Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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Hopefully, I will be able to post tomorrow night. My computer is being wonky and I’m currently on mobile.
Faline raised an eyebrow at the tall man who wandered his way over and sat in the oversized chair. "The title of lady is not mine to hold, at least, not yet anyway. Nor do I plan to possess a lofty duty. As to Mousey over here, it isn't very often I meet half of my lineage that also have the ability to shift in animal forms. As for my words out there, it is the truth, I've worked alone up until this point," she explained as she looked at the coin from the gray-complexed Elvian woman held out.

"That is a curious symbol. I remember it from somewhere but I can't quite place it," Faline said as she was trying to think of all the symbols that her uncle had scribbled in his journal as if his life depended on it. Her train of thought was interrupted as the door opened again. Sir Dorian walked through the doorway, turned, and locked the door behind him. He moved over to a large table with many chairs around it. He was completely unphased by the fact that Simbelmyne was in the room without seeing her current appearance walk through the front door of the tavern.

Dorian smiled at Dorothea. "Be at ease, all of you, please. This is a safe space for all walks of life," he started as he gestured for everyone to take a seat if they wished. Faline didn't budge at first. She took her time to study their host again before she cautiously took a seat.

"I am Sir Dorian. I organize what is known as the Oath of the Concealed. The Oath of the Concealed is a secret mercenary guild that works to end many of Vradia's problems before the general public knows about them. I was alerted about all of your appearances tonight by your predecessors," he began to explain as he placed each token from Faline, Dorothea, Amandine, and Torsten on the table. Dorian smiled and held out his hand at Simbelmyne for hers as well.

Faline's green eyes widened with slight fear with Dorian's last word. "Our predecessors? Does that mean-," she started as the white-haired man smiled before cutting the half-Elvian woman off.

"Easy now, there's no need for rush conclusions. Your predecessors were working to solve a mystery that has been affecting the Ellezag Plains. A lot of the leads separated them. There is a need for all of you to step in for them in the area while they follow their quests to end those leads," Dorian explained.
@CaptainManbeardwas just going to ask if I could post about Cassie knocking out Klarion. Should I hold off? I was waiting for others to reply to me but I switch directions too.
Plan of action: everyone can do a response in the post after I have Sir Dorian come in and explain things. It will most likely be tomorrow when I post. :)
@Red WizardI’m glad! We’re happy to have you! Many exciting things are ahead for our troop of diverse individuals. :)
Suiko nodded in agreement to Nyarlathotep as she produced a fan with intricate designs in red from her kimono sleeves, then fanned herself lightly, mainly out of boredom. "I couldn't agree more," she replied as she turned her attention to the skinwalker.

"I am Lady Suiko, young one, you are a Sukin'u~ōkā, correct? One that changes forms? I only exchange between two forms. What is it like to be able to shift into other beings?" Suiko asked with a gentle, easy smile. The fox woman liked to make the newbies feel at ease, she felt like it was difficult meeting the whole council in one night and not just Dracula one-on-one.

It was in Suiko's nature to be curious about others. The kitsune's green eyes studied Cameron as one of the newest members. Suiko took it upon herself to familiarize herself with the newcomers and their abilities. She used the same skills to unify the Eastern demons under her banner, or at least the heads of each clan. There were a few underlings that probably didn't approve, however, they couldn't deny that there was something to be said about safety in numbers.
I decided to nudge towards a little introduction dialogue with the characters before Sir Dorian explains what the coins are for and why they're at the tavern. :)

Also, to any onlookers, I'd be willing to add a few more. @Troubleshoot@shagranoz@Dragonfly 9 I assume since you haven't replied or messaged me about anything that you are dropping the RP, if this is not the case, let me know. :)
Faline didn't have to wait long for one of these 'others' that Sir Dorian said would be joining her. Before the fiery redhead knew it, a petite figure walked into the room and lowered her hood to reveal she was a young lady. The girl had long blonde hair that was so light, it was practically white. A stark contrast to her flaming red locks. Faline blinked as the girl greeted her and talked to her about the weather.

Faline couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Greetings to you as well, Amandine. You aren't from around here, are you? Friendly advice, most mercenaries do not talk about the weather with small talk with other mercenaries," she explained as she stood up and walked over to Amandine. "My name is Faline. I normally work alone, however, it seems that our host has different ideas," she added as two more people walked in.

The first person was another rather young-looking woman dressed in dirtied robes. Faline was close enough that she could see the more intricate designs on the girl's robes. She recognized an escaped mage anywhere. Faline and her family, personally, didn't agree with the state that the Gallows let mages live in. The Nightingale family tried donating many good-quality items for the mages but they knew that the guards took what they wanted without repercussions. The second person was confirmed to be a man when he spoke to the girl in front of him. It seemed like this man had traversed through the forest with various woodland pieces falling out of him.

"Hi," Faline gave a wave and then pointed her thumb at Amandine. "This is Amandine, I'm Faline. You two are-...Ah!" She began to explain as she jumped in surprise when another figure appeared from the dark corner where a mouse had scurried. The Elvian woman startled Faline enough to curse automatically in Elvian.
@Red WizardGo ahead and post your character in the Character section and your intro post.

@TiYeah, I’m thinking of a week deadline from here on out unless otherwise notified.
@Red WizardSure! We just started. I was going to post to continue the story but if you want to get your character up and your starting post that’ll be great!
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