Rose watched in horror as the flaming menace paused, then grabbed her sister completely unprovoked, then began menacing her with a savage fire-imbued mauling, before dropping her suddenly as the "tin man" with the fireball for a head slammed an axe into his back, dropping her into the smoldering hot debris she had just prior been trying to extinguish.
Said flaming menace bounded across and through the threshold leading into the guard's barracks, just to their left.
She stood there blinking in disbelief, as her sister snarled, pushed herself up from amidst the burning ruin despite the sizzles and fumes of burned flesh and hair mingled with the acrid chemical reek of the fire, went back up on two feet, then turned to face her while clutching her neck where Ted had savaged her.
She knew better than to question her sister when she got "Serious" like this-- Even though she was always afraid of seriously hurting her beloved sister doing this. It was always a risk, and always painful and harmful to both of them, but sometimes there was just no other way...
... And this time, it looked like that might indeed be just the case...
She did not relish the idea of what this would do to both of them, or how they would feel, possibly for days afterward... But they *NEEDED* to get Cedar out of here. If Lily had a plan, it was more than she did right now.
She hoped it was a good one.
She closed in safely behind her sister, as she stormed off the sizzling, rapidly drying, and in some places, scorched, blackened, and beginning to ignite blankets, and toward the threshold of the guard's barracks, facing Ted with deadly intent, where she stopped just out of arm's reach of the smoking, charred, and (curiously) "Fire dripping" bear man. She put her paws on her sister's shoulders, drew a deep breath, and did her best to focus on what Lily needed done...
Lily glared at Ted with a burned and bloodied face that framed bright white incisors, bared for all the world to see. She was beyond angry.
She was murderous.
If they were to get Cedar out of here, this mother-fucker (if only she knew how accurate that epithet actually was!) needed to be rendered incapable of stopping them. He had proven himself to be unnaturally durable, and the odds of ever dealing enough harm to him to actually subdue him that way were too long for her to contemplate. (of course, numbers bigger than the mid 100s were too high for her to properly consider anyway...) That left only a few options, and this was the best idea she could come up with.
Her magic was not exactly the greatest. She had figured out how to "Soften" rocks so that she could carve them with tools made of the same rock-- a very handy trick for rapidly cutting arrow-heads, fashioning knives, carving cups, bowls, plates, and other very useful domestic items with. On her own, the most she could manage was getting one soft enough to just "Squeeze" in her paw, like it was a lump of particularly hard cheese. Not really soft and pliable like putty or clay-- More like a hard cheese. That was plenty soft enough to cut with a stone tool, and was perfectly adequate for the vast majority of any and every need of that spell she could readily think of. This spell, plus one for heating stuff up or starting small fires (which was naturally, GREAT for getting the fireplace started so her sister could cook dinner) accounted for the entirety of her "Offensive" spell repertoire. Since this son of a bitch was already on fucking fire, the latter effect would surely just be a waste of her, and everyone else's time-- and besides, they had ENOUGH fire to deal with right now.
That only left "Soften stone"-- and she needed something MUCH softer than hard cheese. She needed "RUNNY AS ALL GET OUT, SLOPPY, STICKY, WET MUD" kinds of soft. And for that-- She *NEEDED* Rose.
She hated putting her sister through this. It left her with a headache that could last for days, burned both of them everywhere they were in contact with each other (and contact WAS required!), felt like liquid fire inside her, overwhelmed her senses, was near impossible to "correctly" control, and was generally "Not a thing they ever liked doing." It was only for emergencies, and last resorts.
Gods damnit, Cedar had better appreciate this.
All these thoughts blasted through her mind in less than the space of time it took for her to suck in a deep, resolute breath.
"NOW ROSIE!" she bellowed, then winced as the acrid smell of burning skin and hair erupted from her shoulders and from her sister's paws, at the same time a searing and unholy burning sensation burst through her and threatened to overwhelm her if she didn't focus and use it right away. It always stunned her "Just how ungodly powerful" her sister actually was-- If only she had the where-with-all to actually *USE* it.
She gritted her teeth, focused the spell through her right foot, then stomped the ground with it, where it immediately "Splooshed" from the impact, spreading forward in front of her like a quivering glob of jelly, then underneath Ted. "Gelatinous", but getting soupier and soupier the more she channeled that unholy force rocketing through her into it, culminating in the "Runny mud" consistency she had aimed for in just enough time to watch him barely register that his feet had sunk completely out of sight into the unnaturally goopy flooring, before she lifted her own out the spot she had made, sending the floor under (and around) Ted instantly firm again.
She gave her foot a shake, then shooed her sister off her shoulders and winced in pain, both where she had been touched, and in her poor aching head and chest. She doubled over onto the floor and vomited from the stress, while her sister leaned against the entry way on her shoulder, and whimpered, clutching her seared and smoldering paws in distress.
(pant) (--heave--) "..... Git... out... 'AT .. You .. SUM.. BITCH.." she coughed, both from the now increasingly acrid smoke pouring out behind her, and from the strain of her labors.
She flicked her foot, and felt the solidified "stone mud" clinging to it clack and scrape on the stone beneath it.
This was not going to be fun to clean off later.
This had BETTER hold that fucker.
Said flaming menace bounded across and through the threshold leading into the guard's barracks, just to their left.
She stood there blinking in disbelief, as her sister snarled, pushed herself up from amidst the burning ruin despite the sizzles and fumes of burned flesh and hair mingled with the acrid chemical reek of the fire, went back up on two feet, then turned to face her while clutching her neck where Ted had savaged her.
She knew better than to question her sister when she got "Serious" like this-- Even though she was always afraid of seriously hurting her beloved sister doing this. It was always a risk, and always painful and harmful to both of them, but sometimes there was just no other way...
... And this time, it looked like that might indeed be just the case...
She did not relish the idea of what this would do to both of them, or how they would feel, possibly for days afterward... But they *NEEDED* to get Cedar out of here. If Lily had a plan, it was more than she did right now.
She hoped it was a good one.
She closed in safely behind her sister, as she stormed off the sizzling, rapidly drying, and in some places, scorched, blackened, and beginning to ignite blankets, and toward the threshold of the guard's barracks, facing Ted with deadly intent, where she stopped just out of arm's reach of the smoking, charred, and (curiously) "Fire dripping" bear man. She put her paws on her sister's shoulders, drew a deep breath, and did her best to focus on what Lily needed done...
Lily glared at Ted with a burned and bloodied face that framed bright white incisors, bared for all the world to see. She was beyond angry.
She was murderous.
If they were to get Cedar out of here, this mother-fucker (if only she knew how accurate that epithet actually was!) needed to be rendered incapable of stopping them. He had proven himself to be unnaturally durable, and the odds of ever dealing enough harm to him to actually subdue him that way were too long for her to contemplate. (of course, numbers bigger than the mid 100s were too high for her to properly consider anyway...) That left only a few options, and this was the best idea she could come up with.
Her magic was not exactly the greatest. She had figured out how to "Soften" rocks so that she could carve them with tools made of the same rock-- a very handy trick for rapidly cutting arrow-heads, fashioning knives, carving cups, bowls, plates, and other very useful domestic items with. On her own, the most she could manage was getting one soft enough to just "Squeeze" in her paw, like it was a lump of particularly hard cheese. Not really soft and pliable like putty or clay-- More like a hard cheese. That was plenty soft enough to cut with a stone tool, and was perfectly adequate for the vast majority of any and every need of that spell she could readily think of. This spell, plus one for heating stuff up or starting small fires (which was naturally, GREAT for getting the fireplace started so her sister could cook dinner) accounted for the entirety of her "Offensive" spell repertoire. Since this son of a bitch was already on fucking fire, the latter effect would surely just be a waste of her, and everyone else's time-- and besides, they had ENOUGH fire to deal with right now.
That only left "Soften stone"-- and she needed something MUCH softer than hard cheese. She needed "RUNNY AS ALL GET OUT, SLOPPY, STICKY, WET MUD" kinds of soft. And for that-- She *NEEDED* Rose.
She hated putting her sister through this. It left her with a headache that could last for days, burned both of them everywhere they were in contact with each other (and contact WAS required!), felt like liquid fire inside her, overwhelmed her senses, was near impossible to "correctly" control, and was generally "Not a thing they ever liked doing." It was only for emergencies, and last resorts.
Gods damnit, Cedar had better appreciate this.
All these thoughts blasted through her mind in less than the space of time it took for her to suck in a deep, resolute breath.
"NOW ROSIE!" she bellowed, then winced as the acrid smell of burning skin and hair erupted from her shoulders and from her sister's paws, at the same time a searing and unholy burning sensation burst through her and threatened to overwhelm her if she didn't focus and use it right away. It always stunned her "Just how ungodly powerful" her sister actually was-- If only she had the where-with-all to actually *USE* it.
She gritted her teeth, focused the spell through her right foot, then stomped the ground with it, where it immediately "Splooshed" from the impact, spreading forward in front of her like a quivering glob of jelly, then underneath Ted. "Gelatinous", but getting soupier and soupier the more she channeled that unholy force rocketing through her into it, culminating in the "Runny mud" consistency she had aimed for in just enough time to watch him barely register that his feet had sunk completely out of sight into the unnaturally goopy flooring, before she lifted her own out the spot she had made, sending the floor under (and around) Ted instantly firm again.
She gave her foot a shake, then shooed her sister off her shoulders and winced in pain, both where she had been touched, and in her poor aching head and chest. She doubled over onto the floor and vomited from the stress, while her sister leaned against the entry way on her shoulder, and whimpered, clutching her seared and smoldering paws in distress.
(pant) (--heave--) "..... Git... out... 'AT .. You .. SUM.. BITCH.." she coughed, both from the now increasingly acrid smoke pouring out behind her, and from the strain of her labors.
She flicked her foot, and felt the solidified "stone mud" clinging to it clack and scrape on the stone beneath it.
This was not going to be fun to clean off later.
This had BETTER hold that fucker.