When I have to make a decision with heavy consequences, and I know there's no going back, I do it by envisioning myself in the future, after the choice has been made, and I analyze how I feel once it is done. Now, each of you, picture yourself in this rp without Urgugg anymore. ... Nobody is watching you, nobody is judging you. You can be honest with yourself in silence. How do you feel? Do you feel regret, better? Something else? That feeling you have, should tell you the choice you should go with. It has told me.
Personally, I feel relieved, and that tells me that I, bottom line, would be happier without Urgugg. In fact, I do not mean to hurt feelings, but I'd be happier without the player. Now I know that hurts to hear, but I'm kinda old and wise and shit, and I weild truth like a battleaxe. It has to be done. I don't hate Necroes or anyone, and I'm not mad in any way, but it's time someone, ie. me, laid it out there and said it like it is.
Now because I'm not a dick, and I care about how people feel, I am going to add this addendum. I'm going to explain a few things so my reasoning can be understood.
A psyker ork is a really cool character, and Necroes is a very good writer with a ton of imagination. However, I beleive that what people are in love with is what they thought this character would be or could be, rather than what he actually is in front of us on the screen. This character totally could work, lorewise, powerlevelwise, etc, but not as written by Necroes. You see, throughout this rp, Necroes has nixed and gibbed and fought and argued, demonstrating a repetitive resistance to suggestion, insensitivity to other player's and GM's enjoyment, and complete inability to predict other people having problems with his character's actions. He can't see through other player's eyes, and he should. He keeps saying we all have different persepctives on the world of warhammer 40k, yet never strives for concordance. In fact, he resists it and tries to sway the group. His proposals are wild and outlandish, and certainly exciting, but not probable in the least, giving this rp an almost animated, cartoonish feel in it's lack of realism. Urgugg at every event as been able to pop up doing whatever he wants and get away with it, because magic. This character never seems to find any reason to rely on any other character or stick with the band. Necroes' plans and desires just don't match the rest of ours.
I think what I have witnessed over time is a deficit in social maturity, ie. a player who can't work with others, and for me, it's getting frustrating to keep having to struggle with this ONE person to keep them involved, keep them alive, keep ME alive, and feel like my character has any relevency in comparison. Do you not remember we already lost a player for this very reason? The writing is good, but the rping is bad. I would much rather see a psyker ork played by Klomster or JB.
So that's how I really feel. I'm not demanding Necroes leave or we kill his character, but I have zero expectation that he will change. These are just not issues a person comes to understand overnight. He doesn't see what he is doing and isn't gonna. Necroes, if you quit, fine. No hard feelings. Maybe some day it'll be more fun to be in a thread with you.