Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

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Guess who's back? and totally not delayed in the post order at all because this is the first run hahahaha kill me
Back from a long ass trip to Japan. Shoutouts to @Stern Algorithm for not yelling at me for being a dunce. Also still here :D
@Stern Algorithm

Don't worry, I forgot to mention you as well

Sorry for the wait. Been busy with life stuff, but thats not really an excuse DX I'll try to be a "little" more prompt with posts.

Maxwell // Ochre
LOCALE // The City of Thorinn, Outskirts
TIME // Afternoon

Ochre breathed sigh as the cool afternoon breeze wafted over his form, body entirely lax under the sun's rays. The stallion that pulled his cart was no better, laying on the grasses under his hooves while it indulged in the stream's water. Neither horse nor master seemed to be moving anytime soon, despite the mental assertion Ochre made multiple times to himself that he would reach the town before sundown. He didn't really see the rush when he could enjoy the wonderful weather of the world instead.

The armorsmith didn't really understand how it all worked, really. The synapses firing in his sense, relaying to his brain the subtle motions of the air as he lay baking on the wooden stage of his cart. He could feel the grains of wood under his legs, the leather on his back, the soothing warmth that washed over his body with each cloud that passed him by. Even as his mind knew that the world was merely virtual, the body perceived no difference from fantasy and reality. And, in all honesty, he was more inclined to listen to his instincts that his brain. Less troublesome that way, unlike trying to discern the cracks in the virtual world.

In his introspective mood, it took Ochre a good few seconds to realize that he was being addressed, his topaz gaze opening to the blue sky above as he discerned the voice that had called upon him. "Altissima. Yo," the armormsmith replied back with a dull tone, merely tilting his head back from its place on the cart's armrest to view the enchanter upsidedown. "Here for the dungeon? Good seeing you."

Despite his usually lazy nature, he couldn't help but say the enchanter's name in full, rather than taking up the moniker of "Tessa". There was something just... off, when it came to addressing the chain-wielder by such a short name. Like placing a puzzle together, forgetting the outer edges of the piece merely for a quicker assembly. While that may be the case, not needing those edges for anything in particular, Ochre hated only two things more than overworking himself. Harm to his family, and not finishing something he started.

Granted, Altissima's name wasn't something he started, himself, but speaking the name in full was its own sort of completion.

At the sound of his master's voice, the stallion finally began to rise to its hooves, shaking under its own weight as the large, stocky horse rose to all fours. With a regretful sigh, knowing that his reply to the enchanter had broken the peace that had fallen over steed and master, Ochre pulled himself upright with a pained groan, sitting up in his cart seat with a lethargic glance towards the metal harness for his horse. "Don't matter. Gonna lend a hand with this? Heading to town for raiding party."

@Stern Algorithm
So, the main party has finally reached the dungeon. Which means Ochre can finally reach the town in his usual, unfashionably late manner. Would Tessa have joined the main party, or stayed back at the town? Depending, I may have Ochre ask for her to point him in the general direction for their exit. The shouting and explosions would lead him from there
Yeah, I guess I didn't elaborate too much on this after I changed it so that she won't get her mecha armor until later. How about this: enough of Tessa's clients have come to get their Ochre-made armor enchanted, and the craftsmanship has caught her eye. So she at least respects his skill and is seriously considering commissioning him to craft her 'final-build', 'end-game' armor. Maybe she's even sought him out just to make that initial business contact (and to ask that he refer more of his clients to her for enchantments).

That works. I'd like to think that Ochre would have a business relationship with her on some level, since enchantments go to levels that forging cannot compare unless the forger in question is at a supreme caliber, and he wouldn't mind spending a good amount of currency to update his wares and personal equipment. Maybe they would have a give-and-take of sorts, with Tessa gaining more customers through the armorsmith's own clientele, and Ochre having some of his wares gaining a higher value and quality through Tessa's enchantments, which would cause his clients to seek out the enchanter, and so on the cycle goes.

That is, if you'd like for the business relationship to be further along than just knowing of each other through the grape vine.

On a personal standpoint though, pretty sure they wouldn't have anything of substance, since Tessa seems to avoid creating bonds, and Ochre lacks the drive and presistence that would cause him to seek one out with someone who obviously doesn't want his friendship.
@Stern Algorithm

Yo! Wasn't actually sure if you were still apart of this RP or not XD

Just to be sure, Tessa and Ochre are only in contact because of the possibility of creating a unique armor type for her in the future? I don't exactly remember how we went about it ^.^`

Maxwell // Ochre
LOCALE // The Main Road Towards The City of Thorinn
TIME // Morning

A large, wooden cart wheeled along the worn, dirt path, its stone wheels inlaid with iron rims turning steadily and firmly across the earth. The vehicle itself seemed less like a mode of transportation than a portable store, the entire right face of the main body carved open to the winds, revealing the multitude of treasures within. Each and every corner of the interior was packed with bauble of many shapes and sizes. Armors made of scale, metal trinkets that may amuse a small child, there were many varieties of novelty that lay dormant within the small wagon. There was even leather padding for the use of the fairer sex. Only a single area was left untouched, in the middle of the scattered clutter that held three small, wooden stools that were bolted to the flooring. The overarching wooden roof bore two curved bars of metal that held aloft a large, worn sign that read: "Armors, Cloths, and Other Useful Trinkets" in faded, blue paint above the opening in the cart. The front of the transport jutted from the main centerpiece, curved inward to accommodate a driver and a passenger. Two thin, wooden supports prodded farther from the vehicle, latched to a metal frame that contained a large, sturdy stallion, with a mane of hazel and flank of chestnut, who trotted along with barely any effort, unhurried and merely enjoying the sunlight.

In the driver's chair, the young figure of the Sikth armor merchant lay idle in his post, slouched along the entire front porch as a contented sigh relieved itself from his lungs. The man's eyes sluggishly observed as the scenery leisurely rolled by, moving along as slowly as he cared to go. Ochre had learned recently of the sudden appearing dungeon through the Sikth grapevine, specifically through a few people who owe him favors. When someone isn't capable of paying for a product, usually a high-quality piece of armor, he requests favors equal to the equipment's price. Information on high monster movement is one of the smaller favors, but beneficial in the long run. The info had reached him a few days ago, almost within the same hour of it appearing. It gave him a large advantage in heading towards the location, but the lead was quickly lost as others used faster transportation methods than he via teleportation and portals.

Lazily, almost sluggishly, a leather-gloved hand rose to cover the sun's glare from his jade orbs, laying over his head without much care as it slowly slid off of his brow. When it fell, he didn't bother to raise it again.

Well, not that he cared to reach his destination so early, anyway. Arriving before the raiding party did would sweep him up into working for his materials, and while he is fine with doing so, the scale of his efforts would be at least tripled if he was sent to the front lines. He worked better as a mid to back liner during a large raid, setting traps for when the main unit needed to regroup and the bulk of the enemy advanced to capitalize on the disarray. There weren't many who took the same path as he did when it came to spellcasting, even less that took a "trapper" role. Plus, it was easier to skin his targets when they weren't in the thick of the combat. Hopefully he wouldn't have to expend too much energy with this endeavor, else the few days trip might've been more trouble than it was worth.

"Bramby, let's rest for a bit," Ochre unhurriedly called out to the stallion as they passed by a neighboring stream, the hazel-haired equine acquiescing to the request almost as slothfully as its master. With a piteous sigh of exertion, the armorsmith hauled himself to his feet, landing on the dirt with a thud before moving to unlatch the horse from its fetters with a lethargic air. Giving the equine version of thanks via leisurely neigh, the stallion trotted down to the stream, resting on its belly as it began to drink

There was no rush in reaching the City. It would be there in a few hours like it was at this very moment. And, should fate prove him wrong with it's fall within a few hours, he would still have his chance of gathering materials. Would be nice to help out the townspeople instead of picking from a wasteland, but you got what you got.
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