Avatar of wanderingwolf


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Just curious if anyone is interested in a Pathfinder 2e Revised game? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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2 yrs ago
Like Sci-fi? Like the Wild West? Firefly: Second Verse's lookin' for a Pilot, Companion, First Mate, and Mechanic: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
The crew is booking up for this class three Firefly. Get in while the git’n’s good!
3 yrs ago
Our Firefly game is finally up! Come gander over yonder: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Just put out an interest checker for a new Firefly game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Drop by if you're curious!


Linux makes me happy, Blender helps me art, and Solus solved a lot of my problems.

I'm here because I like to RP in depth with high quality writing. Now, don't mistake me for high quality; I'm just hoping it rubs off.

Sharing cohost/GM duties with Sail3695 of "Firefly - Second 'Verse." Advanced game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186036-fir…

Pretty much all my posts are collaborations posted by others on our game!

I put some art works in progress here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/185966-art…

Most Recent Posts

Fantastic @PatientBean, Fleur rolled well, too.
Thanks @Digizel for your explanation!

@Cleveraptor yes athletics please!

@apheline thank you!

@PatientBean since youre going to ask for direction, could you write out what Fleur will ask and to whom and then roll a diplomacy check?


The party, sans an elf, picks up the pace after the clamoring of Haibram in his full plate of armor. As Haibram ducks into a crowd at the last moment, everyone loses sight of the energetic dwarf. Thanks to Jenk's astute memory, the heroes are able to keep track of the general direction Haibram mentioned, and his bobbing form weaves into view once again as Jenk, Alwin, Vasimiri, and Thornharp emerge from the close shouldered populace of Nantambu.

At one point, a passerby almost steps on Jenk, and then Thornharp, as the two smallest members of their group. Vasmimir, on unsteady-ish legs, navigates the throng with little issue. Alwin wades through the crowd, his companion drawing shocked looks from the faces nearby. The smells of breakfasts wafting from the homes nearby is enough to wrack the party with hunger pangs.

Fleur walks a sensible pace, still looking great in those boots, but has completely lost Haibram, and watches the vanishing backs of her cohorts as they dive into the crowd behind him.

@patientbean Would you like to try to remember which direction to go from Haibram's direction, ask a stranger for directions, or find your own way?

It's Vasimiri who spots him next, as Haibram comes to the edges of the residencies. He jumps onto and off a passing water taxi in one of the canals to reach the next city block.
End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

Jenk: You felt it for a split-second, as you passed through the middle of that 'crowd.' Something stirred in you, some purpose yet realized, like they were all looking to you for just a moment. It could have been so they didn't step on you, but still, all eyes were on Jenk.

Fleur: How will you ever find where you're supposed to be? What's a beautiful, aloof elf to do?

Alwin: You catch yourself smiling as Erastil pulls ahead of you, eyes trained on your stone-brother.

Vasimiri: Such a busy bipedal city is wholly foreign, yet something stirs in you as you watch the dwarf leap onto a water taxi. Are you sure your two legs can handle that?

Thornharp: You're feeling a bit peckish, your leaves still yawning for the sun to warm them. You don't want to let down Teacher Ot by being late to Alandri, but you barely had time to gain your bearings.

Everyone give me an Athletics check as you attempt to follow Haibram and catch your own passing water taxi!
Alright, so it seems like three out of five characters have decided to race Haibram, does that sound right? Seemingly against the race: Fleur (blame her gorgeous shoes). Yet to respond is Alwin.

I'll update later tonight with Fenk, Vasimiri, and our newest Leshy Thornharp giving chase.

@PatientBean @cleveraptor If you two don't race, you won't be able to participate in the rolls going forward and you'll arrive whenever you arrive at Alandri's. Definitely late.
This is why we're friends. @Xandrya
@apheline Welcome! Feel free to post up. The group is deciding whether or not to chase Haibram in order to get to their destination the fastest way! (If they beat him there are rewards, but they don't know that!).
@meri Awesome! I can come up with a stand-in human form pawn for when Vasimiri is not in spider form.

Also, just to let everyone know, I've relaxed the rule:

1. Touch the "IC" board at least twice a week.


1. Touch the "IC" board at least once a week.

Twice seems a little too much, but once a week seems logical, given there will be at least three Storyteller posts for characters to respond to.

Of course, if you're going to be out of town or traveling or can't post up for some reason, please let me know that way I know you're not MIA. If you let me know ahead of time when you have an absence coming up for a week, I think we can hold your spot for at least another week before swapping in someone off the waiting list.
@Xandrya You just like to stir the pot! I appreciate this.
@Xandrya Hahahahah, yeah I was picturing a Dennis the Menace style relationship with Imani shaking her fist at an eleven year old.
That's a fantastic idea @Xandrya! I'm curious to see if Gunther will go for it. Oh the shenanigans a rivalry between an eleven year old and a grown woman might offer!
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