أنا أقاتل من أجل عقلي
I fight for my own sanity.
. basics .Isra Tablib
"Inka", "The Jackal"
Thirty one
5'8", 138
Unmarried, no children
French and Egyptian bloodlines
. advanced .Well-versed in multiple styles of combat, with and without weapons
Fluent in English, Arabic, and French
Unhealthy love of alcohol
Bisexual, switch
. history .Detroit was a shitty, seedy place for anything alive. That included Inka and her twin, Daea, as they grew up in the projects past 8 Mile with a drug-addled mother and a father that disappeared before the girls had even been born. The pair bounced around, sometimes together and sometimes apart, along with their older brother through foster care as their mother served different jail sentences. By the time that they were old enough to be emancipated, they had all seen hell and had their own demons that they had fought with.
Daea had fallen into the same habits as their mother, finding comfort in the needle even as she became involved with the independent music scene. Heavy metal was her escape, fame was a way out of the ghetto.
Inka hadn't been quite so lucky. Unlike her more submissive sister, she had grown up throwing punches and taking blows, defending both herself and Daea with a fervor that seemed to call to the simmering outrage within her. It was always just beneath the surface, like a wild beast, and it never truly felt tame. Like a wild beast beneath her tanned skin, it drove her to be seemingly fearless on the streets.
It was that same vigor that had caught the eye of her future "employer" when Inka was just seventeen. With her skills, and the right trainers, she could be well off. More than that, Inka had seen it as a way to get her sister clean, to keep her safe, and to get them to a better place in life.
Hell, maybe they could even go to college and break the cycle after a couple years.
At first, all that was offered was street and backyard brawls for bets, but she hadn't been able to turn down the money. Drugs traded hands there, alcohol was abundant, cash was everywhere. It had turned from house parties hosting fights to straight up cages.
Dirty cops knew.
Drug lords knew.
It wasn't necessarily a secret, but it wasn't flaunted.
Three years in, four fights a week hadn't ever felt like enough. Four became five, five became six.
Daea disappeared into the world of music and drugs amidst the chaos of her sister's inner war without a word. Even with crooked officers and heroin kings on her side, the other twin had up and vanished.
That realization had practically broken the fighter, leaving her alone in the world. It was only then that her light at the end of the tunnel seemed to burn out. This had to be her life now, right?
Time passed, and "The Jackal" had fallen into a routine of fights every other night. Friends didn't exist in her world, just work and home. The clubs sometimes were a reprieve, a place to loosen up and take home someone for the night. Life was boring, right?
Daea had to be out there somewhere.
There had to be more to life than the ring.
Out of Character
There's quite a few possibilities with her;
- A cop looking to get deeper into the underworld.
- Another fighter or a trainer.
- Drug king/queen.
- Childhood friend that pops up.
- Meet up at the club.
- More are obviously welcome.
- Club owner or bartender.
- Medic taking care of her injuries. [
** Craving]
- Random meeting through an app like Tinder to blow off steam after matches. [
** Craving]
Anthros are welcome, as are supernatural beasties. This does not need to be set as realism! (Inka has been played as a shifter in the past.) In fact, it could be more than interesting to play her against someone to challenge her proper.
Please be literate and write between 2-6 paragraphs; I forgive typos and errors, they're part of life.
I'm in nursing and at the front lines of this pandemic, so know that I can and sometimes do disappear for a few days while working long hours.
Please shoot a message into my mailbox, I'm
terrible about checking my threads!