Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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The girl drew in a deep breath.

Her hands tensed slightly.

You can always improve. You can always do better.

This was the thought process that had been ingrained in her since she could walk. Since her training began in earnest. Her grandfather had never told her to be satisfied with the level of skill she had obtained.

No, the message was clear.

She always needed to strive for more.

And thus, she trained.

For she could always improve. She could always get better. Even if she reached the peak of understanding, that only meant there was higher peak yet unconquered that she had to strive for.

Her left foot slipped back. Her right foot slipped forward.

Roukanken's blade gleamed in the sliver of light from the setting sun.

She could always go faster. She could always reach further. If there was something her blade couldn't reach now, then she would train until she could reach it tomorrow.

She raised Roukanken.

But then, she heard something. A sound from behind her.

Konpaku Youmu glanced back over her shoulder.



This wasn't the garden. This wasn't Hakugyokurou's grounds.

That much was certain, even in a single instant.

But the question of where she was had to go unexplored.

She couldn't see her other half. Her vision already blurred. Her entire body felt stiff and immobile.

With a gasp, Youmu clutched at her chest, Roukanken falling from her grasp as she hit her knees.

Sweat dripped from her brow, her body shuddering now.

It wasn't a physical pain. There was no clear source. It was a twisting, burning emptiness, an agonizing absence that seemed to radiate through her entire body simultaneously. It was as if it was eating away at every single nerve ending, ever single muscle fiber, every part of her being. But there wasn't any question of why she felt this way. It was obvious from the very outset.

Half of her was missing.

Her vision was darkening already.

She wasn't sure if she could even live like this. Could she?

Was she about to-

"Y-Yuyuko-sama, I'm s-sorry, I-"

And then everything was clear again.

The pain ceased as abruptly as it had begun.

Youmu found herself on her hands and knees, panting, staring at the grassy floor. The searing emptiness that had nearly overtaken her was suddenly filled.

The small, silvery-haired girl's frame trembled there for a few moments, before she was able to raise her head.

There was the wispy, misty form again. The half of herself that had been missing.

Somehow, for just a single moment, Youmu had become disconnected from herself. It was a horrible, agonizing sensation, and something she never wanted to experience ever again.

As she took Roukanken in her hands and returned to her feet, quickly sheathing the longer of her two blades, she realized that just because the emptiness was gone did not mean everything was back to normal.

Her phantom half was not floating so freely, any longer. It was lower, and not moving as swiftly to follow the rest of her. And something still felt strange, as if there was a little hole somewhere.

It was as if her ethereal, noncoporeal half had been injured.


It didn't make any sense. She couldn't figure out why it had happened, or where she was.

"Y... Yuyuko-sama? Something happened... where are you?"

Youmu cast her gaze about the area.

There was no-one else there, and it was certainly no-where she was familiar with. A stone building of a style she didn't recognize that seemed to have partially collapsed.

Yuyuko-sama wasn't there. In fact, this looked like no-where she'd ever been to before.

It was raining. It was, if nothing else, a little soothing to feel the rain now after what just happened.

If Yuyuko-sama wasn't here, she'd have to find her. If she couldn't find her, then she'd have to find a way back to where she was. It was as simple as that.

When she exited the building, she could see smoke in the distance.

Something told the half-phantom that immediately moving at her top speed wasn't a good idea, not after what had just happened and how she still felt.

But Youmu was still quite swift.

The village wasn't a recognizable style of architecture to her, either.

Especially when so much of it was destroyed. And as she pressed further-

There were bodies.

Someone who had been trained as she had was, of course, aware of the possibility of having to kill some day. But her contact with death had largely been through spirits in the Netherworld, and her own mistress. The sight of these corpses, many of them displaying grievous injuries, was enough to give her pause, her slender frame tensing for a few moments.

But all of this seemed... recent.

Youmu slowly moved one hand to Roukanken's hilt before she spoke again. Even if she'd been injured on a spiritual level, she was nothing but confident in her ability to fight.

So she prepared herself for such an outcome before she spoke.

"Hello?" she called, "Is anywhere here? Where am I?"

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@Drifting Pollen@EchoWolff
  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "If it's for Yuyuko-sama, I won't lose!" Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Personality: A calm, collected, and serious figure. This is the attitude that Konpaku Youmu attempts to portray at all times. To her credit, it isn't as if this demeanor is a falsehood in its entirety. The half-phantom samurai is dedicated and serious about her duty. The way in which thinks of herself and her training is quite serious. And she isn't some fool, lacking utterly in intelligence and wit, either. But she is still prone to being exasperated or confused when presented with strange or difficult situations, sometimes opting with a sigh to simply move ahead rather then attempt to deal with them. While she can figure things out and puzzle out the details, sometimes she would rather be done with it with a slash of her blade instead. This straightforward demeanor can sometimes lead to her not thinking as much as she should, but when Youmu stops to think she proves herself to be quite intelligent. And indeed, at most times, she is a dutiful and serious warrior. Her loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko is unquestioning and absolutely, but she also has a dislike of general cruelty and those who would act evil for their own sake. Without the direct guidance of her mistress, it's likely Youmu will behave in a manner suited to her morality and thus against those who would pursue such endeavors. She is also reluctant to use lethal force against sapient beings unless absolutely necessary, in order to defend herself or others. Her chief concern is always her service to and the wellbeing of her mistress. In spite of being half-phantom, serving a ghost, and possessing weapons that can destroy ghosts, Youmu has a fear of ghost stories that can shatter her otherwise prideful and brave demeanor. Otherwise, however, she is highly unlikely to relent in battle and possesses a strong pride in her skill and weaponry.

    This strong pride, however, means she feels any setbacks all the more keenly. Failure causes Youmu to become withdrawn, and she is quite likely to question her own worthiness. This can even cause her to become depressed and obsessive over training, in the belief that it's the only way she can make up for her training. To Youmu, failure not only reflects upon herself but also upon her mistress and her family line, and thus she has to work all the harder to try and make up for faltering even once.
  • Brief History: Born into the Konpaku family, service to the Princess of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko, was set to be Youmu's duty from birth. Indeed, she was trained by her grandfather to this end, and relentlessly sought to improve herself up to her appointment to Yuyuko's service and beyond. This ideal was drilled into her, but so was pride in her bloodline and her service. Even if she wasn't sure how to handle the eccentric ghost's behavior at first(and she still isn't exactly). Her loyalty was absolute regardless, even when it came to the theft of spring to force a mysterious cherry tree to bloom purely so that her mistress could revive the one buried beneath her. Her failure to secure her objective, and her fear over what could have happened if she had succeeded formed contradictory feelings within her and sent her into a depressive state for a short time after the incident was resolved. Since that point, Youmu was involved in resolving multiple incidents herself.
  • Universe of Origin: Touhou Project
  • Equipment: Youmu's two chief pieces of equipment are her unbreakable youkai-forged blades, Roukanken and Hakurouken. Roukanken is a long-bladed katana with a cutting age sufficient to split apart even immaterial beings such as phantoms. Without magical protection, even stone or sturdy steel can be cleaved apart. 'The things that my Roukanken cannot cut are next to none' is not an empty boast. However, magical defenses can prove to be an obstacle and deflect or block Roukanken. Hakurouken is a shorter katana, a wakizashi with spiritual capabilities. While it cannot instantly force spirits to experience Nirvana in this world, it can mount a direct spiritual attack upon them and even bypass possessed vessels to damage them directly.
  • Abilities: As a half-phantom Youmu is far longer-lived then an ordinary human. Despite looking like she's no older then her mid-teens at most and possessing youth to match she is already likely somewhere in her 50s. This extends to her healing abilities. While she is not capable of regeneration on the level of youkai, serious injuries are far easier for her to recover from. As a half-phantom, a part of her is embodied in the form of a drifting, ghostly phantom half that floats beside her. Normally, this phantom half and become her duplicate in order to attack in concert with her for some techniques. However, due to a spiritual injury, this is not possible until the injury has healed. This injury also inhibits Youmu in some other ways, such as her agility. While she can still move incredibly swiftly, she cannot reach her top speed for longer then a single second, or else her phantom half will 'fall behind' and risk far more serious metaphysical damage. Until she is fully recovered, she must limit herself accordingly. Still, she is incredibly agile, and the speed at which she can swing her swords is not affected. Indeed, Youmu is a highly skilled and capable swordswoman who can wield her blades both one and two-handed. Oftentimes she wields both Roukanken and Hakurouken at once. She is also capable of danmaku, and can even dull the lethality of her blades to avoid killing a target. Chief among her bloodline's techniques, and Youmu's most powerful attack, is Matsuyoi-Reflecting Satellite Slash. A technique that surpasses the planet itself by utilizing the infinite reflection of light between Roukanken and the moon. This reflection is transformed into an 'infinite edge', allowing Youmu to strike the entire battlefield simultaneously with a searing blade of light. In a single moment, it's as if her sword has truly become infinity. This attack is limited by requiring the moon to be fully visible, and the brief time it takes for her to fully prepare it.
  • Other: Due to a spiritual injury, Youmu is incapable of moving at her full speed for longer then a single second at risk of damaging her phantom half further. While she's still extremely, extremely fast, she has to take it easy to avoid the worst outcome until she has fully recovered.
  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "If it's for Yuyuko-sama, I won't lose!" Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Personality: A calm, collected, and serious figure. This is the attitude that Konpaku Youmu attempts to portray at all times. To her credit, it isn't as if this demeanor is a falsehood in its entirety. The half-phantom samurai is dedicated and serious about her duty. The way in which thinks of herself and her training is quite serious. And she isn't some fool, lacking utterly in intelligence and wit, either. But she is still prone to being exasperated or confused when presented with strange or difficult situations, sometimes opting with a sigh to simply move ahead rather then attempt to deal with them. While she can figure things out and puzzle out the details, sometimes she would rather be done with it with a slash of her blade instead. This straightforward demeanor can sometimes lead to her not thinking as much as she should, but when Youmu stops to think she proves herself to be quite intelligent. And indeed, at most times, she is a dutiful and serious warrior. Her loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko is unquestioning and absolutely, but she also has a dislike of general cruelty and those who would act evil for their own sake. Without the direct guidance of her mistress, it's likely Youmu will behave in a manner suited to her morality and thus against those who would pursue such endeavors. She is also reluctant to use lethal force against sapient beings unless absolutely necessary, in order to defend herself or others. Her chief concern is always her service to and the wellbeing of her mistress. In spite of being half-phantom, serving a ghost, and possessing weapons that can destroy ghosts, Youmu has a fear of ghost stories that can shatter her otherwise prideful and brave demeanor. Otherwise, however, she is highly unlikely to relent in battle and possesses a strong pride in her skill and weaponry.

    This strong pride, however, means she feels any setbacks all the more keenly. Failure causes Youmu to become withdrawn, and she is quite likely to question her own worthiness. This can even cause her to become depressed and obsessive over training, in the belief that it's the only way she can make up for her training. To Youmu, failure not only reflects upon herself but also upon her mistress and her family line, and thus she has to work all the harder to try and make up for faltering even once.
  • Brief History: Born into the Konpaku family, service to the Princess of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko, was set to be Youmu's duty from birth. Indeed, she was trained by her grandfather to this end, and relentlessly sought to improve herself up to her appointment to Yuyuko's service and beyond. This ideal was drilled into her, but so was pride in her bloodline and her service. Even if she wasn't sure how to handle the eccentric ghost's behavior at first(and she still isn't exactly). Her loyalty was absolute regardless, even when it came to the theft of spring to force a mysterious cherry tree to bloom purely so that her mistress could revive the one buried beneath her. Her failure to secure her objective, and her fear over what could have happened if she had succeeded formed contradictory feelings within her and sent her into a depressive state for a short time after the incident was resolved. Since that point, Youmu was involved in resolving multiple incidents herself.
  • Universe of Origin: Touhou Project
  • Equipment: Youmu's two chief pieces of equipment are her unbreakable youkai-forged blades, Roukanken and Hakurouken. Roukanken is a long-bladed katana with a cutting age sufficient to split apart even immaterial beings such as phantoms. Without magical protection, even stone or sturdy steel can be cleaved apart. 'The things that my Roukanken cannot cut are next to none' is not an empty boast. However, magical defenses can prove to be an obstacle and deflect or block Roukanken. Hakurouken is a shorter katana, a wakizashi with spiritual capabilities. While it cannot instantly force spirits to experience Nirvana in this world, it can mount a direct spiritual attack upon them and even bypass possessed vessels to damage them directly.
  • Abilities: As a half-phantom Youmu is far longer-lived then an ordinary human. Despite looking like she's no older then her mid-teens at most and possessing youth to match she is already likely somewhere in her 50s. This extends to her healing abilities. While she is not capable of regeneration on the level of youkai, serious injuries are far easier for her to recover from. As a half-phantom, a part of her is embodied in the form of a drifting, ghostly phantom half that floats beside her. Normally, this phantom half and become her duplicate in order to attack in concert with her for some techniques. However, due to a spiritual injury, this is not possible until the injury has healed. This injury also inhibits Youmu in some other ways, such as her agility. While she can still move incredibly swiftly, she cannot reach her top speed for longer then a single second, or else her phantom half will 'fall behind' and risk far more serious metaphysical damage. Until she is fully recovered, she must limit herself accordingly. Still, she is incredibly agile, and the speed at which she can swing her swords is not affected. Indeed, Youmu is a highly skilled and capable swordswoman who can wield her blades both one and two-handed. Oftentimes she wields both Roukanken and Hakurouken at once. She is also capable of danmaku, and can even dull the lethality of her blades to avoid killing a target. Chief among her bloodline's techniques, and Youmu's most powerful attack, is Matsuyoi-Reflecting Satellite Slash. A technique that surpasses the planet itself by utilizing the infinite reflection of light between Roukanken and the moon. This reflection is transformed into an 'infinite edge', allowing Youmu to strike the entire battlefield simultaneously with a searing blade of light. In a single moment, it's as if her sword has truly become infinity. This attack is limited by requiring the moon to be fully visible, and the brief time it takes for her to fully prepare it.
  • Other: Due to a spiritual injury, Youmu is incapable of moving at her full speed for longer then a single second at risk of damaging her phantom half further. While she's still extremely, extremely fast, she has to take it easy to avoid the worst outcome until she has fully recovered.

Lily isn't working out, unfortunately, so I'm going to make her an NPC.
@Izurich: Sadly, it's a lot harder to stop Flan from exploding things that make her upset enough then it is to say Fate Manipulation doesn't work in another universe.

@Vlad Tepes: I'd like some idea of the range of Demonic Meggido, as well as maybe some limitations? Can it be defended against?
This situation had only barely not escalated to blows. Fanilly felt as if her lack of action was at least somewhat response, possibly even moreso then the mage girl's actions.

She took a deep breath, and stepped forward.

"Sir Fionn, I... I know how you must feel," she said, noting how the knight had to be held back, "But for the moment we should focus on getting through this test as soon as possible. We don't know what we're going to be facing, so even if we can't die permanently here we need to focus on our preparations."

Certainly, the mere fact that they couldn't die here didn't mean that they could embrace that fact to accomplish their test, whatever form it may take.

Rather, it meant that their best option was to approach this as if they were still just as mortal as they were in the real world, no matter what bizarre location this may have been.

"Let's get something to eat."

@Octo@The Otter@Raineh Daze@HereComesTheSnow
She was waking up...

Lily's hands clenched a little tightly. She couldn't help but fret. There wasn't much she could do from here, her purification abilities extended only to outside contamination. She couldn't do anything about physical injury, but it seemed as if Sanae could.

The girl under the beam was slender, possibly in her early teens by her appearance, with grey hair reaching to her mid-back and blue eyes. As she began to stir, she blearily blinked a few times. As Lily watched, she was somewhat relieved to see that the girl was able to sit up all on her own.

"Mnn... what happened?" the girl asked, placing one hand to her forehead. She paused for a moment as she realized her palm was now marked with a streak of red from where she'd sustained a minor head injury.

Lily found herself reaching out for her, but then she hesitated. There wasn't much she could do.

"I remember..." the girl trailed off for a moment, her eyes widening moments later.

"The Raven Heralds! Where... are they still here?! Where is everyone? Are they alright?! Is Father-..."

She trailed off again, as if remembering something, her bloodied hand falling into her lap.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
@Vlad Tepes: I think we can take on at least a couple more characters.
@Ariana Grey: Sorry I didn't respond more quickly, but no-one has taken Aerith.
@Ariana Grey: They wouldn't be accepted, due to having no canon personality to work with.
Upon hearing her name, Lily looked up. It was Rayne, and it seemed like she was alright. It seemed as if everyone was, in fact. Even though the situation was far from over, the white-haired girl still found herself smiling slightly at the news.

She couldn't respond more directly, though. And the Umbral Knight couldn't emerge at the moment.

After all, Gerrod's enormous form was clearly visible, the hulking knight wordlessly pulling aside rubble and stacking it to the side on the search for any survivors who may have been caught in the damaged buildings. Lily was far from strong enough to do anything like this herself, but what she could do was summon someone who was.

Wait, was there someone there under that fallen beam...?

@DracoLunaris@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y
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