I was a bit too snarky, but I'm not going to pretend like the body was still warm when it was pronounced dead.
<Snipped quote by webboysurf>
For sure should do something there. Ethan would certainly try to befriend him, as much as he would any other team-mate. It really comes down to how well you think Aaron would reciprocate to someone like him; annoyingly optimistic, not too bright, and eager to follow the crowd. The idea of a one-sided thing where Ethan obliviously thinks they're buddies, but Aaron barely tolerates him, is funny to me too.
On Ethan's side, he'd likely look up to Aaron to a certain degree, respecting how much he's accomplished on his own without always needing to rely on others. He'd make an effort to include Aaron in other group/team meet-ups outside of school, even if he usually blows them off.
@webboysurf I sort of had it in mind that it was some guy that turned out to be "not so good" but I am willing to suspend that if you want them to have that dynamic.
Well, since we've got a few character sheets in, does anyone want to work on any character interactions/relationships? I know none of them accepted yet, but just in case anyone wants to workshop something ahead of time.
Greetings and Salutations Rory, We are pleased to announce that after review, we have found you to possess great loyalty, a trait that we truly hold dear and revere in House Canis. We hope that you'll make ours your House of choice upon receiving your offers. Sincerely, Aiden Roth ![]() |
"You certain you want to do this? I'm not going to claim to know you. Hell, you can brush me off as unsolicited advice. But, just for a second, I want you to pause and look back at what you're leaving behind. I'm sure tensions are running high after what happened. People feel hurt. Depressed. Angry. That kind of feeling doesn't easily go away. It needs time to heal; certainly more time than a week. Trust me, I know how it goes more than most. By all means, if you still want to switch, then switch. But to me, it looks like Blackjack still gives a shit about you. You even have some of them on the verge of tears at the thought of you leaving them behind for another team."
"Don't worry about me, I heard the rules," She said in a sickeningly sweet tone to the transfer student offering up unsought opinions. "I know what I'm doing."
"She can think for herself, y'know. Keep your two cents out of our business and make your choice already."
"Enough, Iñigo." Haleigh snapped in an assertive, commanding tone. "Drop the act. You know she's saying what we're all thinking."
Summoning all the courage she had, Haleigh stood up and pushed away the wheelchair. Although Tad had assured her back then that the inhibitor he had given Haleigh would allow her to walk as long as she wore it, she didn't quite trust him at the time. But this was different. She couldn't keep allowing things to hold her back; she needed to face things head-on.
Seemingly terrified, cautious steps soon turned into a full walk as Haleigh approached the center of the triangle where the four had stood amongst each other.
"Maybe I was... a little too harsh earlier. I'm sorry. I've been stressed out since the incident. We all have been. But she has a point. Blackjack needs each other more than ever. We need unity more than ever. I know some of us have had... differences in opinion, to say the least, but I don't want to see us fall apart like this. I know it'll probably be difficult, and honestly I'm probably making a fool out of myself here because you've likely already made up your minds, but please reconsider. If not for me, then for everyone else. We can work things out. I'm sure of it."
Haleigh held out her hand, hoping at least one of them would take her offer. She made an attempt, time would only tell if the three would leave her feeling spurned once more.
They spit on the ground. “Bloody fuckin’ Americans fixin’ all their problems with violence.” They released Rory’s arm. “It’s a sad fuckin’ day when I agree with Makenna and Rory here. But here I am.” They paused. “No, fuck you all, I’m not here. Not anymore. Not with the lot of you.”