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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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Over by the treeline in the corner, in the one blindspot of the cameras that she could find, Lavina waited for the rotation to switch before she sent Thor back into the treeline. With the increase in prisoners, it was going to be difficult to have him nearby for a while. Ina quickly fixed the corner of the fence to make it look normal and began to meander around.

While it was hotter than all blazes out, she found comfort in the rumors that the Rebellion was going to attack soon, the Gifted couldn't give up hope just yet. She had been sending Thor out with little papers of information on guard rotations, supply shipments, and anything that could help the Rebellion end reign of the Hound.

Lavina looked up at the tower where the Hound resided as she walked towards the grass area and frowned. She remembered his teachings well and had the scars to prove it too. When she first arrived, Ina agreed to learn about how to be a Hunter to save her skin. Once it came to her hunting down and capturing another Gifted child, she couldn't complete the mission. It was a long time after that before she had seen the outside world once more. She couldn't quite recall what had happened only that it was extremely painful and that she was grateful that it was a memory.

Lavina tied her long blonde hair up into a ponytail with a scrap of cloth before she scratched around her collar. Her sweat from the heat made the skin on her neck itch where it stuck to the metal. She knew that she probably looked ridiculous with a long-sleeve shirt, however, it helped to hide her markings. Ina was hit with a wave of heat and paused as she heard the cries of a young woman. She saw that it was the girl that the guards referred to as Wildfire. Lavina smirked as she watched Wildfire stick her tongue out at the guard that zapped her.

"Are you alright?" Ina asked in a hushed tone once the decreased heat around Wildfire. She paused and heard the guards talk about new prisoners. More mouths to worry about to feed, perfect, her inner voice grumbled as Lavina tried her best to make sure the younger Gifted and the elderly ones of the group got enough to sustain. She wasn't a stranger to starving a couple of days to make ends meet.

"I would have asked how you felt right away but that guards get a little jumpy if we start defending each other," Ina explained with a soft smile as she rolled up her sleeves up to her elbows, careful to not remove her gloves that hide her markings underneath.
@deadpixel101Are you okay with Lavina being an ex-student of the Hound?
@Mechromancer The guards in the Gallows are just a subsection of the Royal Guard. They would just have a different symbol on their armor than the normal Royal Guardsmen.

Edit: Templars could work but I try not to be too stuck with Dragon Age inspiration. The Plague is definitely inspired by the Blight from DA though. :)
We are now using @Ti image for tokens! I love the detail!
@Mechromancer That is the idea, yes. Think of Sir Dorian the connection to the Emperor. He’s the go between man that relays quests to our characters mentors and now to our characters.
@TiNot a dumb question. The token is used to accept the job/quest. The idea is that the mentors already accepted the job and our characters found the tokens. That's why I mentioned that a blacksmith from Somerset made them, each blacksmith should have a signature on their pieces of work. I'd explain more but that would ruin the next post with the explanation from Dorian. :)
Use this to create your token. Dorian is an NPC right now so you can create whatever you need him to say.

The misty rain seemed endless on nights like these, or so the young woman with long, fiery locks thought. The moon was full in the starry sky, it was almost beautiful. Faline took a moment to gaze up at the sky. Her dark gray, wool-hooded cloak concealed her features at the moment. It kept the light leather armor underneath dry as well as the daggers that were stashed in her boots. One couldn't be too careful when scouting potential lands. She was all the happier to scout ahead, this way she knew the information firsthand. Posing as a simple mercenary, Faline gained favors and weaved a tight web all without many of her employers not realizing that she was of the Nightingale family.

The water collected within the cobbled streets as Faline made her way to the Lock And Key Tavern within the town of Somerset, one of the trade hubs of the Ellezag Plains. Her uncle, Nikolai, had all up and disappeared a few months ago after his last letter on his supposed business trip. Faline had spent those last few months tracking his whereabouts and following a handful of clues. She had heard of rumors of the Plague out here. The royal guardsmen took anyone that showed signs of sickness to an outpost but every village she passed through acted as if they had no clue of such things. Even more, rumors had it that the Governor of the Ellezag Plains was on the brink of madness. Common folk were struggling to keep themselves alive whether it was food or shelter. Taxes were incredibly high to the point that commoners were beginning to sell their children to workhouses just so the children had consistent food and a bed to sleep on.

Faline opened the door to the tavern and the place was alive with laughter, chatter, and banter with card games. She lowered her hood and her vibrant green eyes scanned the room. She wasn't the only female mercenary here, just probably one of the few most competent if she was being honest. Faline meandered through the lively bar scene as she turned to request a drink from the bartender, only for her eyes to catch the sight of whom she assumed was the tavern owner or a man that fit his description anyway.

This young man was tall, athletic stature with light hair so fair that it resembled that of fresh snow and silver eyes to match. He was handsome with all things considered minus the patch that covered his right eye. He was also dressed in steel armor with his sword at his hip but Faline couldn't begin to think of such things right now. Sir Dorian was the fifth son of the Governor, he was neglecting his duty to turn in his adoptive father, or so it seemed. Stories told that he was planning a revolt against his adopted father and turning him into the Emperor. Faline watched for a while as he seemed to drink and play card games with others. Wasting precious money that the people of his kingdom worked so hard for.

Once the game was finished, Faline stood up from the bar and made her way over to the table. "Rumor has it that you are looking for help?"She asked as she tossed down a token that had the symbol of a bard on one side and a rogue on the other that she received from finding her uncle's pack about a week ago. The engraving was that of a blacksmith from Somerset. The young man just smirked and nodded as he took the token and led Faline to a back room.

"Once the others are here, I will explain," he said as Faline rose an eyebrow.

"Others? How big is this job?" Faline asked as she crossed her arms. "I work alone."

"I think you will find this job will need multiple hands in the fire, so to speak," Dorian replied with a knowing look in his eye as he left the room to sit back at his post. Faline rolled her eyes as she looked around the room, it wasn't anything fancy but there was a fireplace with a seating set and then a few bunkbeds on the other side of the room. She sat on the sofa in front of the fire, she put her pack on the ground by her feet as she pulled out her journal which was packed full of clues left behind from her uncle.
@Troubleshoot@Mechromancer@Ti@shagranoz@Jamesyco I'm going to post the introduction post soon to get things rolling. :)

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