"Miss Crystalspark."
Alec channelled every last drop of the fluid court manner to which he had recently been subjected, as the elven woman addressed him. He had NOT forgotten the "promised favor" she had extracted from him after his rescue. If she decided to act on it now, it could seriously complicate matters his father was precariously juggling. He elected to wait for her to finish her address, before jumping to conclusions, however.
To his palpable relief, she only asked what his opinion of this mission's success was-- though that too could be a positive disaster politically. In the past four months, his father had ordered the accelleration of his political education, and greatly curtailed his leisure activities. In many ways, he agreed with them; hunting and sport placed him at extreme risk of another abduction attempt, and that was something he was not eager to repeat. On the other, the gruelling pace at which his father had been pressing him into his recently invested role and its responsibilites had been jarring, and unpleasant. He understood the need, and the more his father brought him in, the more he had started to share the man's worries and doubts.
Revealing those doubts, even to a trusted associate, could well set events into motion that could spell the kingdom's doom. He very much wished to evade her seemingly jovial and innocent question she had casually tossed his way, like the venomous serpent it truly was.
Being the prince had become difficult, demanding, and dangerous in a great many ways, and this was one of them-- the question needed an answer, and one that passed the 'smell test.' Carefully selected truths, and discrete half truths seemed the obvious choice.
"I am afraid I could not be of much use to you, with my limited opinions. There is much my father is privy to, to which I am not. These are treacherous times, and a great many things must be kept secret, even from myself. I fear, this matter is one of them. Further, the more I HAVE come to know, the more I fear upsetting his plans."
He took in a breath, then did his best to act casual, before resuming.
"What I do know, is that if he felt the operation could not succed, he would not have summoned you here. There is great utility with holding the lot of you in reserve."
Alec channelled every last drop of the fluid court manner to which he had recently been subjected, as the elven woman addressed him. He had NOT forgotten the "promised favor" she had extracted from him after his rescue. If she decided to act on it now, it could seriously complicate matters his father was precariously juggling. He elected to wait for her to finish her address, before jumping to conclusions, however.
To his palpable relief, she only asked what his opinion of this mission's success was-- though that too could be a positive disaster politically. In the past four months, his father had ordered the accelleration of his political education, and greatly curtailed his leisure activities. In many ways, he agreed with them; hunting and sport placed him at extreme risk of another abduction attempt, and that was something he was not eager to repeat. On the other, the gruelling pace at which his father had been pressing him into his recently invested role and its responsibilites had been jarring, and unpleasant. He understood the need, and the more his father brought him in, the more he had started to share the man's worries and doubts.
Revealing those doubts, even to a trusted associate, could well set events into motion that could spell the kingdom's doom. He very much wished to evade her seemingly jovial and innocent question she had casually tossed his way, like the venomous serpent it truly was.
Being the prince had become difficult, demanding, and dangerous in a great many ways, and this was one of them-- the question needed an answer, and one that passed the 'smell test.' Carefully selected truths, and discrete half truths seemed the obvious choice.
"I am afraid I could not be of much use to you, with my limited opinions. There is much my father is privy to, to which I am not. These are treacherous times, and a great many things must be kept secret, even from myself. I fear, this matter is one of them. Further, the more I HAVE come to know, the more I fear upsetting his plans."
He took in a breath, then did his best to act casual, before resuming.
"What I do know, is that if he felt the operation could not succed, he would not have summoned you here. There is great utility with holding the lot of you in reserve."