Avatar of Vixere


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current New role is going well, I'll be able to start replying soon.
4 days ago
Starting a new remote role tomorrow, so I may be slow with responses as I settle in.
15 days ago
25 days ago
-- and I don't know what's got it's teeth in me, but I'm about to bite back in anger. | On a semi-hiatus for my mental health.
27 days ago
Most 'white' horses aren't white. It was technically a grey.


Welcome, welcome!

The short and sweet:
I'm an old lady in my thirties, so I ask my partners be 18+.
A veteran of many years of writing - I started way back in the days of wolf packs on AOL.
Female and pansexual; I write with any and all genders - recently, I'm delving into attempting to write male roles.
Dog mom and outdoor enthusiast; medical professional, volunteer firefighter, first responder, and wildlife rehabilitator.

I'm a fairly open book that has written just about everything at some point or another. I tend to write decent to long posts, play female characters (attempting to round that out), and I'm amenable to most ideas. I love slice of life, historical, fantasy, and apocalyptic adventures.

World building is fun, but so is quick play. I have a few partners that go back with me for years that I've built entire worlds and multiple generations with.

I tend to have "flawed" characters; perfection is boring, character development is not. Learning to work through their flaws, or overcome fears, is a driving point to play for me. Some of them have profiles, some of them do not. Preferences are for the dark, gritty, and rough - I don't go for fairy tales because everything being perfect would be boring.

This will keep growing with time, but feel free to PM with any questions or ideas you have in mind! I prefer one on one, but a good group might be able to catch my eye. It's been literally a decade since I wrote in a group because of a mixture of work, mental health, and obligations outside of the online world.

Discord: Honor and Pride#7694

Most Recent Posts

Potentially interested - I'm an old-school wolf pack player from the golden days of AOL.

That little purr of a pet name had meant more than the soldier had probably wanted it to, her stomach fluttering and a warmth spreading up her chest in a way that, after years of devotion to work, felt foreign. It was likely for the best that all Celeste had been able to manage was a chuckle in response, though her lips had formed into a curvy grin without knowing it. If only she could tell him that it was impossible to let people in, he might have realized it would be like fighting in a burning house.

Gathering up her supplies, the bandage changes were going to have to wait while he got some actual food in his stomach and his spirits lifted. Crouching to begin putting it all together, she couldn't help but give a soft laugh as the linens and trash were bagged up and lobbed towards the door.

"I like doing what I do, Mister Chambers... healing, it has honor of its own, at least from my heritage." Settling back against her worn Puma shoes, the grip thankfully kept her aloft. "You don't have to thank me or serenade me, you just have to get better to get back to your life." A smirk was forced onto her lips. "Besides, I'm sure you have plenty of women that will be crawling all over you stateside." It was as best a rejection she could give, but it felt like someone had thrown acid on that wonderful feeling that had previously been there by that one, simple word. "I will say, though - if you're still here and your hands are working, I wouldn't turn down a good foot massage. Eighteens are killer on your tootsies."

Rising to stand, it seemed to take a little effort more than she would have liked. Stretching and yoga had been thrown to the wayside for sleep months ago.

"I have to toss these, then I'll be back with your food and mine. I could use a few minutes to rest anyway, and I did say I'd show you ink." With a smirk, the nurse was gone out the door with her mess with just a whisper of her shoes on the floor.

It felt like a lifetime waiting in the cafeteria for the food to be ready. With a hand on her nose bridge, she pinched there to remind herself not to get attached. Jason Chambers was her patient, she had to keep a line drawn. It didn't matter that he was friendly, right? Though, the thought of spending time with him didn't much feel like work to get him something good to eat, or just to chat and take their minds from the reality that she had run from the States and he had been practically blown up.

When she heard her name, she was pulled from that place in her head to grab the tray and head back up to her floor. Snaking a couple bottles of Coke and a straw along with a handful of napkins from the lounge, it felt strangely surreal. Stopping at the linen closet to grab a couple towels before she knocked on the door, the nurse soon enough entered again without her tools aside the stethoscope that seemed to hang perpetually around her neck.

Pulling his table over towards her, the tray was set down and the armchair nearby was yanked closer.

"You weren't diabetic, so I grabbed you a regular Coke. Figured it would be a nice change from water, and all the juices here always taste watered down." Leaning over, a towel was tucked into his gown to protect it, even as her bare fingers were tickled by the beginnings of a beard. "And we can share the fries, I always feel like they give me a pound of them anyway."
Might be interested in the original idea!

I've found myself with a good amount of time on my hands, so I figured I would throw out a new thread of interests.

Casual to advanced welcome, 1x1 in either threads or PMs. (If a good group were to interest me, it might be considered.)

For the love of all that is holy, please do NOT ghost me. It seems to be a running theme - if you lose interest, be honest. I know real life comes up, since mine does as well, but please don't be a dillhole. I also will think you've lost interest if I see you frequently online and never get an answer.

I'm open to most settings and time periods, with varying levels of realism to fantasy. I prefer to write with some level of fantasy, but realism is something I can easily do as well.

Character development is a HUGE plot driver for me, regardless if romance is involved. I like to build worlds with my partners, not just live within them.

I do play anthros, and have for years; I've even played feral beasts way back in the day of AOL wolf packs. (*Gasp!*) With that said, know that I have a massive quantity of characters I've made through the years just as much as I'm willing to make new ones.

I've found that I put out at least a post a day, if not more. Given I'm hurt and not moving around much, I've been pumping out a lot of content lately - I don't expect the same from my partners.

We both need to drive the plot, not just one of us. I'm not here to drag a sack of potatoes!

With that said, I have a few pairings in mind.

Characters I've been craving to play:

- More to come!

Give me a jingle, I'm rather friendly and like to think that I'm easy to write with.
The woman gave a nod as he spoke about his food, though a chuckle would answer him. "I was thinking that it would be nice to give you some real food, which means you can take your first bite. If you're so concerned, I can wash your face after." An easy smile was given, hoping to break more tension as she kept up cleaning him. If his slumbering manhood stiffened, she hadn't made a comment at all. When she went lower along his body, the sheet was pulled away like his gown was, leaving him completely nude.

"I should hire you to be my personal trainer when you're aces again," came the compliment, though she didn't pause in her task. For her, though the male was certainly attractive, right now wasn't a good place to be getting attached or planning on asking him to have coffee.

From his head to his toes, it was easy enough to soap, rinse, and dry him. However...

"I'm going to turn you. Take a breath, scream if you need to, but I don't think it'll be bad. It won't take me long." Using the sheet beneath the man, Chambers would likely be surprised at how easily the petite nurse rolled him into the side wth the cast, though she had held true to her word. In lures than the minutes, she had completed the steps and was guiding him back.

Shaking out a clean gown, she was soon enough placing it over him, leaving close enough that the man could have embraced her if his arms would obey him.

Once the nurse was standing on her own again, the left side of her scrub top was lifted to show the edge of a tattoo that spanned her hip - blue roses. "When I get back from getting our food, I'll show you pictures. Sounds fair?"

Bump, with edits!
Her small hands were busily unwrapping supplies when Jason realized she had spoken about shaving his face, which only earned a relaxed smile before she laughed. The sound was warm and welcoming, even as she popped open the aloe-based cleanser she had been carrying in her pocket.

"You might be the only military man I've met that's willing to let his beard grow while in my clutches." Putting that soap down, she soon leaned forward and her hands slid behind his neck to untie the hospital gown carefully, but quickly. "Do me a favor?" When his attention was on her and she was unsnapping the grommets, a smile overtook her again. "Take a deep breath. If you can shower naked with other men, you can handle this just as well, yeah?"

Pulling the gown down to his waist, it was left there as she quietly examined the bruising on his body before retrieving a washcloth and soaping it up. Soon enough, she was washing him without fanfare. Each pass was gentle and warm, replacing the sterile scents of surgery with something more normalized.

"Did you decide what sounds good for food yet? I was debating on a burger, myself. Medium rare, maybe a fried egg on top. They make bomb fries too." Eyeing his shoulder, Celeste deftly avoided particularly tender flesh.

"And I saw a tattoo, when I was doing your assessments. What's the story behind that?" Rinsing his skin next, it was dried as she went. "I have a couple, myself." Drying one of her gloves, the edge of her neckline was pulled down as she bent low, showing the edge of a tree. "I'd have to show you a picture, I think. I have the World Tree over most of my back, but I still need to get my color finished."
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