Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Alexis laughed quietly as Suleykarr went along with her joking accusation, muttering to herself just loud enough for him to hear as he started thinking how to deal with her guessing his 'secret'. "I knew it..."

As Soron began to answer her questions, she listened intently. She'd been scared to be too near the little dragon when it had appeared, but now she felt she'd been irrational in her wariness of the little creature. Hearing Suleykaar call Spirit 'brother' confused her though. She'd already figured out that he was a dragon, but was he such a small dragon as his little brother? "Are you a snow dragon too then, if Spirit is your brother?" The talk about the old language, Uld Dovah, and how it lost popularity over time as the dragons started to die out made Alexis sad to hear it. She considered saying as much to Suleykaar, but as he continued on to answer Velai's question she decided that it didn't matter if she said it or not. He's seen much sadness, he didn't need others to feel sad for him as well.

As Soron got up to walk somewhere else however, Alexis did decide to say one thing about the matter. "I wouldn't be jealous of me, of any of us. Our short lives just make it so much worse for us when we do experience such things, loved ones and friends lost to the unstoppable flow of time. So many people aspire to be like you, to ascend and have an eternal life like the dragons of old, myself included."

She stopped herself from saying anything more just as she noticed Velai handing her own glass of Crimson Tree Sap to her before the woman realized what she was doing and got flustered at herself. Alexis smiled playfully at the Seraphim before reaching to gently grab the bartender's wrist, taking the cup from her as she did. "It's okay, I don't mind sharing." She took a sip and let a far-away look cross her face. "For some reason, it tastes even sweeter this way..." She trailed off and winked at the Seraphim before taking another quick sip and handing the glass back to her. The lipstick stain that had been on the glass when Alexis had taken it was missing now, and if Velai looked closely enough she would see the color was now on Alexis' lips. When the bartender noticed this, Alexis would smile knowingly at her. If the Sol woman remembered right, Velai had been the one to start flirting in the first place.

@Rai I'll post soon, I've gotta eat now before I can start writing yet though so.. gimmie a couple hours at least.
Maple smiled at Kyle as Teodora warned her to shut him up. "See Hunny? Shh." She held up a finger to her lips as the rabbit started to talk again, stopping him from continuing. As the two vampires left the grounds, Maple zipped Kyle into the front of her jacket, leaving only his head peeking out and mostly hiding him from the sight of any humans they may encounter on the streets. She felt weird being asked to lead the way, normally she was following those who were older than her, but she didn't hesitate to turn down the sidewalk and begin navigating the city.

As they wound through the streets, Maple kept her teeth clenched, practically holding her breath all the way to the bar, the Bloody Sunday. There weren't many people outside when they got there, but as they entered the building they were soon surrounded by humans. She squeezed Kyle to her chest through the jacket as she heard her stomach rumble. Her teeth ached as she made her way over to an empty booth on the back wall of the place, putting Kyle on the edge of the table when she got there. "Guard here." She growled quietly at the rabbit. "This is our table now." Kyle didn't say anything, but he didn't move either, so she assumed he was just playing at being a normal stuffed bunny. It would help them stand out less if he were.

She looked around the bar before glancing at Teodora. "Olivia did say we could eat while we waited for them to get here, right? Do you want to find someone first or..?" She trailed off, putting her hands into the pockets of her jacket to help her keep from just grabbing the nearest human. She was fairly good at keeping herself under control, but this waiting was starting to get painful.

@canaryrose I will have a post up within the hour. I'm sorry I didn't do anything here yesterday, I had solo and ensemble today and was spending most of my free time practicing more.
just a thing I found. poor frisk :(

the dog one at 0:38 scared me.
Granted. Unfortunately, getting a limb chopped off in a freak vending machine accident isn't an illness, so that still happens the next time you go to the store.

I wish for a non-poisonous, perfectly baked, chocolate chip cookie. Or a baked potato that is also non-poisonous and perfectly baked.
Banned for not understanding that the use of tinfoil for anything other than wrapping around potatoes to bake them is a waste.
@WingsOfBronze I always get the opposite problem. When I edit things, they get longer. I guess I'm just addicted to writing
Alexis smiled at Velai's flirting, even if it was short-lived due to the man's advances towards the bartender. When he turned his attention to her, she looked at the man she was confronting in confusion as he spoke to her like she was a child, calling himself a Dragon while putting his head on the bar as if merely interacting with her was too much trouble for him. As he spoke, she reluctantly put the gems she'd picked out back in her bag, sighing quietly before speaking to the man again. "Fine. I accept your favor, and thank you very much." She bowed her head slightly as she thanked him, before she jumped at a sudden noise as one of the patrons jumped up onto his table and started shouting about the group attacking the borders and mocking the dragonslayers of Fotia. He must've overheard her talking about her fears of traveling right now.

After the other man took care of the drunkard, she turned to address him as he asked about if the army was from Nero. "I've heard that they're an army of rogues, not loyal to any country. Though I can see why it'd make sense to think they were from Nero..." After she finished speaking, she started thinking about what these men's names were. She was pretty sure this one, the less flamboyant of the two men, was Soron, but as she continued to listen to the conversation she gained no clues to the other one's name.

"I didn't know they only fight at night though." Alexis sighed before continuing. "If I'd known that I would have just waited in the last town for morning before coming here, instead of traveling through the night like an idiot." She shook her head at herself, crossing her arms as she did.

More conversation passed, and then she was surprised again. She laughed slightly as the dragon-man stood and feigned drunkenness, buying the whole bar a drink before dropping the act. "Sir, you might have a problem. You've been a bit too giving for a stranger, and now I'm convinced you're secretly some kind of serial murderer." She smiley jokingly at him as she spoke, but her words did hold some truth. Never, in all her life, had she encountered anyone who was so gratuitous. It may be an effort to be liked wherever he goes, but the way he was going about it now would raise some suspicion in almost anybody.

As he began to dictate a letter to his companion, Alexis finally learned the Dragon-man's name. Suleykaar. Suleykaar the suspicious dragon-man. She watched as Soron whistled, and a small dragon came through the door. She took a few steps back as the little dragon came near, nearly crashing into another random patron as she watched the creature land on Soron's shoulder. He spoke to the creature in some language she'd never heard before, and then disappeared for a moment to send the little dragon on its way. After he came back her curiosity started to get the better of her, and she started asking the two men each question she'd thought of in the last two minutes.

"What language were you just speaking? And how did you get a little dragon? Does the little dragon have a name? Who even are you guys, writing to a king just like that?" She shook her head at herself again as she realized that last question was a bit too rude. "Nevermind, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be sticking my nose where it doesn't belong. My name is Alexis, by the way."

She looked over to the door as a couple of girls walked in. The entire bar's attention seemed drawn to the Seraphim/Dragon duo as they walked over to a table in the corner, but Alexis was able to pull her eyes away after just a second, instead looking over at Velai. "Since he's payed already, may I have another cup of that Crimson Tree Sap please?"

I'm gonna write up a post and hopefully I'll get it up before you post yours @Rai.
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