As Haibram nimbly jumped onto a water taxi, Alwin took no time at all catching onto the game, finding his own water taxi laden to its destination. With a quick jump, he found himself on the back of a rocking gondola, only to watch Haibram hop off onto the next city block. Following suit, Alwin and Erastil made the jump flawlessly onto the other side of the canal when their taxi floated near enough.
Thornharp, sadly, was not so graceful as the dwarf ranger. The bard did her best to land beside Alwin on his water taxi, but slipped at the last moment! With a quick movement, Eratil, the little dinosaur at Alwin's side, deftly maneuvered to catch the leshy with the side of his muzzle in order to keep her from dropping into the busy canal. With a bit of spotting, Thornharp made up for her near-blunder by safely making it to the other side, right behind Alwin. Vasimiri, carefully navigated their way around the canal's edge to a bridge, and crossed there, trying to catch up with Alwin and Thornharp.
Jenk, had other plans. "Taxi!" and a wave of his hand, landed Jenk with a water taxi of his own, though its driver took his time maneuvering to where Jenk stood on the canal's edge.
OOC to @rush99999: You passed the diplomacy roll to hire a taxi, now it will just cost you two silver to ride to your destination. Do you want to pay the price? If so, do you want to be on time to Alandri's or is Jenk not worried about Teacher Ot's admonition to not be late? If Jenk does want to be on time, why don't you come up with a way he could coax the taxi to go faster, or some other method to get to his destination quickly?Fleur was nonplussed about the urgency to get to Alandri's by way of racing. She stopped a passerby, "Hello, I am so sorry to bother you, but I seem to be a bit lost. I am looking for Alandri. Do you happen to know where she's staying or where I can find her at this time? I would be so grateful." In response, the woman replied, "Yes, Alandri is a well known fisherwoman," the woman paused, "Her shop borders the third canal ring, past the first foot bridge, then through the trade district to the far northern end." She pointed in the general direction. "I'm headed the other direction, if you'll excuse me." She smiles a groggy smile before departing from Fleur to the South.
OOC to @patientbean Fleur succeeded her first Diplomacy check, and is on her own to navigate Nantambu. She has a general direction from the woman's directions, but as you go on your way, you'll need to find someone else to ask for directions. Go ahead and play out the next interaction, and then roll Diplomacy again!As Alwin, Thornharp, and Vasimiri catch up to Haibram on the next city block, they see a group of craftspeople starting to set out their wares for the day's business. Haibram appears to have anticipated this and darts into a side alley at the last second. Alwin, Thornharp, and Vasimiri don’t have enough time to split off, so they have to weave through the crowd!
End Scene
Storyteller's Aside
@cleveraptor, and
@apheline please give me an Acrobatics check!