Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

Most Recent Posts


Enchantment, my favorite kind of magic. I would have used it for my character as well, but I felt like I've used it a little too much..

*discreetly hides 40+ characters in a tiny closet*

Just asking out of curiosity, but how does that system work? The placement and treatment of male witches, that is. I understand that they are seen as "lesser", but wouldn't the authority over such individuals be placed under that of the elder witches, even if the Coven Mother is somewhat younger than the elders (this is in the hypothetical situation of where the elders of a coven take care of the young and weak, aka children, ill and men)? This doesn't really affect the situation with Bishop (since the only coven in the area is led by a relatively young witch, along with a few "lone wolves"), but I'm asking just for the sake of asking XD
Just gonna post this here because I seriously hate looking at the white pages of Microsoft Word.


Sort of iffy about my <Rough Virtual History>, but I'm at a loss to how I can expound upon it. Finally done with his sheet, and ready for systematic shredding constructive criticism!

@Gowi @NarcissisticPotato

Nah, but I'm also wondering the same question
Right? I was seriously looking forward to the "Edge Lords" becoming a thing XD

Oh well, the past is in the past. Let's make this RP even better than that one :D
Oh wow, we literally just posted our WIP Character Sheets within a minute of each other XD
Just gonna post this here because I seriously hate looking at the white pages of Microsoft Word.

Why do you guys think I create so many of them. Mehehehehehe

'Come one, come all! Welcome to Weeping Liberty's Character Shooting Gallery! Don't worry, there's a HELLTON of them!'

Totally not using a specific color to indicate that I'm potentially making another character

I mean, she's somewhat clumsy. She may "accidentally" spill some acid on an unsuspecting character, and offer them a potion to heal the burns... except the potion may or may not have been "accidentally" spiked with a quick acting paralytic that could freeze a human's heart... :D

But that probably wouldn't happen. Elaine is much more tame than I XD

Yup! Just remembered! You swiped that gif off of the OOC page of an RP we were both in, when I "exploded from hype" XD
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