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10 mos ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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I was a bit too snarky, but I'm not going to pretend like the body was still warm when it was pronounced dead.
I will start by saying the attention to detail in constructing this RP and the cultivation of an active player base that was invested in the world and characters to the point we were cheering on every single damn post is a remarkable feat. I haven't loved writing with a community as much as I've enjoyed writing with this community. But, as our thoughts are being asked, I have a few.

Honestly, not that surprised this is how things have turned out. We've had the brakes slammed on us several times after finding a solid groove early on, and it makes sense to end things here where they stand. There's no point in trying to keep this rolling, because there is no momentum. This RP was abandoned before this post was made, and it wasn't abandoned by the players.

I very much enjoyed RPing with everyone here. I loved the characters and the dynamics we were building. Despite the GM packing their toys and going home, I would love to write something of a similar style and vibe one day with you all, but perhaps with less restriction and railroading.
<Snipped quote by webboysurf>

For sure should do something there. Ethan would certainly try to befriend him, as much as he would any other team-mate. It really comes down to how well you think Aaron would reciprocate to someone like him; annoyingly optimistic, not too bright, and eager to follow the crowd. The idea of a one-sided thing where Ethan obliviously thinks they're buddies, but Aaron barely tolerates him, is funny to me too.

On Ethan's side, he'd likely look up to Aaron to a certain degree, respecting how much he's accomplished on his own without always needing to rely on others. He'd make an effort to include Aaron in other group/team meet-ups outside of school, even if he usually blows them off.

Honestly, love the idea/dynamic that Ethan thinks Aaron is his friend and Aaron just sees Ethan as this guy he just can't get away from. Though I think Aaron likes Ethan more than he's willing to admit to himself. To an extent, Ethan is what Aaron could be if he wasn't so caught up in his own crap and ego. They're foils in an interesting way that could play nicely.

@webboysurf I sort of had it in mind that it was some guy that turned out to be "not so good" but I am willing to suspend that if you want them to have that dynamic.

Was just tossing it out as an option, don't want to mess with whatever you have planned.
Well, since we've got a few character sheets in, does anyone want to work on any character interactions/relationships? I know none of them accepted yet, but just in case anyone wants to workshop something ahead of time.

Well, I don't think Aaron would know or remember Jess in any way, so I don't know if our characters would have any history or prior connections/interactions. Don't imagine Jess would like Aaron very much. I think the same goes with Hera, though I imagine both would probably know the name.

@Tackytaff: I feel like Aaron and Ethan would have to know each other pretty well, especially if they're on the same teams. Ethan seems to have less of an ego issue, so might be one of the few people Aaron could get along with well.

@PatientBean: Seems like Quinn and Aaron would probably know each other. There is room for Aaron to have been the person Quinn dated her sophomore year, as Aaron probably would have made the varsity team that year (though Ethan is also a pretty solid, perhaps more socially advantageous choice). Otherwise, they'd probably run in somewhat similar circles, but might not be close since Aaron isn't particularly popular.
I'm with @Kuro in that regard.
What the heck, why not.

Location: Team Swap Ceremony - P.R.C.U. Campus
First Class #2.60 : I'm Still Here

Mention(s) and Interaction(s): The Newbies: Coop @psych0pomp, Elle @Skai, Simone and Layla @Lord Wraith
Previously: Rumbling

Rory felt a heavy burden as soon as he felt the small tremors in the ground. Katja’s voice had clued him in that it wasn’t Haleigh’s powers, which was a momentary relief. But as soon as Katja had stepped in and spat her words at him, it was clear Rory’s action had the desired effect: they weren’t mad at the others anymore. At least, Katja wasn’t. But as Katja stared him down, and put a firm hand on his shoulder, the words sunk in. He had misread Katja, at least in part. He took her silence and her kindness as maturity, especially given all she had experienced. But now, Rory could have sworn he saw glimpses into the past.

This wasn’t just about the team.

He was relieved when Katja finally let go, even if it was followed by an indirect threat. They had made their position clear. It was selfish, but Rory couldn’t claim his was any less so. He saw the expression on Katja’s face change when they looked at Trace. There was even a hint of a smile. It was better than the misery she had been wallowing in before. That realization was bittersweet for Rory, and he just shoved his hands deeper into his pockets. Of course, Inigo had to go and make things worse. A more direct threat, this time. He wasn’t wrong, but he lacked tact. Another provoking attack.

Yet another poor reading of a teammate.

The faculty finally stepped in and moved the ceremony along. The teams were finalized. Rory was glad to be done with the dramatics as he had fallen back in line and watched four of his teammates scatter. Four new additions swept in, strangers as far as Rory was concerned. They seemed to want to be part of the team, at least. That much gave him a little hope, as he took a few steps forward to greet them. He shoved that heavy feeling in his gut deep down, and put a smile back on his face. He held out a fist to bump each of them in greeting. ”Hey guys, welcome to Blackjack. Name’s Rory. I’m from Ottawa, used to do a lot of wrestling back in high school.”

Nailed it.

”Glad you joined us.” Rory’s face dawned in realization as he looked between the newcomers and the various House captains. He recognized the colors of his father’s house, and his new home. Though what twinkled in his eyes was a realization as he reached into his pants pocket to pull out his phone, a smartphone a couple generations out of date and riddled with small cracks and dents. He tossed it to the nearest newcomer with reckless abandon. ”Make sure to add your numbers in, I want to try and get a group chat started for us before classes start. There’s no passcode, my brother kept breaking into it anyway.” He gave a small, polite wave as he backed away.

Rory turned on a dime and quickly marched over towards the captain for House Canis, giving a small nod as he approached. ”Uh… Rory Tyler. I’d like to accept the invitation to House Canis.” He held out the entire envelope of invitations towards them, hoping to pass off the loose papers. He couldn’t exactly fit them in his pocket.

Greetings and Salutations Rory,

We are pleased to announce that after review, we have found you to possess great loyalty, a trait that we truly hold dear and revere in House Canis.

We hope that you'll make ours your House of choice upon receiving your offers.

Aiden Roth

- -|◄ FIRST---
Location: Team Swap Ceremony - P.R.C.U. Campus
First Class #2.49 : Rumbling

Mention(s) and Interaction(s): Haleigh @Kuro
Previously: Cat's out of the Bag

"You certain you want to do this? I'm not going to claim to know you. Hell, you can brush me off as unsolicited advice. But, just for a second, I want you to pause and look back at what you're leaving behind. I'm sure tensions are running high after what happened. People feel hurt. Depressed. Angry. That kind of feeling doesn't easily go away. It needs time to heal; certainly more time than a week. Trust me, I know how it goes more than most. By all means, if you still want to switch, then switch. But to me, it looks like Blackjack still gives a shit about you. You even have some of them on the verge of tears at the thought of you leaving them behind for another team."

"Don't worry about me, I heard the rules," She said in a sickeningly sweet tone to the transfer student offering up unsought opinions. "I know what I'm doing."

"She can think for herself, y'know. Keep your two cents out of our business and make your choice already."

Rory kept his fists clenched in his pockets, looking down at the ground and refusing to make eye contact with the three who stepped forward in the line. There they were, all fighting again. Fighting to leave, and to be independent. Some stranger was trying to stop things more than any of them were. A part of Rory hated himself for letting a stranger voice a desire for the others to stay. Another part hated that he wanted to supersede their decisions. His right hand had clenched itself around the crumpled eulogy, as he hadn’t bothered to change since the funeral. He remained silent, though. Inigo and Makenna were defending Trace to the end. And here he was, in some ways rooting against the three and hoping they would come back.

"Enough, Iñigo." Haleigh snapped in an assertive, commanding tone. "Drop the act. You know she's saying what we're all thinking."

Summoning all the courage she had, Haleigh stood up and pushed away the wheelchair. Although Tad had assured her back then that the inhibitor he had given Haleigh would allow her to walk as long as she wore it, she didn't quite trust him at the time. But this was different. She couldn't keep allowing things to hold her back; she needed to face things head-on.

Seemingly terrified, cautious steps soon turned into a full walk as Haleigh approached the center of the triangle where the four had stood amongst each other.

"Maybe I was... a little too harsh earlier. I'm sorry. I've been stressed out since the incident. We all have been. But she has a point. Blackjack needs each other more than ever. We need unity more than ever. I know some of us have had... differences in opinion, to say the least, but I don't want to see us fall apart like this. I know it'll probably be difficult, and honestly I'm probably making a fool out of myself here because you've likely already made up your minds, but please reconsider. If not for me, then for everyone else. We can work things out. I'm sure of it."

Haleigh held out her hand, hoping at least one of them would take her offer. She made an attempt, time would only tell if the three would leave her feeling spurned once more.

Rory’s eyes locked on Haleigh, as his mind circled back to the conversation around the fire. This literal step held with it more intent than any word she could mutter now. But the message and the meaning crept in and ate away at him instantaneously. His eyes turned to the cameras for a brief moment, trying to shove down the anxiety of being in such a public space without the comfort of having a playbook to follow. This whole situation had gotten out of hand. But Rory sighed, and scooted over to fill some empty space in their formation to get closer to the cluster of action. As he spoke, he kept his voice low while matching Haleigh’s assertive tone. That ever present awkward smile had faded. His eyes locked on Haleigh. "Stop this, Haleigh.”

Rory’s eyes turned to Makenna, Inigo, and Trace. His brow furrowed as he frowned. He was unable to mask the sadness plastered on his face. ”We’ve made our choice. They’ve made theirs. We haven’t really felt like a team from the beginning. Calliope was the first to really say it… and Cass…” The name haunted him a little, and felt like clay in his mouth. He had to swallow hard to clear it from his throat. ”He… he said at the fire that there isn’t a right or wrong decision, whether to stay or leave. I think he is… was right. Not the whole thing with, like, watering grass. But none of us chose to be on this team before now. Now we get to choose.”

The pit in Rory’s stomach grew larger. He let loose the words that had been building up in his chest, gnawing at his innards. One fist clenched at the paper in his pocket, as his other hand reached up to place a hand on Haleigh’s shoulder as he stood behind her. ”I’m with Blackjack until the end, despite you and Luce trying to paint me and them as enemies. And Luce couldn’t even be bothered to come here.” Rory felt his anger rise at that last sentiment, as if he had just finally realized it. He took a small breath to reset, speaking calmly again. ”I agree Blackjack needs to stay united, but they’re not Blackjack anymore. The choice has been made. They have to live with it, seems unfair to try and guilt them back after you pushed them away. Besides, if they do come back… then what? I’ve been on a lot of teams, and you never compete well if you don’t trust the people at your side. And you never trust the guys who are forced to be there. Blackjack never felt like a team when we were forced to be. I say we make the most of what we have, Haleigh, and move on… I say we let them go, ok?”

His hand gave Haleigh's shoulder a soft squeeze. He wasn't sure if he did the right thing. Maybe he did the worst thing he could have. But his eyes turned to his three former teammates, and he gave them a solemn nod. He was out of words. Hopefully they understood. Hyperion was wrong about him. He didn't give a damn about his own comfort. All he cared about in this moment was theirs.

Even if they were leaving him alone.

- -|◄ FIRST---
Cole grunted as he laced up his freshly polished boots. He had barely noticed the child who was standing at the door of the mud room, baseball gloves and baseball in hand. It was hard to remember how old Rory was then… perhaps because this scene had played out so many different ways over and over to the point it felt like a ritual. When Cole finally looked up, his stern expression barely changed. There was never a look of remorse. Just that blank, serious stare. Cole stood up, grabbed his duffel bag off the floor, and just shook his head. ”Maybe another time, kid.” Cole turned to open the door, a bright white light on the other side obscuring the outdoors. Rory sighed, letting the glove and ball fall to the ground. He would go back to his mother to complain, only to hear about how respected and necessary his dad’s work was. To make a better future, Cole had to make sacrifices.

Rory was just one of those sacrifices.

Location: Team Swap Ceremony - P.R.C.U. Campus
First Class #2.24 : Cat's out of the Bag

Mention(s) and Interaction(s): None
Previously: Empty Words

Rory groggily opened his eyes with a start, hands raised in fists as he tried to scan the room with blurred vision. It took him a moment to even process what had woken him up, finally acknowledging the buzzing generic alarm coming from his phone. He had set one to make sure he didn’t miss the ceremony. He cleared the sleepy tears from his eyes before focusing on the time. Of course, he was running late. Rory stuffed his phone in his pocket and began sprinting out the door to his room in the intake house, stumbling from taking too sharp of turns at a full sprint here and there. He was able to make it in record time, catching up to his team at the last moment as Jonas was finishing his speech. A brief glimpse at his teammate’s faces indicated Dr. Lehrer’s words were not encouraging. That was only going to make his job harder.

Then, of course, next was the Team Swap. Rory looked at the empty spots where his teammates would be standing. Cass would have been in the back, if he had to guess. He didn’t seem to be the type to draw attention or be at the center of attention. But… maybe he was? Rory didn’t know a damn thing about him, at the end of the day. None of them really did, it seemed. The only one who might have was Banjo, and he was still in the ICU as far as Rory knew. There wouldn’t be some inspiring speech today to rouse the troops, or wild outburst of antics to break the tension... just silence as the faculty continued explaining their ceremony.

Rory accepted the envelope as they were getting passed around. He took a quick read of his offers, nodding along to the options. After everything that had shaken down, the choice was obvious: the same house his father had been in when he was a student here. His father had been chosen for his motivation. Rory would settle for being chosen for loyalty. At the end of the day, gentleness and optimism were traits Rory had in abundance. He needed a competitive house if he was going to push himself properly. For their sakes. For Cass.

The counting roused Rory from his envelope. He turned to look down the line at his teammates. There was motivation and determination in the eyes of some, especially in Haleigh and Trevor. He gave them a soft smile. But as he turned his gaze to Trace, it was clear they were avoiding eye contact. Small knots twisted in his stomach. They wouldn't… they couldn't. Unless…

They spit on the ground. “Bloody fuckin’ Americans fixin’ all their problems with violence.” They released Rory’s arm. “It’s a sad fuckin’ day when I agree with Makenna and Rory here. But here I am.” They paused. “No, fuck you all, I’m not here. Not anymore. Not with the lot of you.”

Trace had already said their goodbyes, in their own way. His eyes briefly darted to the others. Trevor and Haleigh looked rooted. They didn't seem to notice. Why couldn't anyone else see it? Rory's heart rate rocketed up as Trace stepped forward. He felt his left hand reach forward just slightly yet again, as if to catch them. But his hand just held there in front of him, before weakly falling back to his side. Neither of the armbands held were for Team Blackjack.

Anywhere but here. Anyone but us. Everyone except us.

Rory's eyes turned back to what remained of his team. He didn't even clock the two transferring to Blackjack. His eyes turned to the others. His eyes lingered on Inigo and Makenna. The former had managed to pick a fight the first time they had met, and the latter had chosen to insult those who wished vengeance for Cass. He looked back at Trace, arm raised defiantly. Might as well have given them the finger, and told them to bang their mother's dogs or some other funny euphemism they could draw from their arsenal. They had done it often enough before. Trace had hardly been nice to any of them, except perhaps Katja. This was the most tame Trace's rejection of them had been, so far. But that just left a single question bouncing around his empty head.

Of all the people… why did this hurt so much?

- -|◄ FIRST---
Location: Somewhere - P.R.C.U. Campus
The Homecoming Trials #2.24 : Empty Words

Mention(s) and Interaction(s): Haleigh @Kuro, Luce @Roman, Trace @psych0pomp, Inigo @Mao Mao, Makenna @Tackytaff
Previously: No Sleep

Rory kept his hands planted in his pocket, fist balled around his crumpled eulogy. One by one, his teammates gathered. There was a somewhat even split in opinion on the next move, though the voices for vengeance were loudest. Haleigh had addressed him directly. Words caught in his throat. He wanted to defend himself… or agree. He wasn’t sure. His hand squeezed tighter around the empty words he refused to speak. The letters were shaky and cut deep into the notebook paper. They too called for action and justice. They were a self-serving rallying cry, the kind of speech a team captain would give at half-time. They were words that came from a deep-seated sorrow that rendered cuts across his bleeding heart.

They were just empty words meant for his benefit, not Cass’. They wouldn’t have helped his family. His sister was a few years younger than Mary.

He wasn’t going to let her, or Will even, bury another Tyler because he let himself go with the tide.

Rory shook his head at Haleigh’s words, muttering out a soft ”No” in refutation of her conclusion. He almost didn’t notice that Trace had grabbed onto his arm. He froze up for a moment at the realization, before letting himself relax slightly. It was a positive sign, if nothing else. He gave small nods of appreciation to Inigo and Makenna as they approached. He couldn’t quite find any words to say to anyone though. He was far too exhausted to think clearly, or put together any semblance of a speech. Most surprising of all was Luce, who had seemed so uncertain and fearful the night everything broke down. But now, she seemed like a completely different person. He wasn’t sure what was more unnerving: the arrogant voice that kept him up at night, or the incendiary rage that burned like oil in Luce’s throat. He understood the feelings… but he couldn’t find himself agreeing with the conclusion. Killing Hyperion… it was too easy. Too simple. Hyperion needed to be stopped, but something in Rory’s gut felt weary of the choice of words and goal. It was something to mull over, but he wasn’t fond of Luce’s ultimatum.

Trace let go of his arm… and spited him one last time before walking away. He felt his heart sink, his hand catching in his pocket as he tried to reach out for a moment. He stopped himself. Trace clearly insisted on being alone… but right now didn’t feel like the time to push the issue. He’d catch up with them later. Rory gave a weak, weary smile to Inigo and Makenna. ”I think everyone needs time to grieve in their own way… I’ll see you guys at the ceremony. I’ll be at the Intake House until then if you need me.” With that, Rory made his way back towards the dorms.

It was time he got some rest.

He needed to be at his best for his team.

Or what was going to be left of it.

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