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Rose watched in horror as the flaming menace paused, then grabbed her sister completely unprovoked, then began menacing her with a savage fire-imbued mauling, before dropping her suddenly as the "tin man" with the fireball for a head slammed an axe into his back, dropping her into the smoldering hot debris she had just prior been trying to extinguish.

Said flaming menace bounded across and through the threshold leading into the guard's barracks, just to their left.

She stood there blinking in disbelief, as her sister snarled, pushed herself up from amidst the burning ruin despite the sizzles and fumes of burned flesh and hair mingled with the acrid chemical reek of the fire, went back up on two feet, then turned to face her while clutching her neck where Ted had savaged her.


She knew better than to question her sister when she got "Serious" like this-- Even though she was always afraid of seriously hurting her beloved sister doing this. It was always a risk, and always painful and harmful to both of them, but sometimes there was just no other way...

... And this time, it looked like that might indeed be just the case...

She did not relish the idea of what this would do to both of them, or how they would feel, possibly for days afterward... But they *NEEDED* to get Cedar out of here. If Lily had a plan, it was more than she did right now.

She hoped it was a good one.

She closed in safely behind her sister, as she stormed off the sizzling, rapidly drying, and in some places, scorched, blackened, and beginning to ignite blankets, and toward the threshold of the guard's barracks, facing Ted with deadly intent, where she stopped just out of arm's reach of the smoking, charred, and (curiously) "Fire dripping" bear man. She put her paws on her sister's shoulders, drew a deep breath, and did her best to focus on what Lily needed done...


Lily glared at Ted with a burned and bloodied face that framed bright white incisors, bared for all the world to see. She was beyond angry.

She was murderous.

If they were to get Cedar out of here, this mother-fucker (if only she knew how accurate that epithet actually was!) needed to be rendered incapable of stopping them. He had proven himself to be unnaturally durable, and the odds of ever dealing enough harm to him to actually subdue him that way were too long for her to contemplate. (of course, numbers bigger than the mid 100s were too high for her to properly consider anyway...) That left only a few options, and this was the best idea she could come up with.

Her magic was not exactly the greatest. She had figured out how to "Soften" rocks so that she could carve them with tools made of the same rock-- a very handy trick for rapidly cutting arrow-heads, fashioning knives, carving cups, bowls, plates, and other very useful domestic items with. On her own, the most she could manage was getting one soft enough to just "Squeeze" in her paw, like it was a lump of particularly hard cheese. Not really soft and pliable like putty or clay-- More like a hard cheese. That was plenty soft enough to cut with a stone tool, and was perfectly adequate for the vast majority of any and every need of that spell she could readily think of. This spell, plus one for heating stuff up or starting small fires (which was naturally, GREAT for getting the fireplace started so her sister could cook dinner) accounted for the entirety of her "Offensive" spell repertoire. Since this son of a bitch was already on fucking fire, the latter effect would surely just be a waste of her, and everyone else's time-- and besides, they had ENOUGH fire to deal with right now.

That only left "Soften stone"-- and she needed something MUCH softer than hard cheese. She needed "RUNNY AS ALL GET OUT, SLOPPY, STICKY, WET MUD" kinds of soft. And for that-- She *NEEDED* Rose.

She hated putting her sister through this. It left her with a headache that could last for days, burned both of them everywhere they were in contact with each other (and contact WAS required!), felt like liquid fire inside her, overwhelmed her senses, was near impossible to "correctly" control, and was generally "Not a thing they ever liked doing." It was only for emergencies, and last resorts.

Gods damnit, Cedar had better appreciate this.

All these thoughts blasted through her mind in less than the space of time it took for her to suck in a deep, resolute breath.

"NOW ROSIE!" she bellowed, then winced as the acrid smell of burning skin and hair erupted from her shoulders and from her sister's paws, at the same time a searing and unholy burning sensation burst through her and threatened to overwhelm her if she didn't focus and use it right away. It always stunned her "Just how ungodly powerful" her sister actually was-- If only she had the where-with-all to actually *USE* it.

She gritted her teeth, focused the spell through her right foot, then stomped the ground with it, where it immediately "Splooshed" from the impact, spreading forward in front of her like a quivering glob of jelly, then underneath Ted. "Gelatinous", but getting soupier and soupier the more she channeled that unholy force rocketing through her into it, culminating in the "Runny mud" consistency she had aimed for in just enough time to watch him barely register that his feet had sunk completely out of sight into the unnaturally goopy flooring, before she lifted her own out the spot she had made, sending the floor under (and around) Ted instantly firm again.

She gave her foot a shake, then shooed her sister off her shoulders and winced in pain, both where she had been touched, and in her poor aching head and chest. She doubled over onto the floor and vomited from the stress, while her sister leaned against the entry way on her shoulder, and whimpered, clutching her seared and smoldering paws in distress.

(pant) (--heave--) "..... Git... out... 'AT .. You .. SUM.. BITCH.." she coughed, both from the now increasingly acrid smoke pouring out behind her, and from the strain of her labors.

She flicked her foot, and felt the solidified "stone mud" clinging to it clack and scrape on the stone beneath it.

This was not going to be fun to clean off later.

This had BETTER hold that fucker.
Rose wasted no more time, as the fire quickly started spreading through the broken glass vials that had been in the cabinet, now demolished by the enraged, roaring, and blindly swiping man-bear.

"OH NOES YOU DON'TS YOUS SUMMBITCH!" she bellowed, bringing the hugely over-stuffed blanket full of heavy books to bear over her shoulder like a giant rucksack while rapidly sprinting over the intervening space, winding herself up to begin delivering a a truly brutal and relentless barrage of heavy blows with it, in percussive cadence with her now angry and forceful shouting, as she belligerently beat the ever loving, living shit out of him, knocking him brutally and forcefully out and away from the shelving and back toward the far wall, striking him across the swollen and infected part of his face several times in the exchange, whenever and where-ever the opportunity to strike him presented itself.


Meanwhile, Lily looked mortified at the growing conflagration on that side of the room, then ducked behind her fully-committed sister, back into the far bedroom once more, looking for a solution. The bed in the room was quite nice, with a well made and pretty coverlet, a nice fluffy pillow, and a well made (in fact, surprisingly well made, as if for something or someone very heavy) wooden frame. The nearby spherical pot of blood now looked VERY useful to her.

One should not be confused by her, or her sister, when it comes to fire control. They grew up with a human parent, who made and used fire regularly, and lived in a forest FULL of flammable materials. How to extinguish a fire was a very important, and very early life lesson for the both of them-- She would have never thrown that jar full of alcohol at that incomprehensibly stupid, thuggish brute (no matter how handsome his butt was) if he had not decided to pick a fight, and then fail to comply with their initial plan to subdue him safely. Confronted with "Do not confront-- and sacrifice her brother" and "Confront unsafely, and see this through to the fucking end"-- she chose, and would always choose, the latter. End of discussion.

While her sister could be heard percussively and derisively pummeling the idiot behind her, she stripped the coverlet and sheets off the bed, threw them out onto the stone flooring, picked up the large crystalline looking container, and threw it down in the center against the hard floor as hard as she could, watching the contents explode onto the fabric, saturating them in the rank smell of her brother. It infuriated her the moment the smell hit her nostrils in a way that was impossible to put into words. The room seemed to go dark in the corners, time slowed to a crawl, her vision tunneled, sounds become muffled and indistinct, and she became aware of herself making a low, deep, guttural roaring.

She fought it back, and time resumed its normal cadence-- the sounds of her sister beating the shit out of that fucker returned to her ears, and she was never more happy to hear her sister beating a fucker to death in her life.

She looked at the blanket, and frowned. It was not wet enough for the job.
"FUCK DIS BITCH!!" she cursed, then squatted on the blanket, and pissed on it as hard as she could, with as much vendetta as she could muster, rapidly saturating it the rest of the way, before grabbing the soiled, rancid smelling, and sopping wet bedding in her arms.

Rapidly traversing the gap, she quickly began deploying the filthy fabric over the top of the burning fluids and cabinets, then began stomping on it to put it out.

"He aint goin fer it Rosie..."
"Uh kin sees 'at!"

The pair were vexed that the big lunkhead seemed angry enough to chew nails, but collected enough to not take the bait and rush them.

The elf man was now out of the picture as well. This was looking bad-- they needed to get Mr Tall Dark and Gruesome out of commission, so they could focus on that spell slinging bitch instead, before they ALL wound up caged in there.

"Covah meh!" Lily barked, then dove into the bedroom, rapidly looking for anything and everything even remotely useful, only to find books well beyond her understanding on various dry and uninteresting topics in the nearest cabinet, which she cast onto the foor irritably. Moving to the second one, there was a large container of sterilizer grade alcohol, for cleaning skin prior to performing surgery. THAT she eagerly grabbed up, dirty visions dancing through her head. In the far end of the room, was an odd crystal container filled with what looked like blood. Sadly, not very useful given the situation. Clutching the large container of alcohol tightly, she darted back through the threshold.

"What'd ya find?!"
"A buncha books-- an DIS!"

She opened the stopper to let the pungent odor out, but only for a moment.
"Dis aughta set hims worl' on fiyah!" She cackled.

"Good one Lil! Let 'im have it while i mess wit' em books!"
As Lily lined up and timed the throw, it was Rose's turn to dash into the now very untidy bedroom, where she quickly loaded as many of the heavy books into the center of the stolen blanket she could convince to fit, then tied it up into a nastly little bundle fit for bludgeoning.

She was just finishing up her hurried task as her sister wound up, and tossed the large specamine jar full of alcohol at the huge hairy hunk at the farvend of the room.
The twins looked with huge eyes at the creature that just erupted from the ground, completely dumbstruck. Rose especially, was having great difficulty processing what she just "saw". Seeing an entity's aura materialize out of another's, using drawn in 'lambent glow', was a thing she felt she would never even hear about, let alone witness directly.

That was not even talking about the creature itself. Unnatural. Not properly alive, yet still living.

It was contrary to everything they had seen, heard, or learned.

The shock and awe of it lasted only moments as the creature boomed out its pleasure at facing what was in the next room. The doctor said it was... a bear?

The word had taken this long to register. Yes, they smelled a bear in the air, but with the reek of all the pungent smells down here, it was hard to tell one from another-- Maybe cedar just really needed a bath? It wasn't CEDAR over there, was it?!

Lily poked her head around the corner for only a split second, to verify that NO--THAT WAS NOT CEDAR over there. She only saw his butt, but whooooo.... What a butt! Too bad about the bloody slashes over it, soaking the fur like that, but with how that fellow was trying to turn that little blue elf man into a purple stain? She couldn't say they blamed the fellow for giving that handsome lunk a sore posterior. Any place you can safely strike.

She looked at her sister Rose, who was still struck with confusion, not in line of sight of the wonder just beyond. Wordlessly, she shook her head "no", as her sister nodded in understanding, then turned as if to leave.

"Where ya goin'!?" she hissed at her. "He's big as a house! It gonna take us both!"
"I HAS an IDEAR!" Rose hissed back, taking only moments to dart across the antechamber to snag off a blanket from the nearest bed, then scurry back. She had already begun furiously rolling the edge up.

"Up an' o'er?"
"You got it!"
"onleh one shot.."
"'En we bettah makes it caount!"

Rose had completed "half rolling" the blanket in such a way that it retained it's "long length", and over the short edge, was rolled up half way, in an overhand roll. She concealed it in over her shield-arm, behind the shield and nodded to her sister that she was ready.

Lily turned her head back around the corner and looked out once more. The strange metallic monster with the flaming orb where a head should be was laughing loudly, while swinging that brutal looking axe around like it owned the place. This time, the vantage of the man-bear in the room was face-on and she saw more. His chest had a livid bald spot that looked vaguely human-shaped, the center of which glowed menacingly from beneath the skin. His face was swollen and distorted over his muzzle, like had a raging infection inside it. It must be horrifically painful-- Spittle flew from his mouth, and he swung like he meant it. Even disfigured (and glowing) as he was, there was no arguing that he was a VERY. HANDSOME. BEAR.


The momentary pause she had indulged for the eye-candy broke, and the seeming slow motion she had been watching rushed back to full speed, as that momentary glimpse sprang into full force-- The Bear-man and the Metal-monster swinging at each other; the former raging curses that would make their father blush, and the latter laughing in a deep baritone, while the elf-man slashed and darted about like mosquito, striking where and how he could.

"Damn he pretty..."
"NOT NAOW! We's can oogle 'im oncet he all tied up, NOT AFORE!"

Her sister was right of course-- That.. WOULD.. be the correct time to.. "Get a good look"... A dirty smile curled on her face, then she strolled out into the room, her sister in hot, close pursuit behind her.


They quickly maneuvered themselves into position in the threshold of what appeared to be a nearby bedroom, and took up placements there, ready to each spin around, grab an end of the rolled up blanket, and haul it over his head while ducking to either side of the doorway when (or if) he should take the bait, and rush at them.


Then in unison:

It only took half a second after hearing the men on the other side of the now locked door, for the implications to click into place. There was no need whatsoever to try to block this door; those men would not be joining them. Moreover, there was clearly something very suspicious-- something very important-- upstairs that they were trying to protect from them. Whatever it was though, it was NOT her brother, and that was more important right now.

Wasting no more of her precious time, she bolted back down the stairs as fast as her short hairy legs could safely convey her over such dangerous terrain, before rocking back up on 2 feet, snatching the "shield" she had laid aside, and catching up to her sister with a faint scuff on the stone flooring as she slowed herself to avoid making noise, or being carried out into the lab by inertia. She looked wild-eyed at her sister, who nonverbally plied her with questions that she just silently indicated "not now" to.

She and her sister just waited for the inevitable to happen.
The sisters watched with wonder and amusement at how ... incredibly naive... the defense of the basement was, and how quickly and easily Solomon subdued the last sleeping guard.

However, the immediate rounding of Veronica toward the source of the reek further down in the basement after asserting they had a bear to save, triggered a moment of small crisis for the pair.

Sure, they wanted to save their brother alright, but the idea of being caught between that killer bitch downstairs, and the idiot guards returning once the noise starts, was just unacceptable. They hesitated for half a second, then immediately addressed each other, as Veronica just plowed down the hallway.

"She gonna go wit'out us Rosie, we gotta go!"
"--Em barstards'll jus' come righ' back down agin'st us Lil! Go on ahead, Uh'll catch up tuh ya!"
"Make it quick sis, we ain't got much time!"

Rose quickly patted her sister on the shoulder forcefully and proudly along with a nod, then set her shield down near the entrance to the hall, then bounded up the other hall, and up toward the stair.

Lily sucked in a breath, and continued with Veronica, Solomon, and varya down toward what must surely be where her brother was being held-- adrenaline and worry tinging her senses, and putting everything in her body on high alert-- She HATED being separated from her sister-- especially in THIS place.

She moved along with the rest of the infiltration team, while Rose worked.


In the antechamber, Rose dashed up to the stairs, careful not to overtake the guards, listening carefully for the sounds of men and the clatter of armor in the hall to stop before proceeding, hugging the corner of the hall to remain out of sight until then...
The sisters let out a deep, somber, and dejected sigh, as they set the men down with gentle thuds, propped up against one of the walls of the small antechamber.

"Wuteveh ya says ma'am..."
".. Seem a shame tuh let such... eager.. young fellas jus' sit it out 'dou."
"--'specially see'n as they COULDA gone wit US--"
"--An' at ain't nevah a dull moment!"

The two busied themselves looking at the indicated crate lids, and finding that-- true to their purpose, meant only for being secured to the top of a wooden crate with some iron nails-- they lacked any intrinsic means of being secured to an arm, or carried easily. However, due to their ephemeral nature for such an inglorious purpose, they were not the most well crafted, and there were subtle gaps between the boards that they were made from, suggesting that a lashing or fastener could be passed through, making them fit for service, if un-ideal.

Almost in unison, they paused their work, looked at each other cheekily, smiled broadly, then sauntered back over to the unconscious guards, where they began unfastening their belts amid perverted giggles.

"Well miss-- Ain't no part 'a havin' loose pants gunna hurt d'ese boys none!"
"--Mebbeh keep em' from runnin' off, if'n deys wakes up earleh!"

They looked at each other and giggled again, each finishing the belt removal from their selected 'victim' with a cheeky pull.

"dey gunna fall all ovah 'emselves --AG'IN!"
"dey gunna fall all ovah 'emselves --AG'IN!"

"--Jus' caint helps it!"
"--Jus' caint helps it!"

They returned to their crate lids, then fed the belt straps through the gaps in the boards, then buckled them tightly, creating the needed arm-holds that would render them serviceable, loaded them onto their respective dominant arms, then following behind, ready for action.

"When you's grows up likes we done did, ya learns tuh be ruhsourceful!"
"Ain't let NUTHIN goes tuh waste!"
"Righ' hard tuh leave em boy's 'ahind...."
"E'en if dey IS dumb as rocks!"
From up the stairwell, the two sisters slowly descended on all fours, as in such spaces, the ceiling tended to get too close for comfort or ease of movement, where they stopped at the curve of the bottom only long enough to see Solomon incapacitate the guards.

"Well dayum--- We jus' along fer da ride ain't we?"
"..Uhd like tuh know wut he got in dat bottle..."

Lily looked at her sister a moment with her ears back, and a look of pure bewilderment, that gave way to those ears coming forward, and a dirty snicker.

"...Oh yeah?.. Wut ya gunna use it fer?" she asked with a lecherous tone.

It was then Rose's turn to have her ears get thrust back, and the look of bewilderment, followed by a furrowed brow and hands on her hips while seated on the floor.

"....Why ya gotta make Everuhthang so dirteh fer, Lil?"

They paused a moment, then both broke out into suppressed giggles, before turning their attention to Veronica.

"Regardless--- Sorry ma'am, but we gunna has tuh steal ya 'boyfriends' a bit--"
"--Such 'Chiv'l'rous gentlemen' would feel real 'put ou'' if'n dey didn' escort such Nice 'n proper ladehs as we is!"
The two giggled in a suppressed tone a second time, then did their best to stand up in the limited space, each grabbing one of the unconscious guards by the backs of their belts, slipped over an arm like the men were a shield, before making cute bows to each other, as if complimenting each other on their new wardrobe, or maybe over their 'dinner-dates'.


They smirked at Veronica mischeviously.
"Whut? Ai't nevah seen such charmin' ladies as us afore?"
"--We means, jus' look at us! Got da boys on our arms, jus' fallin' all ovah 'emselves!"
The conversation downstairs was... Incredulous.

Why was it none of the boys ever talked that way to THEM!? They could have a good time too, like any other girls! In fact, they could probably do it BETTER, given the increased flexibility a very long torso like theirs afforded. Find a human girl that can put her head so far between her knees that she could see their own tail-- It doesn't happen!

The two made stingy faces at each other, then silently resolved to smack the men's heads together (to knock some sense into them!) should they come up the stairs-- and more, if they decided to try "Escorting" miss Veronica to "Safety" deeper inside instead, then they would sneak up behind them and clonk them THEN!

They flexed their paws and stretched their arm muscles in anticipation of such occupational activities, waiting to see how the wind would blow.
As the infiltration team was getting ready to enter the basement, Lily gently cornered veronica before she could go further inside.

"Heya.. If'n dat red-haired ladeh be in dere, be carefuls-- She gots dis spell as knocked our brudder flat. Dun let her pop anuh spells off if'n ya cain... Dun wanna fin' muh brudder, onleh tuh joins 'im down 'ere, got it?"

"Leave da nice dead-lady alone Lil, She know what she doin' bett'r'n we's does! We jus' gots tuh has her back's all!"

"Righ'-- We gotcha ladeh!"

"...Smell TERRIBLE daown dere... Whoof."
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