Avatar of Xaltwind


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2 mos ago
Final day of vacation... It's gone by way too quick. It always does.
2 mos ago
Wish someone would tell me to just hut up and take THEIR money... Y'know, instead of them telling me to shut up and taking MY money...
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2 mos ago
Feeling lazy today, so I'll just have some cup noodles for dinner I think
2 mos ago
Remember that food I bought a while back? WHY IS ALMOST ALL GONE ALREADY!? What am I, a black hole?
2 mos ago
Welp, done everything I need to for today, now what?
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

I don't think "wind" and "lightning" falls under the same category or spell-tree in Black Clover, just like how ice and water are seperate types of magic aswell. That's just what I recall however, since I don't recall ever seeing one of MC's (who was a wind magic user) ever use electricity or lightning.

I could be mistaken though. It's been a whole since I watched the show.
Ooh, with the character I'm making, our two toons won't be good friends. xD
"So, you men are being accused of burglary, smuggling, petty theft, pickpocketing, extortion, assault, murder and being involved with corruption. How do you plead?"
"Well aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactually, your Honor. We only murdered a few people."
"... But you still murdered other people."
"Oh yeah, but not many! Or often!"
"But... You still murdered people."
"Oh for sure, without a doubt!"
"... .. ... Sooooo... are we free to go ooooor...?
"Sentence is death, electric chair."
*Gavel slam*
My gods, Asta...
I remember several times during the early parts of the anime feeling strong compulsions to drop it, on account of the constant "YOU'RE MY RIVAL!" and "YUNO!" and "I'M GONNA BE THE WIZARD KING!".
It was mostly fine as long as Yuno wasn't actually anywhere near Asta, but as soon as he showed up, my ears bled.

Thankfully, as @Zeroth said, they eventaully toned it down to... Tolerable... levels. xD
I know what character I want to make, in tersm of personality, background and all that. My issue's more going to be finding a face-claim I'm happy with and deciding what their actual magic is going to be like. :P
Southern District

Wayland Keep

Vanessa was unabashedly amused by the outbursts and cries of the Lot Knights as they were blinded and bewildered by her little trick. She found further amusement in their back-and-forth with one another, as well as their blatantly boneheaded honesty in regards to their own weapons and chances at combating her.

But, her amusement was short-lived. Before she could make any witty retorts or coy, flirtatious insinuations, the door behind her flung open -- and in came a strange sight. A man, dressed like a foreigner, but with the distinctly western-styled helmet of a local knight. What's more, this new arrival wasted no time in hurling ... Paper? Pamphlets? At Vanessa's general location.


Those weren't pamphlets.

Those were those Zipanguese talisman-scroll-thingies she'd bought from the raccoon-girl! Except htese felt... Dangerous... Which meant they likely wouldn't induce sleep or some other minor, gentle effect if they landed.

Which, of course, meant only one thing.

Don't get hit by them.

As she'd been prepared to use her magic to relocate if any of the already-assembled knights were to charge her, Vanessa was equally ready to get out of the path of this newcomer and his attack. With a quick word, the dark mage seemed to glow bright white, shrunk and then took on the form of... Lightning? A crackling beam of energy? A thorny line...? It was hard to say exactly what it was, since it lasted less than a moment, but whatever she turned into, this compressed form zipped past the knights and their pistols, ending up behind them, far in the back of the room, and then quickly regrew into Vanessa's full form. Any attempts at shooting or slashing or punching the magic line would be futile, as it would've just adjusted itself to arc around, over or under any and all obstacles or threats.

So, when she reformed fully, Vanessa clicked her tongue, though not in a very serious fashion.

"And here I thought I was going to get to play with some honest-to-goodness gentlemen, and then you had to show up and ruin it all." The monster said in a mock-upset tone. "So uncouth, are you really a knight? What kind of chivalry is there in attacking a dainty woman from behind?" She scolded... Apparently thinking herself dainty and weak.

She tapped her staff at the floorboards beneath her feet a few times and straightened her hat, then narrowed her eyes at the gathered men infront of her.

"Now, while we've already gotten what we came for, I can't well have any of you try and chase aftger and interfere. So, I guess I'm going to have to stay a bit longer. Don't worry, I'm very gentle." She said. ALthough her voice was sultry and playful, her eyes were those of a mischievous cat, preparing to toy with a helpless bird or mouse that couldn't possibly get away from it.

Her staff than gave off a quick pulse, and a strange, brilliant aura or glow engulfed the dark mage. It stuck and clung to her like tape, surrounding her figure in a greenish-aqua outline with a faint luminance. Apparnetly, she'd cast some sort of shell or protection spell or something on herself... Or maybe she was just CHARGIN' HER LAZER inbefore unleashing it!?

"GAle, blow."

Her words came clear and without hesitation. Her arm outstretched, a large sphere of wind quickly formed infront of her open palm, swirling and whirling and... Other forms of... Rotation... Before bursting like a balloon in the direction of the knights adn unleashing a powerful, contineous force of howling wind. Smaller objects that weren't heavy enough would surely be flung into the air and hurled at the poor men as makeshift projectiles, while those who were unsteady on their feet or not particularly heavy would find themselves either being pushed back or perhaps even knocked off their feet. Also, any attempt to throw further talisman or amulets would probve quite difficult in this condition - less said objects could cut through magically conjured winds.

... Which of course, would be very plainly obvious to see, and would thus cause Vanessa to simply relocate herself again to a new angle.

She chose a wind-based spell because it wouldn't actually cause much of any actual harm or damage to the poor knights. Nor would it cause much of any damage to the room and interior as a whole. Sure, some things would be flung around and some smaller items might break or get banged up, but on the whole the keep's interior would remain largely unharmed.

Still, getting very strong winds blown into the slits of your helmet was probably not a pleasant experience, and trying to move forward when wearing heavy armor would be a slog. This is what they get for their little sneak-attack!

The raven-haired sorceress just hoped Iskah would be able to subdue and get what she wanted out of that incubus quick and without complications.

Since our character(s) will start off (apparently?) by doing the Magic Knight Exam, are we going to be picking which squad we end up in, or are you going to be all sneaky and have secret criteria for each group, and only let us join the squads of whose qualifications we meet depending on how we did/wrote our character during the trials? :o
So, who would be interested?

Oh, you posted this here too?
Well, still me~!


Oh, but a question just came to mind.

Since this is taking place 150 years after the events of the canon series, will we be joining the same group of Magic Knights? Or have there been new ones formed/old ones that've disbanded?
So, who would be interested?

Southern District

Wayland Keep

Vanessa raised an invisible eyebrow at the rather underwhelming intricacy of the keep's wards. Were these things really meant to keep unwanted intruders out? They seemed almost too simple, which hinted at one of two primary options: The first being that their purpose was in fact just a deterrent, and they weren't actually meant to be anything more than a nuisance or very basic alarm-system for the Lot Knights. Alternatively, they were a trap. though in what regard, the dark mage couldn't say. She couldn't sense any hidden or concealed wards or magic cicrles elsewhere in the castle and there didn't seem to be any human mages on monitoring duties. Honestly, it all felt a bit too lax. Was this really a military facility? Then again, they probably weren't expecting someone to just come waltzing in, looking to cause trouble all while being unseen.

Still, Vanessa did make the call not to tamper too much with the Ortusian magic wards. She opted to simply take command of them and alter them to not pay any mind to herself or Iskah, while leaving them as they were otherwise. After all, her lizardman employer had competition, and if taht masked Salamander and her foreign tanuki-merchant cohort showed up here, well, let's just say it'd be good to have a heads-up. Not to mention having all the Lot Knights focus their attention on those two would be quite preferable. Not to mention, altering the wards of a kingdom's military without proper authorization may or may not be considered a rather outrageous act of law-breaking, and Vanessa wasn't exactly keen on ending up in a court under charges of sabotaging a country's military power.

Regardless, the two monsters continued on towards their destination with no real or important interference!

Inside the Keep

They were in, and Mission Impossible's theme music started playing.

the pair got closer and closer, eventually standing mere feet away from the gathered knights who were all seated at a table and discussing... Something... All while wearing their helmets. Indoors. Wait. Why would you wear a helmet inside, indoors when you're not under attack? Sure, you did it when you were on duty or whatever, but this was a mess hall wasn't it? Who the heck kept a face-concealing helm on their head while in a place meant for eating!? What was wrong with these men? So silly.

Still, before springing to action and pouncing upon Aun like a paack of starving jackals, Vanessa actually took a minute to simply observe and listen to their conversation. As well as scope out the surroundings and the room itself. After all, she didn't want to get flanked by soldiers hiding in the corridors or foyers or other nooks and crannies that might not be immediately obvious. The men were seemingly discussing some topic about sending Aun and some other knights to some location, without the aid of any spellcasters. It was rather hard to grasp if the one knight who voiced the matter was actually concerned about that fact, or relieved. His behavior was a bit... Mixed..

Still, Vanessa wasn't here to listen to the tactical plans or strategies or troop movements of the Lot Knights. She was here to nab a man, for another girl. And that was exactly what she intended to do. The little speckled beelte that had been leading Iskah this whole time suddenly took off from the ground, flying onto the table where the soldiers were gathered around.

And then it exploded into a blinding white flash that bathed the entire room in illumination so bright that you might as well think someone had lit an entire barrel of magnesium on fire. Fortunately for Iskah, it seemed that Vanessa had taken the time to control her little magic familiars from earlier, and as soon as the bug-turned-flashbang lit up, the little winged bug-bird-things dropped their concealment and positioned themselves infront of Iskah's eyes - well, her entire face to be exact - and momentarily shielded the lizardman from being as blinded as everyone else likely would end up.

Once the brief flash ended, the familiars zipped away up into the ceiling, to stay out of reach of the Lot Knights, whereas Vanessa had now also broken her invisibility, standing a small distance away from the gathered gentlemen, staff in one hand and a big smirk on her lips, looking straight at the Incubus Knight.

"Hello boys~ Don't mind me, I'm just here to grab someone real quick, so don't feel the need to stand up or anything." Her voice was charmingly playful and free of any malice or hostility. It more sounded like something a slightlky mischievous girlfriend would say when she barged into her boyfriend's 'boys only'-night... Or something along those lines.

What Iskah would notice though was that her invisibility had not yet been broken. Which likely meant that the dark mage intended to use herself as a distraction to get the attention of the gathered soldiers. Which left the lizardwoman to do whatever she felt was the best course of action for herself. Now, optimally, Vanessa's plan was to just subjugate or render Aun unconscious or stunned, grab him and then get the heck outta Dodge, but she somewhat doubted things would go that smoothly. Instead, she opted to prepare herself for a fight, and if any of the other knights, or indeed Aun himself, were to make any moves or take any action against her, she'd be sure to return the favor in kind with a nice little binding spell. The good thing about being indoors? There wasn't really room to do a lot of fancy jumping and moving about like when running down a wide open street. Plus, walls and ceilings could serve just as well to create obstacles or hindrances from.

And if any of these fine specimens managed to get too close... Well, she could always use a 'Blink'-spell to short-range teleport somewhere else in the room.

The stage was set and the game was about to begin! The dark mage, still looking straight at Aun, gave him a wink.

"You're coming with me~"
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