Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
Still hoping to help everyone.
Lucia sighed in relief as she finally found where Naomi was hurt, and was certain that the older girl was still alive. She had a nasty gash on her leg, but without anything to wrap it with Lucia couldn't do anything to help that at all yet. She considered trying to clean the wound with the water from the pond, but before she could act on the thought, she heard others calling out now, answering her call from before.

"Mrs. Cassidy is in danger."

"I'm fine Lucy, kinda..."
"I don't think I'm that beat up anyway..."

At the first call Mimi ran off, beckoning Lucia to follow her as she did. Lucia stood up and glanced down at Naomi before deciding to follow. The older girl would be fine for a little while, right? "Wait up!" She was slower than Mimi in getting to where Ms. Cassidy was, and once she got there she had no idea what to do. The teacher was hanging over the edge of a cliff, an older boy trying to hold her and keep her from falling. Mimi went to get a few pairs of jeans from a pile of backpacks and clothes, and Lucia looked around to see if anyone else was coming to help. It, didn't seem like it yet, but there was a good chance that everyone was still stunned from the crash and couldn't really help.

As Mimi lay out her plan, Lucia took hold of the now makeshift rope, ready to pull when it came time. "Wait, shouldn't we try to tie these together and then tie one end to Ms. Cassidy? then we can all pull from this end away from the cliff so none of us fall over either."
@Thread Generator SIN nooooooo wake up!
JK sleep is a good thing.

Seems I was a little too slow and things escalated a little...crumbling edges and all. So uhhh, I hope you have a plan, because I'll have to consider some options if you don't... One is dropping Cassidy through inaction...

I guess I should warn you now that Lucia's the type to jump off a cliff to try and help people then.... also eventually she's gonna point out that she hates being called 'Lucy', though she's still a bit too shaken to do that right now.

@The1Rolling1Boy You could probably hear Lucia calling out to see if everyone's ok from where Ginty is, so he won't be alone for too long. What sucks is that he's probably gonna have to swim across with all the stuff he's found to get to the others... unless SIN wants to add like, a land-bridge to the other side further into the cavern? Looking at the map, I'd guess that path that Mimi and Lucia can see is off past the bottom edge?

I just edited in what I'm thinking, It's just a suggestion anyway. The red line is separating what I added from SIN's original work, except I also put Mary next to Mr. Connors
@Ryougu I'd like to go help Laach out.
Lucia's being a worry wart. nobody has to answer the roll call, but if they don't she's gonna cry b/c people aren't all ok.

@Thread Generator SIN are... are any of the kids that were on the bus dead from that crash? the thing about the blue haze kinda made me think not but..
Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
I really hope we're all ok...
Lucia was so glad when she heard Mimi's voice getting closer as the girl made her way over to where Lucia was pinned down in the darkness. "I'm alright, just kinda stuck... But be careful, she's hurt." She responded as Mimi started trying to pull the older girl off of her. She nodded when Mimi told her what to do, placing her hands in as good a position as she could to help get the girl off from on top of her.

When Mimi gave the word, Lucia pushed as hard as she could and the girl slid off of her and onto the ground next to her, the pond on Lucia's other side. "Thanks Mimi. You're one awesome leader." Lucia sat up as soon as she could, and started trying to wake the girl who'd been on top of her up, also trying to find where she was bleeding from. Now that she was able to see more of the room (due to no longer being pinned by heavy older kids) she looked around a little. It was dark, really dark, but she could make out other people walking around maybe, and a big hunk of the bus not too far away. The scene was pretty bad, kids lying about everywhere while the wreckage of the bus loomed in the darkness around them. It made Lucia's heart hurt to see, but if she was ok, and others were moving around...

Lucia raised her voice and called out as loudly as she could, her frightened tone hidden by the way the sound echoed around the caverns. "Roll call! Who's ok and who's not?"
banned for liking Undertale

(btw, my favorite anime is probably Mew Mew Kissy Cutie!)
@Natsu Yay new person! I'd assume you've been with us considering we all just survived a bus crash
~| The Jedi Temple on Coruscant |~
~| Day 1, 11th hour |~
Heart of the Temple room

Shiri slowed down once she noticed that her Master was trying to catch up with her, eventually just stopping for a moment to wait for the older Jedi. “I’m sorry Master, I shouldn’t have run off so quickly. But, it might be a good thing I did.” She apologized as they continued forward together, her running slightly ahead of her master still, not wanting to go any slower. They soon got to the heart of the temple, a usually wonderful room, but now with the fighting all around them the place reverberated with the sounds of battles happening all around the temple. A group of younglings, being herded by Xid, stood in the center of the room while two other Jedi, Denso and Khan, ran into the room from the hall opposite the one she’d come from.

Xid explained that he and the Younglings were being followed by three Sith and their droids, just as one of the droids came into the room and Master Iblik had to pull Shiri out of the way of a falling chunk of ceiling. Iblik moved them to the front of the group before releasing her arm, placing them between the droid and the younglings. “Thanks” She muttered as the rest of the droids and then two of the Sith appeared. She stood rigidly as they spoke, not commenting outside her own mind. Experiments? Well sorry Sith, but you are not getting anywhere near these kids. She waited to see what her Master would do, and once he mentioned getting the Younglings to the Archives she visibly relaxed. Cerria would be the perfect person to help the Younglings, all they had to do was occupy these Sith and their death machines. Shiri sighed internally at the thought. This was why she preferred working against computers, at least those didn't have guns and usually no tricky physical armor to deal with.

Shiri glanced at Xid, a small smile on her face to make up for her lack of a proper greeting, before she started moving back towards the hall She and Master Iblik had just come from, motioning for the Younglings to follow her. "This way." She held her Lightsaber at the ready as she moved to create a sort of barrier between the droids and the Youngling's path to the Archives. "If you all can get to the hall, you should be able to make it to the Archives okay." She kept her voice level as she spoke to the kids, watching the Sith and each droid carefully so she could react to any attack quickly, and hopefully protect the Younglings from anything the Sith might do.
Banned for calling a minority member racist (Monsters are ppl too, ya know?)
I'm gonna wait for another person to post before I do again. I like there to be at least 2 posts from other people between any two of mine.

Meanwhile, awesome music!

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