Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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On the other side of the cave and ancient ruins, a separate submarine dove closer to a different entrance carrying a lone young woman with long white hair twisted into a braid and piercing blue eyes.

"This is utterly ridiculous. Why am I doing this again?" Cristella muttered to herself as her submarine docked just outside the coordinates of these ancient ruins. It was just a big, dark underwater chunk of land and caves. Her current employer wanted details of the place before they decided to send down a full team. Stella was honestly surprised when they accepted her bid for the job. Of course, not many people specialized in scouting 'ancient' ruins.

Stella chose to leave the assistant on mute. She preferred her own voice inside her head as she got ready to exit the underwater craft. She slipped her cross-body pack on, secured it to her being, and grabbed what appeared to be a large piece of glass but was her digital tablet to sketch and record her findings. Stella carefully slipped the tablet into her pack before putting on the proper gear and leaving the safety of the submarine.

As Stella clicked the flashlight on the strap of her pack, she vaguely felt the ground shake, followed by the distant sounds of...chirping? What could be chirping down in an underwater cavern? She didn't know if she wanted to find out but she continued on anyway. A paycheck was a paycheck. Honestly, this way she could send her father a figurative middle finger when he learns she was the one to map the coordinates of this ancient ruin.

Once Stella came upon a stone paver in the ground, she pulled out her tablet and stylist pen. Stella began to sketch a crude map of how much she had traveled inward. She calculated the length of the large slabs that made up what used to be a walkway. Only some had been blown up. A lot had been blown up by what Stella had seen.

Stella paused in her sketching when she heard a growl that soon became more growls. She slowly stood up straight to see several wolf-like creatures coming out of the foliage and smaller cavern holes. Her heart rate started to rise as she carefully walked backward but didn't take her eyes off of the creatures.

Soon there were about five, then seven, then ten, and finally a dozen, wolf creatures stalking towards her, blocking the exit to her submarine. The creatures snapped their jaws at Stella menacingly. One of the wolf creatures actually pounced towards her. That was enough to make her turn around and high-tail it further into the ruins. Stella was running as fast as she hoped to lose the creatures when she reached the ruins then she heard a young girl scream and gunshots.

There are more people down here? Stella thought in disbelief as she continued to run.

@Estylwen I'm interested in joining. If you are still looking for more people.
bump, I finally have time to actively focus on 1x1 RPs again. Real life has been crazy lately.
Faline smiled softly when Toren spoke of the farmers they passed working the meadows as if the fear of sickness and disease didn't exist. She appreciated his attempt at lighting the load of the awkward silence. Even Simbel joined in, commenting on how comforting the howls of wolves made her feel at home.

Faline walked backward briefly to speak with the gray-skinned woman with an understanding expression. "I lived in the Evergreen Forest with my parents when I was young. There is something about being so intuned with nature that they begin to speak to you," Faline replied to the full Elvian woman before she turned back around.

It was Amandine's comment about the symbol on her quiver that made the redhead pause as a familiar feeling clutched at her heart. She gulped softly as Amandine continued to speak about the one who owned the quiver and bow before her. Tears began to bubble up but Faline shook her head for a moment to clear her thoughts. "Yes, he was a great warrior, indeed." was all she said and let herself fall silent until they got to the edge of the woods.

The morning sunlight hadn't quite reached the area yet. The tall trees still darkened this area of the meadow. This portion of the area seemed a bit more chaotic in a natural way. The variety of wildflowers turned to forest flora sporadically while the meadow's brome grass folded over in waves, indicators that the shepherds didn't graze their animals this far.

Faline was about to suggest that they stop and rest a moment when something didn't feel right. She stopped her stride and then put up her right pointer finger to her mouth. Faline cupped her ear to listen. No birds chirping or rabbits scurrying, just complete silence. She quietly took off the heavier parts of her pack and drew her double daggers.
Internet is down, I m currently on my phone and it will hopefully be fixed tomorrow for me to post!
I will be away this weekend. @Mechromancer I will wait for you to post before they ‘pause’ for a break. *cough*bandit fight*cough* 😆
"Off we go, I suppose," Faline said as she adjusted the straps of her pack on her shoulders before walking through the door into the main tavern hall. The tavern was empty, and the only sound was from them walking on the wooden planks to leave. It was early morning, and no one searched for mead until the evening.

The group made their way out of town. The rain from the night before rested in the pothole where cobbled stones used to be. Birds chirped as the morning sun painted the sky with beautiful shades of pink and orange hues. They soon reached the edge of town where the dirt road wrapped through a meadow. Rabbits bound away from the footpath as birds flew off while they walked by.

Faline, with the map from her uncle in hand, took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled. "Sunrise is my favorite time of the day. Everything is fresh and ready for the day," she mentioned as she glanced down at the piece of marked parchment. "Looks like we are headed for that treeline on the other side of this meadow, and then we will be on the edge of the woods. We can stop there for a brief rest before continuing in."

Faline was trying her best to offset this odd feeling she had in the pit of her stomach. She felt as if someone was watching them. Besides the random farmer tending to his cows, they hadn't encountered anyone since leaving town. At least, no one that she had seen.
I will post tomorrow! :)
I’m working on a post but I can always adapt it if you want to post. :)
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