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It took several seconds for the realization of what had transpired to fully register in the bear's head.

He had suddenly, and rather abruptly, been released from the clutches of his spell, then rather violently blasted down to the ground.

It had not been a graceful landing, and the standard pole was now a fractured and jagged bit of splintered wood sticking pitifully out of the water drenched soil. He himself was not far away, dazed as the world seemed to continue whirling, even after he had since stopped moving. The realization that he had survived slowly came, as did comprehension that he was outside, in the aftermath of a violent storm that he no longer had any influence over, but was still every bit as dangerous.

His whole body hurt. His arms and legs protested movement to the point of near total refusal, yielding only under the strongest willpower he could muster, and then with the rest of his body in open revolt, threatening to make him lose consciousness if he kept at it. He sucked in a breath, and it was a mistake. A violent bout of vomiting assailed him, sending him into a shuddering, coughing convulsion, before collapsing in the mud again, having fallen over from the loss of equilibrium.

He laid there for several seconds, as the world slowly began to slow its spinning, and the rain fell. He was cold. Tired. Wet...

Little by little, he carefully balanced breathing, and labored muddy crawling toward the blackened remains of the keep's outer door, as the world slowly stopped spinning.

He was a mud caked and rain soaked wreck of his former self, as he crawled through the gaping maw of the doorjam, and collapsed in a sodden heap on the floor among the spoiled, acid polluted remains of the fancy breakfast that had once sat regally upon the now equally despoiled dining table; itself in battered shambles of its former regal glory.

He was inside. That was all that mattered.

Exhaustion overtook him, and he passed out.
Cedar nodded at the affirmation of shots fired, then steeled himself for an even more wild ride.

He dared not look up, or out-- getting whirled around like this had him nauseous and disoriented enough as it is, adding a lack of consistent reference to his senses was downright foolish.

'Aright, ya heard da lady... le's git goin'..' he muttered to himself, as he pulled the flagpole in close to his chest, then wrapped one leg around the shaft for stability.

He reached out through the connection with the storm, and drew it in tighter as well, feeling for both asevor, the hail, and the arrows, and then givingbthe nudge to group all of them very tightly together in a very tight funnel of raging upward whirling wind.

He bit his upper lip, closed his eyes, and committed himself to the nudge.

He felt his own speed of rotation sharply increase, and felt himself get lifted higher as well, unsure how high now, having lost all references.

He hoped he survived this.

Really hoped.

"We found him. He is on the top of the tower. If anything, that should be more reason to keep Asevor away from this place. If you want to lift him any higher, then do what you have to do. My arrow can't reach any higher than this, so you are on your own, pal. We will take shelter in the tower. Good luck."

Cedar's heart skipped a beat in both relief atbthe prince being found, 9and panic over losing the assist at the same time. He needed, and WANTED, every bit of help he could get-- he'd need every bit of it to get out of this alive, and really was not at all keen on 'showboating'. Throwing all the chips in like this was desperation, not showmanship. Any and all help was GREATLY appreciated.

"On second thought, I have some regards that need to be delivered to our floating wizard. I have programmed my arrow to explode in 30 seconds upon reaching your altitude, do whatever you want with them, but I hope it's not something as shallow as martyrdom. Again, good luck."

Palpable relief.

'I had da same idear! An' no, I aint inta being no damned martyr, I fuckin' HATES dis spell, an only cast the muth'r fuckin' thang acause at dirty sumbitch jus' han'waved e'rythang else we dun throwed at 'im! Trus' me, I ain't enjoyin' dis li'l funride nun'tall! You jus' lay in as much fire an brimstone as ya can, an I'll suck em all in nice an' close like. Dey starts goin' off-- I'll uncork a bottle a lightnin' in 'is damn asshole! ---An git da damn prince offna damn roof! Aint safe fer man nor beast up 'ere! Git 'us scrawny human ass inna damn basement were it mos'ly safe!"
Cedar blinked in confusion as an ethereal, body-less hand flew up to him, and assumed an orbit in synch with his airborne spinning, before thrusting something into his free hand.

"You are making one hell of a mess here,"

It was the elf woman, sounding put-out and acidically cross.

He bellowed out "not my idea of a good time either!', but the trinket rattled on without him.

"If you heard my last message, good. If not, I am not going to repeat it."

This was more about not slamming that spindly old bastard into the ground like a fencepost. It made him angrier, somehow.

"You need to calm down. Asevor has a bomb powerful enough to level half of the city with him, and I swear to God it will happen if we stop him right now. He is trying to get away from the city, and currently heading to the southwest, seemingly lost all sense of direction. Luckily it's all plains outside the city. Now, if you want to keep your hide and alive, keep the pressure on him, slow him down until he is far enough from the city, then we take him down. How's that sound to you?"

Holding in the nausea from all the whirling and spinning, he held the trinket right next to his face before trying to answer.

"If dis dumbassed thing wurks buth wayz, en listen close. Da magic I'z been workin' got a kinda a minda its own, and bests I kin do is nudge it here 'n dere. I's is outta juice, an' if'n Is push too hard, th' spell's gunna make me dead as 'ell. I kinda wanna do at ol' fuck in firs'. "

He sucked a breath then continued.

"This ere storm aint endin till one a us is 6 feet un'er. No, afores yas asks, aint nuthin I kin do 'bout 'at. That fuck'r gits away, I'm one dead bear; storm'll eat wha's left a me, tryin to peg 'im. ... ...

I kin try an keep 'im pinned high up. Wuz plannin' on killin' 'im up'ere anywhoo.."

He was worried why she wanted to delay killing that bastard, after all the carnage he had caused. Then his thoughts turned back to why they were even here.

Coming around again from the East once more, mad as ever and eager to let that twisted bastard have his comeuppance, Cedar spied the old bastard trying to make a break for it, foolishly flying once again.


He bellowed, rounding sharply and levelling the ball-tipped end of the standard bearer pole directly at Asevor, as he felt the magic animating his movements, and his own will to move, finally come together in blissful, delicious harmony.

The wind he was dancing with literally picked him up, and spun him like a top suspended in the air, and moved him like he was nothing along a chaotic path just a few feet off the ground, while simultaneously coalescing around asevor like the fist of an angry giant, ripping the flying man off course, then slamming him repeatedly and violently against the sides of the keep.

The angry verbal spew continued uninterrupted as the wind raged, drawing the wizard further up the wall and higher into the sky the more he continued to struggle and be thrown back against the keep, and continually aimed away from the enraged bear-- the full force of the storm's magic completely bent on destroying him, as lightning and thunder intensified high overhead, giving foreshadow to what awaited him up there in the angry black wall of clouds...
The bear's jaw set, and his eyes narrowed to tiny glittering slits in a very wizened, bestial face, the instant he heard the old wizard croon the word "Parley", as he made an orbit, near the east windows of the ruined dining hall, whirling away as he crossed the courtyard, on his way past the ruined front door.

"I say put 'im in a damn hole! I caint keep dancin' like 'is all damn day ya hear!? Ya let at sumbitch....."

he crooned hoarsely as he whirled past the door, then past the west side of the dining hall, and out of ear shot, whatever foul epithets he had for the old wizard cut off by several feet of stone masonry occluding the hoarse bear's enfeelbled voice.
As the spell went inside him, a powerful feeling of pain wracked his insides, before he felt his leg bones twist and crack in two, followed by more in his arms and chest as he landed in a rain-sodden heap on the ground. His earlier misgivings about underestimating wizened old men with magic flittered irritatingly in the back of his mind; a fitting companion for the horrendous pain he felt all over, and the awareness that the spell was still active.

He tried to breathe. It was met with difficulty and blinding pain. He tried to cry out, but the magic seized him again, and stole his voice, and forced him to move-- a struggling crawl toward the wind-beaten rose hedge, gritting and grinding bits of bone on bone moving 'wrongly' inside him as he was forced to reach out and grab the nearest specimen.

"A wicked trick sends bones askew, but nature's pawn mends flesh anew. Verdant green for crimson hue; With life's blessing, mage-curse eschew!'

Ragged coughing and a whole new category of pain blazed through every part of his body just beneath the skin, as though he were on fire on the inside. His battered and shaking paw bit down cruelly on the lovely hedge he had grown earlier. Magic flowed 'the wrong way' from the ensnared plantlife, causing it to shrivel, wither, blacken and become quite dead, as did all the others in the circle about the keep. His vision momentarily became blue light, bones moved, muscles tightened. He instinctively sucked a breath, easier now, but still burning with unbearable pain. The spell seized him again before he could cry out for it to stop.

"No more in sodden heap lie! With lightened steps, his plans belie! For one to live, the other die-- Ends the dance of Earth and Sky!"

His skin was .. 'floppy', and 'sagged'. he felt like it was 2 sizes too big for him. He looked at his arm, and was aghast to see himself so emaciated and skeletal; he would never survive the winter in this state. He was forced to his feet.

Once more, the forced cadence of the spell gripped him, and the double edged nature of the incantation that had come out of him frightened him. He knew there was 'nothing left' to take, should another round hit him, as the spell would devour him whole, then run wild as it burned itself out, wild and undirected, carving a path of ruin across the countryside. The dance resumed with more than just his robe billowing in the gale, as his sagging skin was caught in the whirling, adding the appearance of a layered garment. He felt light as a feather... practically dancing on the wind itself now. A ghastly and graceful form of bones beneath sagging skin, a living revenant of pure suffering.

Breathing was hard. Labored.


he gasped in a hoarse rattle.

He could feel that floating fucker coming down like a comet right towards him.

The festering spew of angry profanity did not let up, as his peripheral vision caught the bright flash of light as the twisted levitating man cast a spell and swept through his comrades with it, before starting another.

He continued his dance, and whirled into arm's reach, reached out, and snatched the floating spellbook angrily, before shoving it down his belt, opposite the kukri, then brought the (Woefully inadequate for the task) flagpole to bear against the man's head, feeling it careen off his barrier, before he felt the magic in the spell grip him again.

His vision blurred and his voice became deep and resonant, as he intoned another set of quatrains:

"Exchange of blows from mages dive; Frenzied bodies-- invictus strive-- A wall of light- no strikes arrive."

A momentary pang of fear rippled through him, as he felt the magic cloying inside his intrails, drawing the last gasps of magic out of him, then pulling on his very vitality instead. The thought he had bitten off more than he could chew assailed him, and he felt his steps start to falter, before more thoughts and feelings replaced them-- a sense of dutiful resolution that even if this spell turned him into a corpse, if it took this fucker out with him, it would be a perfectly fine trade. The next wave of forced incantation hit him...

"Lightning crashes-- The duelists vie-- Whirlwind throws the mage on high-- Tossed between the Earth and Sky."

His guts wrenched, and he felt sick as his breath caught in his chest as it tightened against the force of the spell, but his body continued against his volition, moving with a mind of its own as he whirled and danced with the unseen gale, exchanging places with it as it intersected Asevor, then suddenly roared into a cyclone, sending the man right back up where he came from with vengeance, rain and hailstones going right up behind him.

As soon as the breath returned to his lungs, the festering spew of angry profanity resumed, this time a little wheezy and hoarse.

With the lumbering clod named Ragnar dead (and decapitated), cedar was momentarily overcome with a deluge of mixed feelings.

He had not actually wanted to kill the man; he had just wanted to completely incapacitate him, render him harmless, take him out of the fight without actually killing him-- it was the way his dad had taught him. The way he knew. The way that seemed most right.

Seeing the man, headless, surrounded by a pool of dark blood in the grass, completely covered in oozing wounds, with a leg discarded clumsily nearby, a different and blood curdling kind of painful, bitter and cold hatred bloomed inside him.

Not at the pathetic wreck of a man, who's remains decorated the ground, but for the flying bastard way overhead. The bastard raining green filth from the sky, and calling unnatural abominations to protect him while he did his wickedness. The man who had used up, then just discarded the dumb brute he had been forced to help kill, like he was just so much trash.

The man who's minions had set the town on fire. The town, who's peoples screams clawed in his ears, and ripped at his heart. The man who was so deeply involved in this plot that threatened war in 3 kingdoms, and who engaged in that enterprise so smugly and cavalier...

The hot anger he had been feeling solidified. Hardened. Became ice in his stomach. Will in his soul. Ice in his heart. There would be no mercy for this man, and his wicked deeds.

Vague memories of when he was 2 floated through his head. He had been so curious about the tumbling ruins of what was clearly once a mighty tower, that he asked his dad about it as they passed by it on the way to town. His dad had coldly stated that it was the inevitable fate of every wizard that embraced hubris, and the shape of the legacy that mentality embraced-- total ruin, that mars the earth for years after.

He had been singularly afraid of the dark tone his dad had taken then. Thankfully, his dad was not a viscous sort, and had smiled after, scooped him up and played with him and his twin brother in the grass, telling them both what good boys they were...

Looking at the now vine-encrusted keep, and looking up at the tiny glimmer of brightness that represented the arrogant and twisted wizard, flying high above, his thoughts returned to the ruin of that tower.

This tower too, would fall to ruin. A testament to the willful hubris of a single man, and a lasting scar upon the face of the earth.

He imagined that once, long ago, it was a loving home. A place of refuge and prosperity. The crown set upon the hill the town was nestled around.

All because of one man.

Green filth descended like a ghostly spectre from above the rampart, burning and choking his vines as it d3scended.

Fire raged further up, a hallmark of the battle being fought, and lost high above.

Momentarily, he realized he was deep in a grotesque snarl, teeth barred, ears back, and for one tiny moment, he felt bad for being filled with such cold outrage over this man, before it was replaced with dark conviction.

The sun suddenly began to lose its brilliance, and the sky seemed to darken. Danger seared through his instincts as if a forest fire was coming. His ears planted down hard and he snarled through his barred teeth.

"YOU WANNA DARKEN THE SKY TOO ASSHOLE?" He bellowed, as memories that were shameful to him floated to prominence.

He had been reading the books in Florence's library, looking for new ways to help his dad. Flo was such a nice, and accommodating woman, but with a stern and strict countenance. 'Magic is not a thing to take lightly, like my fool brother!' She would scold when he would ask silly questions about it. That day, it was a hot summer afternoon. It had not rained in weeks, and the forest was suffering in the dry heat. The woodcutters were taking advantage of the opportunity, and were cutting in places they shouldnt again. His dad had said there wasnt much he could do, the plants needed water to grow, even with magic... so, he was looking for ways to make it rain.

Flo had found him a very curious book about the traditional folk magics of a distant island people, and a dance for the wind and rain was recorded-- in the dry and disdainful tones of a college educated researcher, who catalogued the entire ritual and preceeding feast in excruciating technical detail. It was a difficult thing to read: dry and lifeless, like a mummy of something meant to be alive and full of vitality, wrapped, pressed, and preserved in the pages, with diagrams and illustrations of the dancers and their dance.

He had taken it in eagerly, niave and hopeful to help his dad, and help protect his home. The farmers' crops were suffering in the dry heat as well, and a little rain would do so many so much good. He was filled with that vision, that purpose, and completely disregarded flo's very sage advice about respecting magic.

Young and excited, the dance became burned into him as best he could understand the lifeless drawings and cold descriptions, and he rushed to the old forest glade between where he and his dad lived, and the town of mystville...

He had done the dance, exactly as recorded, filling himself with the happiness and power of his native home...

It had been a disaster.

Rain, and not just any rain either. Rain that fell in drowning bucketfulls. Rain like he had never seen before. Rain saturated with wild magic that didnt belong and couldnt be stopped drenched and flooded, and caused so much harm.

The memory of that dance filled him with shame, and he never took magic for granted ever again...

"FINE! IYULL DARKEN YA FUCKIN' SKY FER YAH, YA FLYING FAT FUCK! IF'N I GOTTA DANCE FER YA TOO, SO FUCKIN BE IT YA PRICK!" He raged at the roof overhead, before quickly mending his shoulder enough to do the deed he had set himself to.

He had revisited that book after the storm had ended, trying to find what had gone wrong-- but nothing had been wrong. The spell was powered by, and incorporated the emotions and feelings of the caster, and his feelings had been very strong when he had 'danced for the earth and sky' that day....

And he felt VERY strongly right now. More strongly and full of cold and murderous rage as he could ever remember feeling. That man wanted to play silly games up in the sky, kike it was a bastion of perfect safety? Heh. That madman had it coming, what would surely be unleashed.

He stormed to the front gate of the keep, ripped the standard bearing pole from its mooring, then tore the heraldic banner from it, then walked with purpose back to the copse of roses, raised the 'staff' high, and began a silly, but whimsical and sweeping dance across the lawn as the sky darkened... bushes and grass swaying around him as he moved, tugged and pushed as if by some invisible force, with only the sound of agonized wind screeching to testify to the cause, as his robes billowed and puffed out from the gale starting to coalesce around him.

He was aware if Yvonne and Reinhold watching him. He could feel their incredulous stares, but nothing would deter him from dancing this horrible, terrible, vengeful and deadly dance, as he fed it every ounce of his power and rage, directing it diffusely into the sky above, and the air surrounding the keep, and for miles above and around it-- that arrogant wizard, the sole focus of the spell's fury...

The sky grew darker, cold, and bitter.

His breath became hot puffs lost in the tumult of the wind whipping and whirling along with him as he gracefully cut across the green, arms extended above, rod held aloft...

"Children burn, and fathers die-- widows weep from the mage up high--- dance to turn; hearts awry-- FEEL THE WRATH OF EARTH AND SKY! SUCK ON THIS MOTHERFUCKER!"

He roared, pointing the shaft of the standard pole directly at where he could feel Asevor's magic centered far overhead, as all pandemonium broke loose.

Ensnared by the magic he had let loose, a loud and terrible stream of the most heated cursing and rebuke the bear's heart could muster erupted from his lips as he continued to dance, now with it being questionable which was dancing to what... him to the sky, or the sky along with him, carried in an endless whirling orbit about the keep..,
Loud snarling and a roar were the only sounds the bear made before transitioning into a foul torrent of curses and epithets about what ragnar did with his own mother.

The futile arrow shot by Reinhold did at least buy a moment of distraction that he used to grab hold of the nearest set of vines near the wall, which he willed to begin an all out assault on the mostly naked idiot, in the form of multiple vines lashing like bullwhips.

As each hit and caught fire, another came in right after, in a dizzying blur of green and smoke, as he did his best to control them while dodging the axe.

Healing would have to come when an opening presented itself, until then, not letting up the pressure was the only option.

Ragnar was strong, but not fast. The vines however, were very fast indeed.
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