Dom had crashed into a building and was wreaking anyone who came near him. She hovered above the scene, to be safe, and reach out to him with her mind. "Hey, I'm here to help." She wasn't sure if he could still understand her, but she hoped that by using telepathy instead of speech he could latch onto the meaning of the words better. Next, she reached out to the guards that she could see were trying to stay away from Dom's path, landing near them and speaking out loud as well as planting the message in their minds to make her order more irresistible. Hopefully none of them had worked around her before.

Nevertheless, she spoke with a smile. "Drop your weapons, and go give my friend over there a hug~" If any of them were able to resist... Well, she could handle herself in a fight. This would just be so much more fun if they would all obey.
@Luna it's ok, take your time *huggles*
@Mae I know this is a couple days late, so I'm changing my "get well soon" wish to "Get well yesterday"
In Lantern 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mokley I'm good, just sitting in the background a bit. I'm not sure what to do with Erin at the moment, it seems pretty obvious that escape is out of the question because of the big doggy

I'll think of something and try to post by tomorrow

I wish to like trains.
granted, but as it turns out he's just as broke as the rest of us and he ends up getting elected out of pity

I wish for it to rain chocolate across the entire world from now on.
Granted, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one, but before you can put it in your sig you see another player who already is using it, so you come up with another one...

This continues until you die from brain-use-overload from coming up with clever lines nonstop

I wish for an Ironic twist at the end of every RP I play in from now on
granted, overnight the entire population of the world transforms into cheese.

I wish for a meteorite to land on the next president before they can be sworn into office, and for the other candidate to die of a heart attack the day before.
I'm just gonna have Nadia wander around until she bumps into whoever she'll end up with. I don't really care who I just want to get this thing moving again.
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