Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

@Landaus Five-One Idk how to make bloody text bunnies... but I can try
.( ) ( )

o(") (")
@WingsOfBronze Sugar is awesome. One minute you've got all this happy energy and the next you just wanna lie down and take a nap.

Sugar is like, the least harmful drug.

Just a little music before I say goodnight now.
oh, somethin' I just realized:
"Shall we go back to the Inn now?"
>loud noises outside the tree and people screaming about the fight going on now
"Okay, nevermind. Off we go! Hope I don't get eaten by a giant freakin' Basilisk!"
@Rai go eat some food, you made a good post! I don't think you forgot anyone

I'm better at making bunnies than whales:

( )( ) *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
( -.-)

( ) ( ) ( )( )
(='.'=) ( -.- )
(") (") o_(")(")
oh.. I remember Thomas! that was a good show to watch before school back in... 3rd grade?

I feel old too.
\ | / /
\ /
______||_________ _
/ \______/ /
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It's supposed to be a whale, in case anyone can't tell..
Granted. For one second a day you will not be bored, but thoroughly entertained.

I wish for a perfect score on my next big test.
sooo, I went from not being able to think of something to write to "omg how do I stop writing?!"

I hope you all enjoy a somewhat long post where I show off a little of Alexis' personality and her archer skillz!

now, goodnight!
Alexis didn't believe Suleykaar when he said he was fine. She already knew otherwise, so when the dragon turned to leave she followed him. He seemed adamant about not telling her anything, constantly glancing over his shoulder at her as he walked. She wasn't following him very closely, preferring to give him a little space seeing as her presence was unwanted enough without being creepily close to him.

She followed him for a while like this, about to give up on getting him to talk to her when he suddenly turned and yelled at her, his voice sounding every bit like what a dragon's should. She froze in place at that, taking a second to recover as he noticed he'd scared some of the people around them along with her. She hadn't thought he would explode. "you don't seem very fine to me..." She muttered this more to herself than to him as he calmed down.

She came up to walk at his side as he began explaining what was on his mind. She listened calmly, beginning to understand as they got to a magic shoppe. As the bell on the door jingled and they made their entrance, Alexis thought of something that might help Suleykaar feel better. "You say it's been a long time since you've interacted with people like this. Perhaps a long enough time that things here have changed from what you remember? In no way was that fight your fault, and from what I saw if you hadn't been there a lot of people would be dead, not just a few getting injured."

"and you can’t really be held accountable for Soron. Even if he’s your friend he’s his own person and has to live with the consequences of his own choices and actions. He chose to fight." She spoke seriously, remembering something from years ago with a small smile on her lips. "Actually, Soron kind of reminds me of an old friend of mine, what with how he got into a fight so easily with a complete stranger."

She kept listening as Suleykaar went on to explain how he used to do things long ago, ruling his nation. "That doesn’t sound so bad. Besides, is it weak to show compassion and offer forgiveness or a second chance? I’d think jumping to the same option of ‘eat whoever you don’t like’ every time something happens would actually show a weakness in one’s ability to plan and deal with things as they come. And, in my experience, kind leaders are loved by their people -and love holds groups and even kingdoms together. No one I know of would challenge a ruler they love."

As Suleykaar handed her a small bag of coins, Alexis accepted it without complaint. She was beginning to understand that Suleykaar probably really didn’t care about how much money he threw around, in his mind he was just benevolent, though she still thought it was a strange thing to do so often. ”You really do believe Sunfire’s going to be attacked, don’t you?” She spoke quietly, not really believing it was a possibility herself. For as long as she could remember, people had talked about how untouchable Sunfire was, how it was just as safe as the capitol itself in any situation. They didn’t talk for nothing, did they?

Still though, watching as Suleykaar went around gathering a wide array of things, she felt like his worry couldn’t be unwarranted either. If there really was going to be a battle tonight, Alexis wouldn’t be able to let herself stand by on the sidelines with a clear conscience. She’d go fight too, though admittedly she knew she probably should try to hang back, as another yawn brought a couple tears to her eyes. As tired as she was, from staying up all night before and then healing Soron so recently, she could easily get herself killed out there. She needed energy, but the sun had already set by now. She regretted not spending more time outside when she had the chance earlier.

She shook her head to dislodge the thoughts and doubts she had beginning to swirl around in her mind. She knew there were a few things that could help her keep from running out of energy, and one thing in particular that would help a lot. After scanning the shelves and not seeing what she was looking for, she went over to talk to the shop’s owner, who was standing behind a counter looking bored as he watched her and Suleykaar.

“Need help with something, little lady?” He spoke kindly as she approached, and she nodded at him with a smile as she came to stand in front of the counter.

”Yes. I’m looking for a Sunlight orb, do you have any here?” The man shook his head at her before apologizing, motioning to the door as he went on to tell her that maybe a store across the market would have one. She thanked him before glancing at Suleykaar and then leaving, looking around for the other magic shop in town. She’d be back soon, so she didn’t bother the Dragon with telling him where she was going to.

She found the other shop after a moment of searching and entered with purpose, approaching the owner of this shop as soon as she walked in the door. He was an older Sol man, stocking a few potions on a shelf when she came in, but he glanced at her as the chime on the door announced a customer’s presence, a perpetually annoyed-looking frown on his face as he greeted her.

“I’m closin’ up soon kiddo. You better find what you want quick.”

”Actually, I need a little help with that sir.” She spoke respectfully as he put the last of the bottles in their place and turned to face her, rubbing at the joints of his fingers as he listened to her. ”I was told you might have a Sunlight or Energy orb here?”

“Sure do.” He walked over to a shelf on the far side of the room and pulled a softly glowing glass orb from one of the higher shelves before turning to put it on his counter and grabbing another, smaller orb from the same spot. “You’ll want this one,” He said as he began putting the smaller one in a small cloth sack with a loop of string to tie it closed. “Won't fill ya up completely, but ain’t no energy gon’ be wasted either.” He tried to hand the bag to her, but Alexis just shook her head.

”No, sorry that won’t work. I’m already kinda energy-deficient right now, I’ll need a full refill.” The man frowned at her as he went to stand behind the counter, putting the small orb in the bag down next to the larger one as he narrowed his eyes at her.

“A little girl like you don’t need that much energy. One of them soldiers out there would do better with this one.”

”Well I don’t see any of those soldiers in here asking to buy.”

“They will.”

”Really? I thought you said you were closing up? Surely, any soldier out there already knows that it’s too late for them to get any more supplies.” She blinked innocently at the man as his frown grew in his frustration with her.

“I still says you don’t need it. Whatsa kid like you gonna do anyway, if them rumors are true and we gon’ get attacked tonight?”

”How many people you know carry around a bow and arrows for fun, sir? If it comes to a fight, I’m gonna be out there.” The shopkeeper smirked at her before responding.

“I see it all the time dearie. My little grandbabies love to play war, just like you. No offense kiddo, but you don’t even look like you take a punch from one of them.”

Alexis frowned at him, crossing her arms as she retorted. ”Well no offense grandpa, but you don’t even look like you could take a hit from me either.” He just laughed at her. ”Do you make a point of pissing off all your customers?”

“No,” He said as he reigned in his laughter. “Jus’ the ones that don’t look like they can handle what they gettin’ into.” She glared at him for a moment, and he stared right back, a grin on his face like he knew he’d won. “Last time, or else I’m not sellin’ ya nothing kiddo. Take the little orb, it’ll do ya enough good.”

”What do I have to do to get you to give me the other one?”

“Prove you ain’t an idiot. Which, you’re doin just swell at right now.” He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes at him.

”Yeah? And just what would that take?”

“Tell ya what, you say that bow ain’t no toy, so I say prove it. I got a target in the back there, ya see it?” He pointed somewhere over her shoulder, and her gaze followed the motion to see a crudely painted bullseye in the back corner of the room, on the wall behind a shelf. There were bottles of potions and orbs on the shelf blocking most of the target from being able to be seen, let alone hit. “You hit the center of that target, I’ll sell ya the big orb. You miss or break any of my stuff, you pay for what you broke and you leave with nothing.”

”Sounds fair..” Alexis kept her eyes on the target as she spoke, before glancing around the room for the best place to stand in order to get a clear angle on the shot. ”Got any place you want me to shoot from?”

“Naw. Stand wherever ya like. Just know, you only get one try.” With that Alexis moved to the spot she thought was best, right in front of the door to the shop. She could see the center of the target clearly there, and that was about all she needed. She took her bow and a single arrow from the quiver on her back, taking her stance calmly after stringing the bow. She took only a second to aim, and then as she let out her next breath she let the arrow fly.

A sharp thud was heard as the arrow found its place, snuggly in between two bottles and stuck in the center of the target. She glanced over at the old man, satisfied with the look of surprise on his face as he went and pulled the arrow out of the wall, handing it to her after inspecting it for a second. She put the arrow back in her quiver and put her bow over her shoulder, not bothering to unstring it yet. True to his word, the man took the small orb out of the cloth bag and switched it for the larger one, glancing at her with an unreadable expression as he tied the bag shut and handed it to her.

She pulled out the bag of coins Suleykaar had given her and handed it to the man, asking if it would be enough. He counted the coins up and after a second nodded at her with a quiet “Mhm”. He didn’t say anything else as she thanked him and left, heading back to the shop Suleykaar was in. She tied the cloth bag holding the orb to her belt as she walked into the shop, smiling at the shopkeep as she came back in.

“You find what you wanted, miss?” He asked her as she stood by the counter to wait for Suleykaar to finish his supplies search.

”Yes, thank you.” Once Suleykaar was done shopping, she’d smile at him and ask, ”Shall we head back to the Inn now?”

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