Aside from Castlevania (obvious), my other favorite games are Legend of Zelda, Darksiders, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Dragon's Dogma
The idea I had for my character would be that he grew up in a Church-run orphanage, but faced abuse from a corrupt, evil individual hiding behind a "public image" associated with the Church. Despite this my character takes strongly to the teachings of the Church and thus manifests "miracles," which end up being used to kill the abusive clergy but in the process also destroys the orphanage (I'm currently thinking the "holy barrier" ability being used to make geometric shapes, such as a giant millstone to enact Matthew 18:6). This prompts an investigation by some sort of inquisition-esque/black-ops organization within the Church, and upon finding evidence of what had been going on they end up inducting the character into their own chapter.
Committed to the work of the Lord, yet broken by the sinful nature of Man, the character now gives alms to the poor while wearing a warm smile distorted by scars--and then laughs maniacally as he tears his way through the demons, both mortal and supernatural, who are responsible for creating individuals like himself.
Would that work, or would some aspect need to be tweaked/changed entirely?