Avatar of Vlad Tepes


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1 yr ago
Current I'm done
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1 yr ago
Yup... still nothing.
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1 yr ago
Ugh.... this vampire is up waaay too early. *slams coffin lid*
1 yr ago
Yup. Sometimes you come up with an amazing dish, and sometimes you are forever banned from making dinner ever again.
1 yr ago
It would seem that I have likely been cursed, because my RP luck is just bumpkus at this point


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Aside from Castlevania (obvious), my other favorite games are Legend of Zelda, Darksiders, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Dragon's Dogma
You have very big....eyes and cones
Banned for too much teal!

Oh....goddammit, I knew I should've installed that new security system. Renfield, get the mop!

Should I get the vacuum too, Master?

What? No! It's too damn early for that noise!

The idea I had for my character would be that he grew up in a Church-run orphanage, but faced abuse from a corrupt, evil individual hiding behind a "public image" associated with the Church. Despite this my character takes strongly to the teachings of the Church and thus manifests "miracles," which end up being used to kill the abusive clergy but in the process also destroys the orphanage (I'm currently thinking the "holy barrier" ability being used to make geometric shapes, such as a giant millstone to enact Matthew 18:6). This prompts an investigation by some sort of inquisition-esque/black-ops organization within the Church, and upon finding evidence of what had been going on they end up inducting the character into their own chapter.

Committed to the work of the Lord, yet broken by the sinful nature of Man, the character now gives alms to the poor while wearing a warm smile distorted by scars--and then laughs maniacally as he tears his way through the demons, both mortal and supernatural, who are responsible for creating individuals like himself.

Would that work, or would some aspect need to be tweaked/changed entirely?

Holy sh-*quack*! *pun intended* This is one badass church dude! I also love the little Biblical reference you incorporated. I could definitely see the holy barrier "miracle" being manipulated to that degree. Maybe he (or she) is the only individaul capable of this manipulation, hence why the Inquisition would be interested in inducting them into their ranks. Furthermore, I'm wondering what if your character's abuse by the clergy was part of some secret plan by the Church to create like their own superweapon, a clergyman capable of manipulating "miracles" to be used more offensively and with better results. Think Anderson from Hellsing, this badass preacher slaughtering demons while throwing out scriptures with a psychotic grin on his *quack*-ed up face. Anywho, this character sounds dope and I can't wait to see how they play out

...as soon as we can get some more people interested. *considers kidnapping*


Hell yeah, dude! Curse of Strahd is the sh-*quack*! Welcome aboard!


@Vampiretwilight Well it goes without saying the Dark Vampire King plot has caught my eye!

"But master! You already have a loyal servant!"

Shut it, Renfield! Go back to eating spiders or something! Sheesh!

Anywho, I'd be interested in this, except I only do MxF pairings. Nothing homophobic. Male on male romance just ain't my cup of tea. >>;

"Or blood, master!"

*sigh* Yes Renfield...or blood. -_-
Master! You have a visitor!

Shut it, Renfield! I'm trying to get some sleep here! Pfft! Thralls...

But Master! Someone posted to your interest check!

WHAT?!! *falls out of coffin*


Ahem! I mean...hello there! 😊

Unfortunately I can't answer all of these questions in full details since I'm on my phone right now and it's a *quack* to type, but I will do my best.

The setting I have in mind is inspired primarily by the Castlevania games and Netflix series with a bit of Van Helsing and Bloodborne in the mix, so yes magic does exist, but it is primarily used by those who practice magic, and it depends on what type. For instance, elemental magic is used by witches and sorcerers. Necromancy is only for necromancers and is restricted mostly to raising undead. Clerics, who are of the Church, the supreme religious authority of Gransylva, practice holy magic or "miracles" such as healing, repelling undead and other evil abominations, blessing water to turn it holy, and casting protection spells such as forcefields or enchanted circles.

Furthermore, the Church looks down on all other forms of magic. They're hypocrites who boast their power comes only from God. All other magic users are of the Devil and must be destroyed. So yeah witch burnings and all that fun stuff.

As far as the second question, there are were-creatures that exist, but they are primarily lycans. I could allow for other types of transformations, but nothing as outlandish as draconians or werecrocodiles (yeah those are a thing). As far as other fantasy races, sadly no. Elves, dwarves, anything of that sort do not exist in this setting. I'm sorry.

The only races that do exist are humans, vampires and dhampirs (half human vampires), were-creatures (though most full blooded werewolves are feral), and (I was toying with this idea after Lies of P) automatons.

Which leads me to my next explanation. While this at its core a medieval setting, science is actually quite advanced. Automatons and machines exist in this universe, but they are primarily steam driven. Guns exist as well, but more along the lines of firearms from the 1500s to 1600s, so mostly muskets, muzzle loaders, black powder rifles and flintlock pistols, etc.

Anywho, hope that answers everything. If there's anything else, let me know.
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