Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

@King Tai the more the merrier! Make up a CS and tell me what side you're on!
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
Idk if this has been suggested/talked about already, but is there a way to keep specific people from viewing our profiles?
@Flightless_Soul I assume because some things have disappeared that you're dropping out? I'm sad to see you go, but know that you're always welcome to come back, okay?


Jay sighed as Loki turned down each name he came up with, and say silently for a minute as he thought. "How about..... Skinwalker? It's a type of Cryptid, like a wendigo or the Jersey devil. They're known as shapeshifters in a lot of myths and-" He cut himself off with laughter as Loki pointed out cat-boy's misfortune. "Dude, that's gotta suck." there was some more silence before a grin came over Jay's face. "so, I guess he's a wet pussy now?"

"okay, I'm sorry." he began laughing too hard to speak. "I had to."

"everyone else is just late. It's fine.." Carol picked herself up and dusted off her outfit, the bright red outfit shimmering with magic as she did. She picked up her staff off the table and looked to Henri, a small smile appearing on her face. "I'm gonna go find them, now that it really is getting past time. Before Midnight could say anything, she opened a magic portal and left. He crossed his arms, thinking for a moment before returning to his seat at the head of the table.

"I'm just gonna wait, I can make them pay later for keeping us waiting." He smiled at the girl, dual-tone eyes seeming way too warm for the lord of darkness. "Which reminds me, what side of town do you want to mess with tonight? I'm currently thinking we'll split the group into pairs and cause some chaos. Phantom and Friends can't possibly keep up with all of us."

@Demonic Angel

"Hey Dragon. You're kinda late. Welcome. Phantom tilted his head to the side at the two cousin's interaction. As Cat-boy turned to leave, he said to Yuto: "What kind of god is a cat?"

Tori let the Water balloon fly, landing on the grass a few feet away, where it popped and slashed the three of them. "Shoot! my aim slipped... Sorry guys."


"Martian Manhunter is the bomb." Jay said immediately, going silent for a minute after as Loki continued to talk. "Well, you don't want other supers to know who you are unless you trust them, so you should have a codename. I'm the Mediator. There's nothing about him that could tie hime to me other than our voices. But, i don't talk to other people much anyway so it's not like they'll ever make that connection."

"I could come up with a name for you." The white-haired boy finished his rootbeer and threw it across the room at the tower of them, sending them all crashing down. "...shoot I forgot. I'll put it back together later." He glanced out the window and thought for a moment, before his eyes lit up. "How about shifter? or like, the name of an animal in some other language, like Zorro or Kuma?"
"aww, did I make the wittle kitty angwy?" Muse spoke, baby-talk meant to annoy more than harm, but the longer Eriko stood there, the more he would begin to feel like his energy was being drained. He'd slow down and be too heavy to move his own body eventually.

Phantom just rolled his eyes at her. "C'mon, chill out sis. and you too dude. I don't wanna have to kick your ass."

@Demonic Angel

"Dude, Batman's bogus. I'm like, the watcher." Jay said, opening the door to his room. It was Spartan, to say the least. The bare white walls only had one poster on them, a picture of an old submarine, which hung over a meticulously made bed. A dresser and a toy chest were the only other pieces of furniture in the room. Now, the room wasn't clean, no there were comic books scattered over the top of the dresser and clothes piled in the corners of the room. a couple empty bottles of root beer were stacked against the wall by the door, looking like they'd fall over if anyone opened or shut the door too carelessly.

Jay picked up one of the comic books and handed it to Loki. "This guy. He's like 'dont mess with me and i wont mess with you' and he's super powerful. I'm like him." He sat on the floor by the window, peeking through the blinds for a second before looking back at Loki. "What comic hero do you think you're like?"


Carol nearly fell out of her chair as Cecilia just suddenly appeared in the base. Midnight jumped too, but played it off by standing and approaching the girl, laughing it off. "Well, that was an entrance. Welcome, Illusionist. Take a seat."


Jay sighed. "Way too often... so long as you don't break the lock I'm perfectly fine with you trying to pick it all the time." He closed the door once he was sure it was fine, turning and walking into the kitchen and pulling a bag of chips out of a cabinet. "Root beer's in the fridge, I think."

He moved to the frigde, checked, and sighed as he closed the door. "Nope. Just a sec." He disappeared through a door off the Kitchen, and came back a moment later with two glass bottles of root beer, handing one to the older kid. "I have work to do, kinda. I'm going upstairs to begin monitoring the town. You can hang out here until my dad gets home but then I gotta ask if you can stay longer." He opened his rootbeer with a bottle opener that was magneted to the fridge, and offered the tool to Loki before moving back into the living room and climbing the stairs.
@WhatAmIDoing oh, the pictures on your cs seem to be broken. also, what alignment is she?

by the way guys, there's no posting order. I'm just gonna reply whenever I can, you all can too.

Jay watched Loki begin to try and pick the lock. "I appreciate it dude, but no way is that gonna-" He was intterupted by a clicking noise as the door unlocked, and opened slightly. "Dude, what."

He stood and walked past Loki, stepping into the house and inspecting the lock. "How is that even possible?"

@Demonic Angel

As Eriko got to the tree, the Phantom stepped out of the shadow of the leaves to face him, arms crossed. As the kid spoke, He tilted his head at the 8th grader. "I don't know who you mean. I'm the Phantom."

As soon as he finished speaking, Muse fired a water balloon at Eriko, hitting the boy right in the face. She jumped down then, humming a song under her breath to slow her fall. she landed and took aim with the second balloon now. "Yuto's not here yet anyway. Leave while you can kitty."
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