Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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granted, but in exchange they get to wish for something else that can't be corrupted.

I wish for a cat.
@jeroukoo its cool. I did have Alice almost bite you so...

Is there a post limit/order? Like, could I post again before anyone else does yet?

Heyyyy, I haven't ACTUALLY summoned the ice demon yet lol. He was just about to cast it. Is there anyway you can edit your post a bit to change that? Not trying to be a dick or anything lol

oh, yikes. yeah I'll edit that out. sorry

I thought the cult had no ties to ant faction or country yet -that they just don't seem to be messing with Nero as much as the rest and that's why people suspect they're from Nero but they actually aren't?

Also, if we're suggesting names for the cult...
Súton Noun
Twilight; The approach of death or the end of something.
@Thinslayer I think it still works. She probably just arrived a little bit before they all came outside, so in your next post you can have her react to it all spilling onto the streets?
"You've made your last mistake old man..."

So, Alice is still being developed IC, which means that this CS will be updated later.

Technically every CS here can/will be updated as I keep using the characters. I just feel a need to point some of them out specifically.
The vampire's eyes widened in surprise as her blade shattered on contact with the barbarian's skin, and she dropped the useless handle on the ground as he suddenly wrapped his arms around her, trapping her. She tried to bite his arms, hands, something, as she struggled to get away, hissing at the man like a snake or a cat would. He dragged her outside before she came back to her senses enough to turn to shadow and phase through his grip.

She went away from him, only partially re-forming her body as she stood in the middle of the street. The chaos around was wonderful, an almost musical cacophony of screams ringing out as people saw that she was outside now, no longer contained by the thin wooden walls of the tavern. She smiled at one man as he stood frozen in fear, laughing at him as he finally snapped out of it and ran, tripping over his own feet as he and many others disappeared around street corners in the distance. Normally, she would have tried to chase a few of them down as they ran -for fun if nothing else- but as she looked back to the Barbarian and the flaming woman, and now the Argonian preparing to join the fight as well, she knew she couldn't just leave without killing them all first.

"Well, I would say using potions like that is cheating, but considering who you're up against I don't blame you." Alice smirked at him as she spoke, tilting her head to the side slightly like a child or a dog did. "Though I must say I quite dislike your choice of words. Can we not be civil as I tear you all to shreds?" It was obvious she was being sarcastic, only the dead wouldn't have been able to detect the edge to her words. She let her expression go neutral as her glowing eyes got ever darker, now more red than yellow. She didn't have another weapon with her, the dagger this Barbarian had just broken was the only blade she'd ever kept. So, now instead of rushing blindly at the fool -she already knew her fangs wouldn't work- she would keep her distance.

Her body solidified as she took control of the shadows around her, beginning to swirl them around herself in a vortex of sharp edges and smoke. She watched her enemies for a moment, the flaming woman and the Argonian beginning to take more of her interest as they began to help the claymore-wielding Barbarian standing before her. It seemed they were both mages, like her, and so they could actually be more of a problem than this brute in the long run. She began to walk around the edge of their little battlefield, slowly as if simply stalking her prey. She decided then to rush in at the Argonian -as he seemed to be the most out of it at the moment while he tried to summon a creature of some sort. She got behind him, skirting around the flaming woman and the barbarian so they wouldn't be able to land a hit on her just yet as she did. "Impressive move Argonian. Allow me to counter." She spoke with her real voice as she addressed the mage, quietly enough that probably only he heard her. She bared her fangs as she reached out to grab him.

I wish for a falling star to wish on (so my wish on that can't be corrupted.)
@WingsOfBronze you can never escape the .

We are everywhere.

@VitoftheVoid do as you wish, you don't even have to post a CS to play here. Just don't be op and you're good to go
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