Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

banned for... uh, do you even have a job? I'm pretty sure 'Asian' isn't a job.
*captures @Blueflame*

grrrr.. banned for making me do my freakin' job!

banned because I said so
Granted, but each time you use your abilities, there's no filter or limit to what you hear, and so the thoughts of all the people on Earth overwhelm and drown out whatever you'd been trying to hear.

I wish for a "reset" button that only I could use, and all it would do is restart the current day from midnight leaving only me with my memories of the last times I've gone through the day.
Banned for having a color avi
You don't want text walls from us you say?

Don't worry, my muse is just in overdrive right now. 7-paragraph long posts are not the norm for me.

I'm half tempted to add to my post "BUT NO ONE CAME" at the end.
Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
Before the Crash
Lucia laughed along with the rest of the kids as their leader hopped up onto a seat herself, and she felt a bit of pride that Mimi had accepted her announcement -just like that- and was now echoing her thoughts that everyone should be making friends. She heard Ms. Cassidy calling for them to get down from the chairs, and couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the woman. She seemed to be losing control of things today.

She watched out the front window of the bus, over the tops of all the other students’ heads as she knelt on her seat in order to be tall enough to do so. She was right, the view from higher up was amazing. And the road they were on -a narrow lane of gravel bordered on one side by a steep wall of rock, and the other side a sheer drop down to the forest sloping down the mountainside below- made her feel like they were adventurers traveling through uncharted territory in the rainforests, or survivors of the plant uprising!

She was sitting on the right side of the bus as they trudged along this winding road, the side closer to the cliff face. She watched the rocks as they passed, wondering how the clif got to be there like this in the first place. Maybe she should go ask one of the teachers, they might know. Just as she turned around to try and call her question out to Mr. Connors, the bus shifted suddenly, and Lucia squealed as she slid from her kneeling position on her seat and into the aisle as the bus began to tilt.

As people began to talk over each other again and flock to the one side of the bus to look out over the edge, Lucia got herself to her feet and tried to get as close to the other side of the bus as she could. Tilting in a car was bad, so she knew tilting in a bus was like, 100 times worse. If the driver hadn’t called out for them all to stop moving to the left side, she probably would have a second later. The moment of silence that fell over the bus right after that didn’t last long, as soon enough the bus fell over the edge of the cliff. Lucia tried to find something to hold on to, but the blocky-shaped leather seats and pretty much open space of the top half of the bus didn’t offer the girl much. As they fell, she felt herself go up into the air after one particularly large bump, and, hitting her head on the ceiling of the bus a half-second later, she lost consciousness.

Waking Up
The darkness faded, or it would have if the area around Lucia wasn’t so dim itself. She blinked her eyes open in the periods between the droplets of water that kept hitting her in the face. She felt heavy, and her whole body ached, especially the area on her head where she’d made contact with the bus’ ceiling, and then apparently the ground not too long after that.

Someone -one of the older girls that Mimi had been talking to, she realized after a moment- was laying on top of her, and possibly causing some of the heaviness she was feeling. As far as she could tell, the older girl was still out cold, or close to it anyway. She tried for a moment to shift the girl off of her, or to lift her enough that Lucia would be able to slide out from under her at least. But, Lucia stopped once she realized that she was right next to a pond, and that moving the girl to the one side that she possibly could push the girl off of herself in would put her in the dark, cold water. Nope. She didn’t mind being a pillow (more like a mattress in this case) if it kept someone safe.

"He-hello?" She tested her voice, calling out to the void of dark cavern ceiling she could see above her. That was about all she could see. Cavern, pond, and the passed-out girl on top of her. As she lay there, listening for anyone to respond, she realized that water wasn’t the only liquid dripping onto her. She knew she didn’t have any cuts, she would have felt the sting as soon as she started waking up, so… the sticky blood she felt on her leg was probably from the girl on top of her. Taking a deep breath, or as deep as she could manage with the girl’s weight holding her down, she called out again as loud as she could. "Is anyone there? Help, please!”
granted. by going to these pocket dimensions you are able to drastically increase the time you have to do things in a day, but the more pocket dimensions you use, the more horrible things begin to happen to you and those you care about, which causes you to use more pocket dimensions to try and give those who are suffering more time to heal and recover, and eventually you open so many dimensions within dimensions that you can't find your way back and are permanently stuck in your current day, only able to add more dimensions in order to try and get more time before midnight to try and fix this, because if you're still in a pocket dimension once midnight hits, you are erased from all timelines.

I wish for a random superpower which has no ability to harm me or anyone else.
banned for banning people
@Thread Generator SIN Awake and alive and ready for battle sir! or, um, well I actually really hope Lucia doesn't get into any fights yet. That MERCY button is just like sugar to her. Kid can't get enough of it. It'll likely be her downfall.

Though, considering this RP is more story-driven than other UT RPs I've been in, will there be any 'battles'? I remember the thing I gave you about how each SOUL type could fight being kinda dismissed in the IntChk, but that doesn't mean the characters will not get into any fights right? It just may not play out like in the game or using the game mechanics at all?


oh, working on a post btw
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