Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

Most Recent Posts

Arin Fogcrest
Uknown Cavern, Gorgonite Vale
Interacting w/ @Sloth @Sola

Arin, awakening from a longer-than-usual slumber, was greeted to the faint sound of voices, the feel of metal under his body, and a throbbing headache.

A groan, that he would probably swear on his life wasn't pitiful at all, was released as he pushed himself up from the cold hard floor, a hand to his temple as he tried to remedy the deep pain he felt in his noggin. Through half-lidded, strained eyes he could see that he was in some sort of metal cage set up within a dark, dimly lit cave, with four other similar cages near his own with their own occupants inside. Well, at least two, with one empty and the other with an elf inside and a human standing outside, both mentioned metal containers with doors wide open. After some simple deduction, the halfling concluded that the human had probably escaped their cage, and was helping the elf escape as well.

Or the human was apart of the group holed up in this dump, and was ferrying the prisoners one at a time. That seemed like the more likely option, since the man had a weapon on his person, and none of the other prisoners did, including himself. With an internal sigh, he kept himself from foolishly calling out on the off chance that the human was actually one of the guards posted in here, and instead took his time to study where he was in more detail. After all, knowing the environment will aid his eventual escape, and he will be escaping from this mess. He, an entity seeking to rise above all, was not going to allow some rowdy bunch to get the drop on him and merely let them do as they wished.

After about a minute of searching from his place in the cage, having shuffled up to the bars to peer a bit easier into the dim lighting, Arin came to realize that this wasn't some random cave at all. Rather, it was an abandoned mine near the north of the vale, and most likely one commissioned by Halfhaven at that. Despite the situation, he began to chuckle under his breath, the acoustics of the cave most likely allowing the others to hear and notice him if they haven't already. Well, whoever got him into this mess, they probably haven't moved that far from where he had holed up, himself. Maybe, if he was lucky, they might have even gotten him closer to his destination. Well, no matter the case, he prepared himself to get the hell out of here as soon as possible, his gaze moving back to the duo once more as he finally took the leap of faith to call out to them. At worst, he'd get some wounds, and at best, he was set free. A good chance, if he'd ever seen one.

"Oi, you. The one with the sword," Arin started, standing to his full height in the cage as he tried to stare the human dead in the eye. Which was a pretty annoying feat when he thought about it, seeing that their height difference was greater than a foot. "If you're rounding up this room of caged prisoners to get out of this crapheap of a cave, count me in. There's probably a hell of a lot more foes in this abandoned mine than what the two of you can do alone. I'll kick their asses with or without your help, but I thought it would be a friendly gesture to lend my aid while you're still here."

...Fuckin' whoops. I thought I replied, and yet I didn't XD
Ooooooh booooooy. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here. Arin's quick demise adventures with some other folks.
Yo tampoco. ¿Podemos hablar inglés por favor?

It's probably former, cause RPG should have scaled the pictures down after you make them an avatar, iirc. I don't know entirely though, so don't take my word for it XD
A r i n
Paladin // Level 3 // Neutral Evil

"Some say that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Well, they've probably never known what true power is,
but I'll see the truth of the matter, myself."

I exist. No one will expect the Spanish Inquisition.
O c h r e

• Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •

Dangerous. That was the first thought that crossed through Ochre's mind as his gaze slowly surveyed the room, a hand clenched firmly onto the pommel of his sword. From his place in the middle of the party, the armorsmith couldn't help but liken the space to a transitional stage within a dungeon, where the enemies would begin to rise in strength or the stage for a mini-boss. Orbs of jade glanced to and fro in a slow, methodical fashion as his eyes processed the environment around them. Pillars to use as cover, chains to manipulate and restrain pursuers, an unknown liquid that could or could not be an environmental hazard. It was all to keep down the anxiety that rose from the situation, as well as prepare for any surprises that the dungeon may have in store.

He wasn't a fool to believe that the room had been left empty as a rest point, a brief moment of relief before one continued through the gauntlet. No, this was a trap, and he would need to treat it as such until proven otherwise. As the others continued to be preoccupied with how to go about the advance through the room, the armorsmith began to make his way out of the center, the clink of his bronze armor audible beneath the mutters of his peers. Ochre eventually found himself at the middle of the vanguard, amongst the other tanks and bruisers of the party while his half-lidded gaze glanced between the three doors. "Should move at some point," he offered unhelpfully towards those who had kept the party intact so far. He didn't mean to seem rude, but they really did need to get going. The longer they tarried at this empty room, the faster the groups morale will deteriorate before they could even reach the final boss room.

Even after his announcement, however, not many seemed willing to step forwards. So, with an internal sigh at how bothersome this game had become for him, he took the first step out of formation. Someone had to do it. It was inevitable, and needed to happen at some point. While he was perfectly fine with waiting and being patient, they couldn't waste time. Who knows what was happening above ground, and to be perfectly honest he could only hope a bit of rushing could lead to a period of long, uninterrupted rest. So he took a few steps out towards the blue liquid, his body moved into a crouch next to it as he pulled out one of the ogre teeth he had "gathered" from the ambush a few rooms back. And, with the grace of a scientist hoping that a chemical mixture won't explode in his face, dropped it into the channel of azure. At the very least, if this somehow killed him, he could rationalize that being dead was less troublesome than dealing with this death game.
A highschool boy lives an unordinary life as an exorcist while trying to not fuck his kimono.
Here to get absolutely destroyed have an abosolutely fun time.
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