Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

we could skip him... Panther could post and we just continue with who we have until new people show up?
According to the turn order on the 0th post in the IC, it's @MonkeyBusiness's turn now.
Adult Content Preference:
I'm fine with PMs but I'd rather fade to black.

Found near the Forests - Nadia Parnel
A pretty little Fire Gem in need of a husband. She definitely won't break your heart- unless you actually treat her nicely, that is. Otherwise she'll eventually gain some courage and attempt to kill you be the perfect wife!

Buried in a Book - Onyx Briyll
A down-to-Earth yet graceful Gem. She has a tendency to speak her mind, but the sharp wit and quick tongue is usually held still behind a sturdy book. She would be a loyal wife to any deserving Drakkan, though if you wish for her to submit to your rule, she must choose you, too.

Washed Ashore by Waves - Kendra Riu Bell
A Water Gem that is a bit less go-with-the-flow and a bit more of a child. She doesn't have any Fear in her heart, and there's a painful amount of hope in her eyes. She'd make a good wife to anyone willing to tolerate her optimist's worldview, and a fun one to break if you're into that. A word of Caution, however: a lack of fear inevitably leads to too much confidence.

I'm gonna bump this.

We need more players! plz join!
The older Gemminite woman often spoke of her as [i]a hidden beauty/i]

You may want to fix the /i] tag, I think that's what's breaking your hider and center tags

EDIT- Idk why this was posted twice, sorry
EDIT- see post below

Found near the Forests - Nadia Parnel
A pretty little Fire Gem in need of a husband. She definitely won't break your heart- unless you actually treat her nicely, that is. Otherwise she'll eventually gain some courage and attempt to kill you be the perfect wife!

Buried in a Book - Onyx Briyll
A down-to-Earth yet graceful Gem. She has a tendency to speak her mind, but the sharp wit and quick tongue is usually held still behind a sturdy book. She would be a loyal wife to any deserving Drakkan, though if you wish for her to submit to your rule, she must choose you, too.

Washed Ashore by Waves - Kendra Riu Bell
A Water Gem that is a bit less go-with-the-flow and a bit more of a child. She doesn't have any Fear in her heart, and there's a painful amount of hope in her eyes. She'd make a good wife to anyone willing to tolerate her optimist's worldview, and a fun one to break if you're into that. A word of Caution, however: a lack of fear inevitably leads to too much confidence.

Found near the Forests - Nadia Parnel
A pretty little Fire Gem in need of a husband. She definitely won't break your heart- unless you actually treat her nicely, that is. Otherwise she'll eventually gain some courage and attempt to kill you be the perfect wife!

Buried in a Book - Onyx Briyll
A down-to-Earth yet graceful Gem. She has a tendency to speak her mind, but the sharp wit and quick tongue is usually held still behind a sturdy book. She would be a loyal wife to any deserving Drakkan, though if you wish for her to submit to your rule, she must choose you, too.

Washed Ashore by Waves - Kendra Riu Bell
A Water Gem that is a bit less go-with-the-flow and a bit more of a child. She doesn't have any Fear in her heart, and there's a painful amount of hope in her eyes. She'd make a good wife to anyone willing to tolerate her optimist's worldview, and a fun one to break if you're into that. A word of Caution, however: a lack of fear inevitably leads to too much confidence.
@Melody00 Hey, looks good! A cook huh?
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