Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Despite everything, it almost appeared as if they had a lead.

Once she'd realized that it wasn't a Shard of Angroron's doing, Fanilly had felt both thankful and uncertain. They definitely should help, but how? How were they meant to do anything, when what seemed to be the only witness was insane?

And yet, that Moonlit Queen didn't sound as if it was a part of the mad fantasy that the Duke was currently trapped in.

So that's what they had to latch onto.

"The Moonlit Queen doesn't live far away at all!" declared the Duke cheerfully, "Why, she's practically our neighbor! Ah, did you know, she was the one who told me that Lord Rozenalt had returned?! Perhaps I should don my finest helmet, in case he attacks!"

Duke Thedric proceeded to locate a nearby bucket, likely also pilfered from his servants, and place it firmly over his head.

"If you seek an audience with her, you only need to find her home!"

It was... coherent.

As if this was something from a memory. Despite placing a bucket on his head, aside from mentioning the long-dead Lord Rozenalt there was nothing else that pointed towards the Moonlit Queen being some sort of pure fantasy.

If she was a neighbor---

"I think summoning Lady Fiadh may be our best choice," Fanilly said, finding her confidence once more, "If the Moonlit Queen truly is a 'neighbor' to Brennan. Lord Arken, would you be willing to assist Lady Gertrude's summoning?"

The Court Mage seemed somewhat dismayed, now, that he had unintentionally boosted the ego of someone who clearly didn't need it.

"Unfortunately, given this is the closest we've come to having a lead, I can't particularly disagree," Arken responded, answering Sir Fleuri's question at the same time, "I'll provide whatever I can. Including---"

The Court Mage let out a heavy sigh.

"---Sweets. I certainly hope you're good with summoning, Lady Gertrude."

Outside in the hall, the servant, a young man with dark wavy hair, seemed a bit surprised by the coin.

But it was hardly going to stop him from accepting it.

"Rivals? Mmmm..." he considered for a few moments, "None that I've heard of, at least not the type who'd be able to pull this off. He was alone for a bit during that party, though... maybe somethin' happened there?"
Heir to the Konpaku

The enormous green fist splits the ground when it slams down, a tombstone crumbling from the impact.

It has a misshapen, humanlike form, three arms and an eyeless face with a wide, grinning mouth.

My feet alight on its massive fist before it can raise its arm back.

It doesn't have a chance.

I won't let it.

I thrust Roukanken forward and drag it upwards, piercing through the monster's chest and then splitting its upper body in half as it attempts to move, a shower of purple blood spurting into the air and raining down to the earth below, its insides spilling out briefly before fading into nothingness.

---It's disgusting. These things feel absolutely disgusting. Whatever they are, it's something terrible. There's this sickliness to them that I can't describe. As if they're some sort of illness in and of themselves.

My feet leave the creature's body as it falls and fades away, carrying myself upwards and into the air.

There's plenty of other monsters, but now I think I have a clear path---


He's taken out some kind of staff weapon, but I have a clear path right to him! If he's controlling all these creatures, just forcing him to surrender should be the end of it!

I reach down into the very core of my being, spreading my spiritual energy from within my center and outwards, drawing it through my limbs as I sheath Hakurouken on my hip.

"Human Sign---"

The energy throughout my body builds upwards and outwards, surging to its peak---

"---Slash of the Present World!"

By reinforcing my body with spiritual energy, I can mitigate the blowback from the injury to my soul, if only for a brief moment.

But that's all I need to reach that monk.

The entire world is nothing but a blur, the air erupting behind me as I reach the earth and my target in a single instant, raising Roukanken up over my head.

This is my true capability, the speeds I can obtain without worry for tearing myself apart. Even if only for this single moment, despite my situation, I can feel my heart rise merely from regaining what shouldn't have slipped away in the first place.

The colors cease to blur as the world snaps back into focus.

He's there.

My grip tenses as I bring Roukanken down, the silvery blade flashing through the air towards the monk. Even if he tries to defend, unless his staff is magically-reinforced there's no doubt in my mind it'll split in half!

I'll do whatever it takes to force him to back down and call off these sickly monsters!

@FujiwaraPhoenix@Raineh Daze

The Wandering Cat

The drifting butterflies were easily in the thousands in numbers, but the quick efforts of the miko and the witch were able to suppress them. At least, for the moment. Each time they attempted to emerge, now, the mine-like frogs created by Sanae destroyed them. The ones in the air were suppressed, too, by the combination of projectiles thrown ahead.

To put it simply, despite how dire the situation may have seemed it did not appear impossible to cut through and reach whatever was causing the curse to occur in the first place.

"My, I barely had to lift a finger," commented Qing'e, calmly, her hooded head inclining to one side for a moment, "I really did make the right choice."

Despite her previous warning, the woman appeared entirely unconcerned with what was occurring around her even as they advanced.

And yet, with the butterflies currently seeming less effective then desired, whatever was causing the curse seemed to be switching tactics.

The hallway suddenly appeared to stretch, extending forward further and further until its end appeared at least four times as distant as it originally appeared.

"Space distortion?" wondered Qing'e aloud, "It's hard to see through it if it's only an illu-ah."

One by one, the lamps lining the walls started to light.

One by one, they began to fall, shattering as they landed and splashing oil along the floors and walls, the fire swiftly beginning to set the hall alight...

Nngh, this song---

The moment Robin had set foot on deck, she could feel it. It wasn't a direct attack on her, not really. It didn't hurt. She could still move normally. But something was working its way into her mind, somehow. Enough to make everything seem just that bit more off---


Her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her blade as she smoothly drew it.

Certainly she was going to have to compensate for this twisted song, though it seemed as if it was lightning a little. Ciradyl had joined the fight, and begun to weave a song in a bid to counter it.

Either way---

If she wanted to be a hero, Robin couldn't allow something like this song to hold her back.

Robin took one set forward, raising her spada as she leaned forward.

She'd push her way through it and ensure her blade reached her targets. She'd defend this boat an everyone on it. That traitorous dragoon, the valheimr utilizing their strange jump-packs, all of it wasn't going to be out of the reach of the edge of her blade.

Robin inhaled, deeply, sucking in air and forcing herself to focus. She couldn't completely shut it out even now, but she could push as much of the song's influence into the back of her mind as possible.

Light flowed up the edge of her spada---

Robin moved.

She caught one of the Valheimr as he landed, plunging her blade cleanly through his neck and then stepping back as a bullet whizzed past her. The trail of crimson disappeared in a flash as the lights gleamed brilliantly on her sword's edge. She knew the real Dragoon had just targeted Rudolf, but she was plenty confident he'd evade.

So she'd thin some of their numbers and then go to his assistance as quickly as possible!

Another bullet.

She'd seen where the fake dragoon was aiming, ducked to the side. It was closer then it should have been, though. The song was definitely still afflicting her, even if she was able to fight through it.

Robin lunged forward, her blade flashing only to be met with steel.

He'd managed to block. That wasn't right, either. She should have been faster.

But that didn't matter, she just had to get past him!

Robin stepped back and disengaged, the lights along her spada growing brighter still.

She could break the axe with a solid strike and her light materia. Even if he blocked---

Robin went for a low thrust.

But something somewhat unexpected happened.

Rather then being blocked, or piercing his body, her strike missed by centimeters as the Valheimr twisted his body and prepared to ascend.

But it did catch, and pierce, the pack on his back.

The effects were obvious almost immediately. As the Valheimr attempted to ascend, he instead went careening into the air with a terrifed scream, trailing smoke and flames and nearly crashing into one of his fellows as he hurtled far higher then intended.

And then, with one last scream, he was engulfed in flames as the sound of a violent explosion tore its way through the sea air.

"... Everyone! Go for their packs!" she called. Not only was it a weak spot, but they could probably disrupt their assault like this! And now she could---


Robin was completely stunned by the sight of her fellow Edrenian catapulting over the edge of the boat.

What happened?!
All that the Knight-Captain could manage was mute shock, as Sir Fionn directly engaged Duke Thedric in his madness. And indeed, it had to be madness. While it seemed like some kind of parody, almost a theatrical performance, for what reason would a man like the Duke possibly keep this performance up for so long even when investigated by both clergy and magi?

Without a single crack showing?

It didn't make sense.

But what could cause such a childish and incoherent form of madness? It didn't feel like anything natural, but it couldn't be a performance, so what---

"Lady Gertrude? It is magic, then?"

But not the sort used by a priest, nor most magi.

Fanilly let out a heavy sigh. While it wasn't what they were looking for, at the same time they couldn't simply allow the Duke to continue in this witless state. As the Knight-Captain, she couldn't turn away, even if she hadn't the faintest idea of where to begin. She had no deep knowledge of magic, but Gertrude had mentioned that it could be the work of something fey or demonic.

How did they begin looking for such a thing?

She had to help. There was no way she turned away and did nothing. But where did she even start?


The Duke let out a gasp of shock.

"I can't abide such treachery! This must be the work of the King of Ducks!"

He thrust his fist into the air, then pointed forcefully towards Sir Aglan.

"Horse, bring me my knight!"

The Knight sighed heavily.

"In a moment, your grace..."

But then, another voice spoke.

"I couldn't help but overhear. You say it was likely fey, or demonic?"

The source of the voice was a handsome, or perhaps beautiful man with dark purple and black robes and long, straight purple hair.

Fanilly recognized him swiftly as the King's court mage. She heard he'd been sent to attempt to resolve the Duke's situation, but hadn't expected to meet him so quickly.

"I suspected as much, but such things are difficult to determine in these situations," he commented as he approached Gertrude. After a moment he seemed to realize not everyone here had met him before and bowed his head.

"Arken Heartwood, Court Mage to his Highness the King."

He swiftly straightened.

"I must commend your new mage, Knight-Captain, it's not a common skillset that can determine the origins of such subtle and strange magic. But I wonder... did you feel it? There's something missing from him, as well, though I struggle to be certain of what."

Something missing? Fanilly wondered just what that could be. It had to be the reason the Duke had lost his mind.

"Mmm, I should have predicted the King of Ducks' treachery, after what the Moonlit Queen told me during the party!" declared the Duke, "She was an unexpected guest, after all, so it must have been important."

---The Moonlit Queen, during the party?

It could just be the madness speaking, but it seemed like a direct reference to something that actually occurred in reality.

"You said you met a Moonlit Queen, Duke Thedric?" Fanilly found herself asking, stepping forward.

"Of course! I hadn't seen her in many years, but there she was! She spoke of many things, many things indeed!"

It was still tinged with a manic intensity, but at the same time the party had occurred in reality.

Did that mean, possibly---?

"Can you tell us more about the Moonlit Queen?"

This time it was Arken Heartwood who spoke.

A look of confusion crossed Duke Thedric's features.

"Surely you all know of her! But anyway, she was quite pleased I still remembered her after all this time! And after that, she told me all about the Rhombus Company and their evil plot!"

It wasn't just her, was it? Obviously the 'Rhombus Company' was a figment of Duke Thedric's maddened imagination.

But something about the way he spoke of this Moonlit Queen---
Heir to the Konpaku

See them?

I don't understand what this monk means. I was about to ask him what these unpleasant-feeling creatures were. They didn't resemble any disembodied spirits or---

A chill runs up my spine---

---ghosts that I could recognize.

But why wouldn't we be able to see them?

"What do you---"

They're moving.

Roukanken leaves its sheath in my right hand, the sound of steel on wood ringing out through the graveyard. Something shaped like a human twisted into the form of a dog is reaching for me, teeth gnashing.

A single slash across my body, an arc of silver light.

It falls apart in two halves, spurting purple-toned blood.

I don't understand. What's going on?

Fighting just for fighting's sake is one thing, but this isn't danmaku, is it?

These things are some sort of spirit, I think. That's how their presence feels, no matter how distorted it might be.

My left hand flies to my lower back, fingers wrapping around Hakurouken as I draw it smoothly from its sheath.

I don't understand what's happening. I don't know what these creatures are.

But I can cut them, and that's all I need to know.

When danger you can't even understand arises, the only thing you can do is slash through it.

The next one is bigger, looking almost like a muscular, green, warped infant, its fists crashing down towards me---

But it won't hit!

I push off the ground and backwards, swinging Hakurouken up in the same movement and severing one of its arms.

It sails through the air, trailing purple.

I land a meter back, catching myself and raising both of my blades.

There's plenty of these monsters. The monk mentioned dying before. Is he some sort of immortal? He's definitely a kind of magician if he's controlling these things. That one he just summoned is bigger---

Why are they all so ugly?! I'm so glad they're not ghosts!

"Fine, if you want to fight, then I'll kill every one of these monsters!"

I inhale deeply as I spread my feet apart, squaring my legs as my blades catch the light.

This is a lot of opponents. And they're all different, not like those strange cursed black things at the village. But something about them almost feels similar.

Grandfather would have said to shave off their numbers. Cut through as many of the smaller ones as possible in order to make the biggest threat more manageable.

And against an opponent like this, that didn't necessarily mean the largest monster under his command.

If that monk is controlling them, then pinning him down and stopping him is the end goal.

But I'll need to slash my way through these monsters in order to reach him!

The air whips past me, catching my hair and skirt as I move forward.

Something like a centipede rises in my way, and Roukanken slices it apart down the middle.

I'll slash through his monsters, reach him, and end this quickly!

@FujiwaraPhoenix@Raineh Daze

The Scarlet Devil

If my arrival in this world hadn't been so painful and unbecoming, this would be the most irritating thing I experienced so far.

I'm nobility. I have plenty of prestige to my name! Certainly, this is a different world, one that doesn't know my name, one where I don't actually have any sort of rank---

Don't dare mention I don't have any rank in Gensokyo.


Still, they should be able to tell I have plenty of authority! So how can she just ignore my request? She didn't even deign to reply with a denial! That still would be infuriating, but at least it would be an answer!

I can feel heat bubbling up in my chest, the sensation of my irritation surging higher the longer I think about it.

I can't help but feel as if my kindness is being abused, here. I accepted the deal she offered, but now she's ignoring my request?


I cross my arms over my chest, making my displeasure evident as I turn away.

"To think, I accepted this offer with no preconditions of my own and you chose not to reply to my request. If I wasn't so generous, I might have reconsidered!"

---Still, it would be foolish to actually step away from the deal we've been given. But I'm not about to hide my annoyance with her refusal to answer me.

I've had to endure far too much shame since arriving here. But assisting them won't just get us money.

It might get me something else I'm desiring as well.

@FujiwaraPhoenix@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92
Heir to the Konpaku

I still don't understand what the problem was. But I wasn't about to stay there when all they did was insist on taking Roukanken and Hakurouken.

What kind of person just demanded family heirlooms like that, over some damaged cobblestones?


This... is a graveyard, isn't it? It's not entirely familiar to me, but the differences are probably because it's a different world. It's not that dissimilar from the graveyard in Gensokyo, especially when it comes to atmosphere.

It looks like Fujiwara-san, and that blonde little girl, both made it here too. I suppose we must have followed a similar route from leaving the main street, even though we didn't run into one another until now.

I'm relieved, honestly. It's not as if I can't handle myself, and I don't particularly know Fujiwara-san beyond having fought her before. But I'd rather be around someone familiar here then attempt to find my way around alone.

I can't help but feel that trying to find my way around alone would simply be more frustrating than anything else.

At least there's no---


One of the figures in the graveyard is familiar, and the other definitely isn't. The former is so familiar that my heart sinks a little.

Miyako Yoshika in and of herself isn't really a problem. She's slow, and has the kind of thought processes you would expect from a corpse. But all she really does is remain in one place. I've never heard of any incidents of her biting anyone, which would be the worst outcome.

The problem is the person that is inevitably here if she is.

A certain someone I'm not very eager to deal with.

"It is," I respond, my shoulders slumping as I can't help but let out a sigh, "There's no mistaking her. Which means her Master is probably somewhere around here, too."

Even in this state, I can beat her if she tries something. I know that much. And I don't think Miyako-san will try anything aside from telling us to leave by herself.


Who is that Buddhist talking to her? I'm not familiar with everyone from Myouren, but he doesn't look like he came from there either. Is he another person from somewhere else?

More then that, though, what are these things lurking around the graveyard? They're not ghosts, thankfully. I don't want to deal with ghosts.

But their presence is sickly. It's as if they're rotten. I'm not a miko or a monk or anything like that, but as a half-phantom it's hard not to notice.

It's like they're as malformed on a spiritual level as they look.

My fingers tense. My right hand drifts a a little closer to Roukanken's hilt, as my phantom half drifts behind me.

But they're not attacking, they're just watching.

Aah, I really don't like that either---!

But they're not ghosts. So I can deal with them. It's fine.

I suck in a deep breath, then exhale. I'll worry about them when I need to.

The Buddhist is asking about Europe? Europe is one of the places in the outside world, isn't it? Aside from knowing a handful of the more recent residents of Gensokyo come from there, that's about all I know about it. But this world definitely looks more like the Scarlet Devil Mansion then anything else.

"I don't think this is Europe," is all I can really say. If it's another world, it probably doesn't have Europe at all, "Though, since I've never been there, I can't be completely sure..."

Maybe this was this world's version of Europe?

@FujiwaraPhoenix@Raineh Daze

The Wandering Cat

The butterflies struck by Sanae's ofuda instantly dissipated.

But that only caused more of them to appear. It wasn't just a few, either. The golden butterflies were beginning to fill the hall ahead.

The heavy, oppressive feeling was now so strong that Rayne would almost certainly be able to feel it as well. The walls almost seemed darker, but not because of shadows---

It was as if there was soot clinging to them.

Had it been there moments ago? It didn't seem like it, the building had definitely been fairly clean and there were no signs of recent fires.

"Hmmm. Those butterflies are probably some manifestation of the curse," commented Qing'e without much concern, "In that case---"

She raised her right hand. There was something clutched in it, but it was hard to tell what at first.

But then a shape manifested from it.

It was blue-tinted and hazy, but certainly a human-like shape. It lacked many details, but for a miko like Sanae it would be easy to discern what it was.

It was a human ghost. Or at the very least, a piece of one. It certainly didn't seem to have any sort of intelligence as it seemed to hang there, limply, in the cloaked woman's hand.

As the butterflies approached, Qing'e lazily tossed the spiritual fragment towards the growing swarm.

Almost immediately, the butterflies alighted upon the ghost, and the previously-still, hazy shape suddenly began to squirm.

It was starting to break down almost immediately. Pulled apart, crumbling, and being sucked into the butterflies that had landed on it.

In a matter of seconds, it was already completely gone.

"Mmm, so that's how it is," Qing'e said, still sounding far less concerned then anyone in such a situation should, "Don't allow them to touch you, for even a moment. They'll suck the life out of you. That explains how the victims ended up."

If anything, she sounded almost satisfied. As if she'd been curious all along at how the curse functioned.

Though at the very least, it was unlikely that was the sole reason she was here.

"We'll probably have to go through them to reach the origin of the curse, so---"

It was at that very moment that the golden butterflies began to emerge from the walls around them.

Red Light District

"You're right, of course, forgive me," Qing'e replied, inclining her head apologetically, "I'm simply used to poking at interesting things, and the both of you do seem rather interesting."

The hooded woman's gaze returned to the building. Indeed, like most of the higher-class buildings in the district, it seemed quite extravagant, with bright reds and blues adorning it and a rather flashy sign advertising it to be 'The Wandering Cat'.

It couldn't have been abandoned for very long, and yet the building seemed almost totally silent.

Somehow, though, it didn't seem empty.

Certainly there was no-one visible entering or exiting it, nor any sounds of life.

But there was something there.

Something that, to Sanae in particular, would feel like an extraordinarily heavy presence. A pitch-black miasma that could almost be felt tangibly by the arahitogami, almost smelled.

Like something burning.

Whatever was lurking in the abandoned brothel was something that could nearly be felt even by those with no spiritual sense at all.

"I knew you would feel it," Qing'e commented, glancing towards Sanae, and then Rayne as well, "And you might be able to pick up on it soon as well."

Her gaze drifted towards the building's entrance as she approached it.

"Whatever's lurking here is the root of the curse that's been draining away the life of the people who came here. Quite simply, if this goes any further, it may not just be this district in danger. The people who work here don't deserve this suffering, but it might not end with them."

Slowly, she opened the door.

Within was some form of lobby, having been abandoned in a considerable rush. The candles and lamps lighting the building had long since gone out, but Qing'e had a way to rectify the lack of visibility.

Raising her right hand, the hooded woman conjured what appeared to be a spherical blue light, and beckoned the others to follow her.

"The sooner we find the source of the curse, the sooner it can be cleansed."

As the trio entered, it was possible that Sanae or Rayne might glimpse something strange, ahead, in a hall leading deeper into the building.

The fluttering wings of a golden butterfly.

Then another.

And another---

Heir to the Konpaku

... But why?

This doesn't make any sense.

It's no worse then clashes I've seen and participated in back in Gensokyo, in the human village. No bystanders were going to be hurt. I understand this is another world. I'm not stupid, and it's not like it's some sort of overly-complicated explanation for our current situation.

It's something as straightforward as just another world existing.

Why is it a problem if we dueled here, as long as no-one else was caught up in it? That match had only approached the more intense bouts in Gensokyo towards the end.

---Unfortunately, with the damage to my phantom half, I'm not sure it could have escalated into the sort of duel I'd wanted to show someone as legendary as Miyamoto Musashi, but I was still going to give it my all.

But now, she's run away, and the town's guards are trying to take away my swords and take me with them.

Roukanken and Hakurouken are family heirlooms. I have absolutely no intention of handing them over. How shameful would it be for a Konpaku to do such a thing?

I wouldn't be able to look Yuyuko-sama in the eye, no matter what she said, if I let myself be disarmed so easily.

"I won't hand over my swords."

I fix my eyes firmly on the one who appears to be their leader, at least judging by how he's done most of the talking.

"If you want to take them from me, you'll have to do it yourselves. I already offered to fix the cobblestones."

That was the only damage our duel caused. I'm a gardener on top of my other duties, so it's precisely the sort of thing I can manage even if it's not exactly the same as laying out a stone path.

If that's not enough for them, then there's nothing more I'm going to offer. Not after they insisted on trying to take Roukanken and Hakurouken.

"Since that's not enough for you, I'm leaving."

I leave the ground, the air whipping past me as I ascend to the top of a nearby building. There's not much reason to deal with them any longer. If they tried to take my swords by force, I'd have to slash them all, and despite what I said to them I'm not particularly interested in even non-lethally harming this town's guards.

Still, I don't get what made them so angry in the first place.

I take another step and gently step off the rooftop on the other side of the building, descending to the street below.

I'll just leave them behind.

@FujiwaraPhoenix@Raineh Daze
"Sir Fionn, what are you---"

Fanilly could not quite help but stare in wordless shock, wide-eyed, at her knight's actions.

He had just decided to start playing along with Duke Thedric. Leaning entirely into the parody-like madness being expressed by Brennan's lord.

The Duke blinked, and then his wide, bright eyes seemed to take on an entirely different glow.

"Ah-hah! You're right! My marching uniform...!"

Hurling the baguette to the side, knocking several nearby items to the floor as it landed uncerimoniously, the Duke marched over to his dresser and picked up what appeared to be a spare maid uniform.

Without removing the dress he was already wearing, the muscular noble proceede to pull it on, fabric audibly stretching and tearing as he did.

"I apologize for my uncouth behavior! Now, to conquer the Kingdom of Pudding! To strike down the tyrannical Rectangles!"
"It would be best if you didn't refer to Duke Thedric in that eway once we've arrived," Fanilly commented with a wince. Not that she necessarily expected the coarse-tongued mage to listen, but she had to try, if nothing else.

"Though, given they've already sought the assistance of mages, I'm certain they'll allow to you cast on him, as long as it helps to discover what happened."

If it was as she feared, Fanilly wasn't certain there would be any way to cure Duke Thedric's mind. At the same time, however, there were no reports of any kind of violence.

The fact that the madness suddenly emerged abruptly, with no prior signs of any sort of mental decline, when he awoke one morning...

Was it possible the shard was being used in some sort of plot targeting the nobility?

Fanilly had to confess she doubted that possibility, moments after it rose in her mind. It wouldn't be a very efficient way to try and remove them from power.

But it certainly seemed as if something strange had happened.

The stone-and-wood walls of Brennan loomed ahead, now. It wasn't as large as Aimlenn, certainly, but even from outside it was clear that Brennan's healthy trade had granted it a great deal of resources.

There was a shout from atop the walls, and the great doors opened ahead of them.

A young man with dark hair and green eyes, clad in fine blue-and-orange clothing with a sword on his hip and a cape on his back was there to greet them. Behind him stood an entourage of Brennan's garrisoned soldiers.

"While I can't say I expected it, I'm glad you've come to offer your aid, Knight-Captain," the man said as he stepped forward, bowing his head, "I am Sir Aglan, and I wish I could welcome you and your knights to our city in better times."

He let out a heavy sigh.

"You may take your horses to the garrison stable, after that---"

He hesitated a moment.

Fanilly took a moment to glance past him. Brennan hardly seemed to be in a particularly unusual state. The stone path lead deeper into town, the buildings here near the gate made primarily of wood. But past them, she could see larger, stone buildings, and in the distance the second set of walls around the Duke's manor.

There were people visible, too, going about their daily business.

If she had to guess---

It was almost certain the matter of the Duke's madness had been kept from the people of Brennan.

"---After that, it's best that you come and see the situation for yourself."

"---And that's the proof that I am Prince Erion, and by my word, it is time to begin baking the cake that will reach the heavens!"

Of all the things that Fanilly had expected, upon hearing of Duke Thedric's madness, this was nothing like any of them.

His manor was a tall, stately building, surrounded by a small garden. It took up less space then a castle, but it still spoke of its lords' taste in natural surroundings and greenery.

But the lord within...

He was as Fanilly remembered him. Older, of course, but still tall and with a muscular, robust body. A thick, dark beard tinted with grey was matched by a full head of hair, and his blue eyes were bright.

But he was wearing a bright pink dress, stretched over his muscular form, and thrusting a baguette into the air.

"Now, come with me, comrades! We shall conquer the Kingdom of Pudding! We shall celebrate with the Lamplighters every day! And I shall sing the Song of Lythenne!"

Did Duke Thedric even know the Song of Lythenne's untranslated high elven lyrics?

"... As you can see, it's almost like a parody of madness," Sir Aglan said with a heavy sigh, as Duke Thedric lept onto his bed. It creaked audibly, "But nothing has worked to recover his wits. He simply woke up and began acting... like this."

Fanilly hesitated. What did she say? This certainly wasn't the work of a shard of Angroron, but---

"I... I see," she began, "Did anything unusual happen, er, the night before?"

"I wish you were the first who asked that, because then we might have an answer," Sir Aglan responded wearily, "Alas, no-one seems to have seen anything. There was a party late into the night, Duke Thedric retired to his bed afterwards, and awakened having gone mad."
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