Avatar of vietmyke


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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The truck managed to sputter the last mile and a half to the rest stop before the engine started belching black smoke. The more mechanically minded among them knew it wasn't permanently disabled, but it wasn't going to be moving any more that night. It took a combination of Morden's bulk and Gerard's telekinesis to get it the last two dozen meters into the waiting garage bay door, attended to by some old timer severely lacking in sleep, but with enough wits to know better than to ask a half dozen youths in a military truck to ask any probing questions. The area itself was sparse enough that there wasn't even much in the way of a motel, just an oversized RV for renting. Luckily for them, the old timer running the place was partial to cash payments and said little more than a number before taking the cash and quickly scurrying away to his own bed for the night.

"I guess we can call it lucky that just one old man runs this whole place." Gerard commented idly, "Just a single geriatric- perhaps memory addled witness. I wouldn't believe him if we questioned him."

"Sleeping situation though..."
Gerard glared idly at the unoffending RV that sat on one end of the driveway waiting for them. Single bathroom, 2 bedrooms- one with a bunk bed, the other with a single twin. A table and a quartet of folding chairs sat in front, and a portable firepit sat not far away from it. Otherwise the lot had plenty of space for the squad to fan out and find their own space- be it the garage, the roof, or the robot-run gift shop. Though after that night, Gerard was less inclined to trust even the auto-cashier.

Distrusting of machines or not, Gerard returned to the group with a pair of jeans, t shirt and a trucker cap. Rather unceremoniously pulling the cap over the princess' head, Gerard shrugged before tossing the rest of the clothes at her. "Better for all of us if no one recognizes you, yet." The princess grumbled but nodded as she disappeared into the RV to presumably change and sleep.

"Who wants first watch?" Gerard asked aloud, magnanimously not offering his own presence. Holding his phone up to whomever offered. "Just in case we get a call in the middle of the night."
Galahad Caradoc
Hien Rijin

Perhaps an hour or so after Izayoi and Lord Hien had finished their argument, Galahad found himself standing outside his door. Having long since doffed his dragoon's armor, Galahad mulled over what he was doing here. He was a leader, expected to take charge of the Kirins' and their objectives, make allies and discuss next steps towards their goals, but he was no politician, or mediator for that matter. The scars of the war ran deep, yet Galahad couldn't sit idly and let his comrades do what was his work. Oddly enough, a part of him was offended on Izayoi's behalf–having risked her life to save him, only to have it thrown back in her face. Their problems were probably much more than he knew, and if Izayoi ever caught Galahad feeling pity for her, his head would probably not be attached to his shoulders.

Yet here he was.

With a sigh, Galahad collected himself for a moment longer before he rapped a pair of knuckles. ”Lord Hien. A moment, if you would.”

Hien sat kneeling on a mat within his quarters, attempting to meditate to calm himself. And failing. With a frustrated sigh, he rose and forced a placid expression on his face before opening the door. He looked at the man before him.

“Ah. You must be the dragoon. I’ve not seen your face compared to the others, so that narrows it down. Come in, come in! You helped save my life, I won’t bite. At the very least, you aren’t Artorias Caradoc.” He chortled briefly before ushering Galahad inside.

Galahad frowned, his lips forming a fine line as he paused in front of the threshold. “No, I am not. My father and I currently have… differing opinions regarding my being here.”

“I am Galahad, though a Caradoc no longer. If my presence displeases you, I will excuse myself.”

Hien’s expression turned unreadably neutral at the revelation, though he made no move to push Galahad to leave, continuing to allow him inside.

“Well. Isn’t that…unfortunate. Regardless, I believe you had something you wished to discuss with me?”

He turned and strode back inside, sitting with his legs crossed on the mat he’d previously been trying to meditate on. Galahad sighed but followed him, taking a seat a respectful distance across the mat. He'd have found out in the next few minutes anyway, better to have been honest and up front.

“By all means, let’s hear it.”

“Firstly, I'm glad to see you've made it back in one piece. We may have caused a bit more chaos than intended, but your people here are quite capable. Ciradyl and that ninja Chisaki especially.” Galahad said with a respectful nod, taking a moment to take stock of the young lordling.

“I lead the Kirins.” Galahad started simply, gesturing with his head towards the door where the rest of the party went about their business. “We're spearheading an effort to stop the Blight that's been plaguing these lands. Our current working theory is that Valheim is responsible– if not for its creation, then at least for its propagation throughout Osprey and the rest of the continent.”

“It seems we'll be in Osprey for at least a while longer. It is my hope that we may be able to help one another.”

“I don’t disagree with your assessment.” Hien nodded. “The reports from the outlying villages didn’t begin until after the invasion.” He mulled over the rest of Galahad’s words for a moment longer, squinting slightly as he looked the man over.

“There were reports from the desert that I’d been meaning to send people to look into before Valheim took me captive. Now, I’m to begin the arduous task of finding what remains of my men and rallying them back under my banner. And Lady Ciradyl’s people, gods bless them, aren’t quite direct fighters.” Hien said with a rueful smile on his face as he continued on.

“Quite frankly, I can’t turn down your offer of aid at this junction. We can discuss this further in a day or so, give your people time to recover. And for tempers to cool.”

Galahad couldn't help but chuckle at that. “You mean Izayoi? Smart, that. The woman's more explosive than the mages sometimes.” He paused for a moment, “But, for all my misgivings, she's always done exactly what she said she'd do. If I understand correctly, she's your bodyguard? Instructor?”

“One, then the other, once upon a time.” Hien nodded solemnly. “She was…unassailable when I was a boy. A pillar of strength.” He looked away, his mien suddenly grim.

“It hurts to see her practically shattered like this. Worse to know she’d all but abandoned us until her own personal tragedy pulled her back in. May as well have told us to kick rocks.”

“Glad I only see her now then.” Galahad chuckled mirthlessly, “Otherwise I'd might not have lived to have this conversation.”

The Dragoon paused for a moment, regarding Hien's face for a moment. Galahad was no aged veteran himself, but the boy looked young, not quite naive, but not quite found his stride yet in the world.

“She didn't abandon your people.” Galahad said quietly, “At least I don't see it that way. I think she died for your people, on that mountain. Her family gave her a reason to live again. Then Valheim took it away.”

“Were this from anyone else, I’d take it as empty words. But you’re a Caradoc.” The other elephant in the room. “From you, I may actually believe it. Though it still stings that she was absent when we needed a paragon the most.”

Hien stood and turned, looking out of his chamber’s window. Fires and smoke from the breakout could still be seen in the distance, along with crews scurrying about to try to put them out.

“Tell me, how is the man responsible for my father’s death?” An undercurrent of rage, grief, mourning in his words that he couldn’t quite keep restrained. “I doubt you were at that first battle, Izayoi would have cut you in twain if you were, but let’s not beat around the bush here. We both know who had the last King of Edren’s ear about that conflict to begin with. And who profited the most from it.”

“I think I could give her a run for her money nowadays.” Galahad replied, “But no, if we met during the war, we'd be one more Caradoc short.” Galahad too stood, but rather than joining the Osprean Lord by the window, Galahad sufficed with examining a few of the scant portraits that adorned the wall.

“He's alive.” Galahad's voice a bit tense, “I'm not sure why he opposes the new King's efforts to stop the Blight, but I've never been one for politics.”

“Though if we're to begin pointing fingers, we had offered to trade for the mines, but our diplomats came back missing from the neck down. At that point, I think war was inevitable.”

“By all accounts, Lord Caradoc’s offer was insultingly low. The Emperor was infuriated when he was informed of the offer. Some thought that was deliberate, you know. Force us into war with a slight upon our honor. So yes, war was likely inevitable. Though still from the same source.” He looked to his Edrenian counterpart, weary.

“But we’ll be here all night should we continue to split hairs. As much as I wish to see your father’s head displayed before me one day, you aren’t him. If there’ll be nothing else, Knight Galahad?”

Not quite angry, but Galahad had tensed, readying a retort of his own before he stopped himself and sighed. Hien was right, they'd be arguing all night at this rate– and he doubted either of them would be able to change the other's opinion in a single night.

“You're right. Perhaps tonight is not the night to debate on the war. I think the scars run too deep on both sides to have it reconciled so easily.” Galahad sighed, his hand massaging his brow.

“But that being said, we must appear strange to you, Lord Hien.” Galahad said, “A dragoon and a samurai– working alongside one another.” Galahad couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of it all. “Demon, Limbtaker, the woman who slew my brother, and yet I still stand with her.”

“We live in strange times. Five years ago, Lady Ciradyl was merely a very talented singer. And now she runs the only active resistance cell in Kugane.” He chuckled back, nodding and just letting the mention of Izayoi and Galahad’s brother pass. Nothing would be gained by prodding into that just now.

“Regardless, as I’ve said, I’ll lay out all of the details once everyone’s had a chance to recover. And you should, as well. It can’t be easy managing so many disparate personalities in your squadron.”

“Five years ago, I couldn't imagine it either.” Galahad replied as he made his way to the door. “But war changes people. Izayoi too. Forgive my impertinence, but I think the two of you value each other more than you both understand– or perhaps are willing to admit. Life is short and fleeting, and if I may offer you something from my own experience: Don't say things you won't be able to take back.”

Galahad offered the lordling a short bow before crossing the threshold. “Goodnight, Lord Hien.”
Incidentally, if I'm missing anyone please let me know!

Raises hand - I also submitted a character :D

My submission, for your perusal: a delinquent, and a shrine maiden

Also reading through this with great interest!
In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

"Ah, say it ain't so. I was just starting to enjoy this little vacation." Gerard sighed as the others began to filter out of the truck. Morden went to move and aid Val- they all more or less knew each other's Astral Reducer dosages by heart, Gerard's magic was more for damages of the flesh, which they had surprisingly sustained very little of. Gerard swung himself out of the back of the truck, glad to be out of the stuffy back and breathed in the cool air. Looking up at the sky now, no one would've been able to guess that a ship was up there shelling the crap out of them no more than a few minutes ago. It was like it had up and vanished. "Whatever those things were, they're gone now." he muttered.

Much like Silje, one of the first things Gerard did was check if the ship made any news, or if anyone else had caught a sighting of it- which shouldn't have been difficult given it's size, but both WARDENs disappointingly found nothing on social media or news. Either truly no one had seen anything, or Rassvet censor nets were already hard at work.

"What I'm curious about," Gerard called out to the group, "Is why princess here crashed here of all places. The peace talks weren't set to happen until tomorrow- and even flying we're a good few days west of Orestia. That's a pretty far distance to fall."

"We never made it to the Rassvet border." The princess replied, also stepping out of the back of the truck, watchful eyes prevented her from straying too far away, so she made do with sitting on the truck's bumper, hands running through her hair to shake off untold amounts of dust. "We were about an hour or so away from the border before we ran into a mist storm. We were only in the storm for a few minutes. When we came out we were- wherever here is, it was dark, and then we were attacked moments later."

"I've heard of mist storms displacing objects- chairs, wallets, keys, but a whole ass ship?" Gerard couldn't help but chuckle out of the sheer absurdity of such a thing, "I've never heard of such a thing."

He sighed but nodded as Justice told him to call it in. Looked like their vacation might end up being cut short after all- great. They' d only just pooled up a bunch of money for this sort of thing anyway, and it's not like Rassvet paid trainees much either. As Gerard walked a short ways away to make the call, the Vangar princess turned to Justice to address her and the rest of the Barghests milling around the truck.

"With all the chaos and running, I hadn't thanked you properly yet." Collette said before giving them a short bow, So thank you, I don't think I would've survived the night if you all hadn't come along."

"I'm guessing you all already know who I am, but for the sake of formalities, my name is Collette van Skymning. I was supposed to be arriving in Orestia to facilitate peace talks between Vangar and Rassvet. For whatever that's worth."

" -no I don't know what they are, that's why I called them unknown entities." Gerard's voice carried through the relatively still air, frustration apparent in his tone. "No sir, we didn't take secure lines with us when we left- we weren't expecting to get into combat some hundred miles or so inside the border. Yes sir. Yes sir. But- Yes sir."

Returning back to the group, Gerard sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, no one whose worth a damn is awake right now, but I managed to get on the line with Lieutenant Setzer, the training company XO. He said he's going to report to relevant parties ASAP, for now we're to hold fast and lay low."

Glancing down at the rest stop a few miles down, Gerard shrugged. " Can we a least lay low with four walls and beds? Rest stop looks like it has a garage, and this junk heap isn't gonna last much longer without some repairs."
Galahad Caradoc

Mentions: @Izurich, @Click This, @Ithradine, @Psyker Landshark

"Good shots." Galahad commented. He'd always known Skael had good marksmen, but Eliane was surely something else. Galahad didn't know if they'd killed Reisa, but at the very least they had space and cover for retreat- as much as some of them may have enjoyed the idea of slaughtering a Valheim garrison, they weren't exactly in the position for a drawn out battle. Reaching down, the Dragoon ensured that his cloak was secured around the young dragon eidolon before shouldering her, shifting his grip on his halberd so he could at least hold it one handed. "Now seems a good a time as any to get out of here. Let's go."

Relatively silent when compared to the chaos going on in the streets below them, Galahad hopped from rooftop to rooftop as he ran alongside the rest of the team, keeping an eye out for threats he thought they couldn't handle on their own. Not that he had much to worry- when it came to the rank and file of Valheim's forces, the Kirins and their new additions had already proven themselves.

Robin and Rudolf lead the charge down the snaking maze of alleyways, the others not far behind, Chisaki and an unwilling Izayoi in tow. The ninja was lagging behind, and another of Valheim's infantrymen sprinted out of yet another alleyway in an attempt to flank the fleeing group, and take advantage of the ninja's wounded state. Before the soldier could get within ten paces of the group, a pair of blued steel boots crashed unceremoniously onto the top of his shoulders, the point of a wicked halberd cracking the armored carapace with relative ease. Galahad, along with a cape-covered Eve over his shoulder nodded to the group and gestured down one of the dark alleyways with a nod of his head- one of their pre-established exit routes.

"This way!" Galahad called to the group. He leaned in a bit towards Izayoi as he ushered the others by, his voice lowering. "Kill Reisa another time. You're the one that said you needed to rescue the lordling. So, rescue him."
Interested! Cooking up a potential character- I'm thinking maybe a sort of performer-thiefy type- the sort of bragadocious/mischievous entertainer type whose hands are maybe a bit too quick for his own good, or maybe a good natured gentle giant sort of fella
Galahad Caradoc

Mentions: @Ithradine, @Izurich, @Click This

"Arton with me!" Galahad bellowed, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. Miina's spell had taken out the leadership, and the soldiers surrounding him were beginning to crumble, their focus dividing as they faced attack from multiple angles. Bounding forward, Galahad leaped and swerved, juking his way through oncoming fire before straighting out the last dozen yards and bursting forward with his halberd held before him. The Dragoon crashed into the fractured enemy formation, impaling the foremost soldier with the point of his weapon like a cavalryman's lance. An upward swing of his heavy blade sending the skewered man flying unceremoniously through the air, landing a few feet away with a sickening thud.

Twisting his torso, Galahad took a step back and twisted his weapon, catching the blade of another soldier on the haft of his halberd as he shoved him back, flipping his halberd and jabbing with the pointed butt of his weapon. Mithril cleaved through the steel armor and sent the soldier reeling, though Galahad didn't check his kill as he began to flourish his weapon, wide swings and arcs keeping the soldiers at bay and further breaking up their formation.

The fighting from inside grew louder now, as Izayoi's team finally spilled out of the prison, they'd retrieved Hein. All that was left now was for them to retreat, though that was easier said than done with the airship pouring fire down onto them. Or at least it would have been, if not for their black mage pulling a literal dragon out of her hat. The resulting display of power was awe inspiring, and was perhaps a reminder of the sheer amount of threat Valheim truly posed- had Eve stayed loyal to them, perhaps the Kirins would be the ones on the receiving end of this magic.

Galahad's awe quickly turned into horror as he saw the girl transform back into her original form and began falling- did she not have a backup plan? Or perhaps was he the backup plan and no one told him. With a curse, Galahad quickly extricated himself from his current engagement, throwing back Valheim footmen with a wide swing before he jumped high into the air, the crest of his arc meeting Eve's trajectory as he caught her.

Roof tiles scattered and shattered as Galahad's form landed on the roof next to Eliane. "This wasn't part of any plan I discussed." Galahad grumbled as he set the no-longer-dragon girl down next to Eliane, quickly unclasping his cloak to wrap it around the unconscious eidolon. "I think she'll be safest up here. Let's wrap things up and get out of here, quickly."
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