Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

@Demonic Angel

@Rai in my defence, I only cheat against my very, very good friends.
whhaaaat? me?


@SaikaAnge I'm here!

Text color: DimGray - 696969

Text color: CornflowerBlue - 6495ED

Text color: a2d39c


Alexis Emaura
Lexi Emaura
Leith Emaura
Able Emaura
Aurora Emaura
Sable Emaura
Seven Emaura
Kyle Emaura
Fisk Emaura
Giovanna Emaura
Kim Emaura

Clara Klei Auburn
Genos Beau Laang
Ryba Lex Krimm
Aster Drea Just
@Rai sorry this took so long, RL got in the way a bit today. Heres Adrian:

Text color: CornflowerBlue - 6495ED
Okay... Alexis has 4 friends from before the start of the IC: Clara, Genos, Ryba, and Aster. Every single memory scene I do for her will have these people in it probably. They have an effect on her plot, but it's all already happened, so go ahead and ask questions if you have them.

my brain is currently mush, so I'm gonna sleep now. goodnight

Gaia was honestly beautiful. Vrondi may be her home, but Alexis thought almost every day about how the jungle's beauty seems a bit dull when you're surrounded by open space as far as the eye can see, and when the sunset is as pure and glorious as this one, unobstructed by any towering trees.

She was sitting on the edge of the cliff, legs dangling over the side as the sky burned away in hues of Red and Orange. Her friends; Ryba, Aster, and Genos were all nearby, either sitting around the budding campfire Genos had made or just wandering around their chosen campsite, making sure they would be safe there for the night. She'd already done her checks, and so she would watch the sunset until the others were all ready for supper. It was Ryba's turn to cook.

As the sun dipped halfway below the dark line of the horizon, Alexis felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up to see Ryba smiling curiously at her. "Mind if I join you?" Alexis smiled back before responding.

"Yeah, but hurry. It's already half done." She and Ryba both laughed a little as they settled next to each other on the edge. Alexis looked back out at the sun, and after a moment, Ryba spoke again.

"Well, okay I don't actually want to watch the sun set." Ryba motioned to the view as she continued. "As pretty as it is... I'm actually worried about you."

That was new. Alexis glanced over at Ryba in confusion, but said nothing yet. "I don't know.. I guess, you've just been a bit distant lately. Like, you're always searching for a reason to get away from the rest of us now, even if it's just for.. a sunset?"

"A little 'me time' isn't too much to ask is it?" Alexis answered immediately. "I mean, we are all together 24/7. and it's not like I go very far from the group when I'm thinking."

"If it were just a little time, no it wouldn't be a problem." Ryba paused for a moment, an unreadable expression on her face. "I understand the 24/7 thing though... sometimes even you can be a bit too much for me."

Alexis smiled teasingly, she had an idea of what Ryba meant. "What?! How can I be too much? I'm just, sunny."

Ryba smiled back before moving to scoot away from her, waving a hand towards Alexis dramatically as she spoke. "That's just it! You're too happy all the time!"

"Or, you usually are, anyway." Ryba's expression went back to serious, and Alexis realized what was gonna happen next. "But ever since-"

"I really don't want to talk about her right now." Alexis interrupted her, shaking her head. The sun was about to completely disappear behind the horizon now, the light from the campfire already shining bright than what remained of the star in the sky. As Alexis looked at Ryba in that light, she couldn't tell if she was about to get hugged or smacked- although, Ryba was the kind of person who could end up doing both.

"We have to talk about her sometime. You can't keep disappearing or falling behind just because of thoughts of the past."

"...falling behind?"

"Yeah, when we're all walking? You walk slower when your 'thoughts' start getting to you. So spill. What exactly are you thinking about?"

"It's not all one thing, it's-" Alexis interrupted herself, shaking her head. "I just, miss her. A lot."

"Well, so do I." They were both silent for a moment. The sky was a rich and deep purple now, with a stain of red still on the horizon in the spot where the sun had been just a minute before. The campfire's light behind them cast dancing shadows over their skin as Alexis avoided Ryba's gaze."But at least I've done my grieving."

Alexis stood, stepping away from the edge a little before she spoke. "Ryba, I can't. I can't just let memories go like that." She stared at the sky as Ryba stood too, refusing to meet her friend's eyes. "She may have died, but she still existed. Why should I forget the time we shared?"

Ryba sighed. "I'm not saying to forget her, but just to put it all behind you. Memories can be painful, and Clara wouldn't want you to keep bottling everything up, Alexis."

"Clara wouldn't want me to cry for her either. So, what then?"

"... She'd want you to live."

It was starting out to be a cloudless, moonless night. The stars were already peeking through the veil of purple and black, while the rest of the sunset's fiery red finally faded from the sky. The image of that sky was perfect, frozen in Alexis’ mind at the most beautiful, and terrifying, moment.

There was no warning, or at least not one that she would have noticed, as suddenly everything was falling. In her memory she screamed, before flailing about and attempting to get away from the edge. It didn't work, her movements only seemed to make the cliffside crumble faster. She heard Ryba yelling something at her, and saw her friend was standing on the air, holding a hand out for Alexis to grab. Their hands missed each other, and the rest of the ground fell away beneath her. Suddenly everything was dust and grit and stone. She couldn't breathe, and could barely think. The world went dark.

The bubble was a reaction: something summoned from her soul unconsciously in that moment. For the first time, she made a bubble strong enough to take the kind of damage that thousands of pounds of falling stone could deal, out of fear and a prayer in her heart for survival. That was the first time she ever made a forcefield that was gold.


That day was seared into her memories, resurfacing now in her unconscious mind's confusion. That moment, the beauty of the vast world before her suddenly falling away into dust and crushing darkness... The memory of it wasn't itself frightening or painful, but still it caused her to wake with a start after the rocks had settled.

Alexis opened her eyes, and for a moment she was confused as to why she wasn't currently buried under a ton of rocks and dirt. It took her a minute for her to figure out that she was awake... The memory continued to play in the back of her mind as she brought her focus back to reality. That landslide had been years ago, but right now she was fine. Or, as fine as I can be after that crash... Her friends had found her shortly after the dust had settled- her bubble had saved her life then, and thinking about it now, it had done so again.

No, wait. Not just her life. The bubble had protected Suleykaar too hadn't it?

Where was Suleykaar?

Alexis looked around at the room she was in now, searching for any clues as to where she had ended up, and for any signs of her Dragon friend. The room itself was simple; there were no paintings on the walls or books laying around, in fact there was only one decoration there, from what Alexis could tell. As she began to try and sit up, a symbol above the door caught her eye. She didn't recognise it, but felt like she probably should. It was definitely important, considering it was in such a prominent spot.

The next thing she noticed about the room was that she wasn't alone there. As soon as she had sat up, something else in the room moved too. A young-looking man, probably a mix of Oro and Nayu blood based off of his appearance, approached her as soon as he saw that she was awake. His hair was tied up in a ponytail, and he wore blue and white robes. His voice was smooth and serene as he spoke to her. "Good morning. I'm glad you're awake now."

"Good morning." She echoed the greeting, looking at him curiously as he came to stand next to her. He held up a hand in a kind of 'stop' motion before he spoke again.

"Please, don't move anymore yet. Are you hurt anywhere? I did check you for injuries already while you slept, but you were not bleeding and nothing seemed broken, so I could not do anything to help you yet." She looked at his face as he spoke, trying to guess how old he was while she processed his words. No bleeding was good, and she didn't feel like anything was broken either, so she was glad they agreed on that. Still, she sat in silence for a moment more as the man waited for her to say something.

"I'm.. okay? I feel sore all over from the landing, and I probably hit my head since I passed out, but I remember everything clearly before then so I think I'm fine there..." She trailed off for a few seconds as she tried to think of anything else she should say, but nothing came to mind. "I guess, no part of me hurts any more than any other part, and if I'm not seriously hurt like you say, then I must be okay." He nodded as she finished speaking, and she started to move to stand up. He didn't try to stop her.

She really was pretty sore, and tired too, now that she realized it. Standing was fine though, and as she took a couple practice steps she found that she could walk on her own too. She'd be okay if she could just get some sunlight and sleep, honestly. This past day felt like it'd been going on for months.

"Are you hungry? Would you like some water?" The monk asked once she was standing still, looking around the room again. While it was simple, it was like a higher-end room at an Inn, or a small apartment in the city. There was a dressing room off to one side, and a bathroom on the opposite wall. She also noticed now that there was a small table set with a plate of food and a pitcher of water nearby. She nodded at the man and he led her over to the table, sitting down at one of the chairs next to her while she took the place in front of the food.

"Thank you." She said as she picked up a piece of bread. He just nodded at her as she took a few bites. After this she paused for a moment. "Do you have a name?"


"...will you tell me?" He just smiled at her and poured a glass of water before handing it to her.

"Drink." He told her.

"Uh-huh." She smiled back at him before taking a few sips of the water. Neither of them said anything else until she'd finished eating, and the door to the room slid open. Alexis watched as an elderly seraphim man walked in leaning on a cane, and the young man who'd been in the room with her stood and bowed to the new arrival before clearing the table. Alexis stood too, uncertain what to do until she settled on just greeting the man.


banned because I can't think of a witty reason to ban you based off of what you've said in your last post in this topic.
Banned for the use of an awesome gif
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